Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 100: Strange attack method

Originally, I wanted to hit Fritos into the sky with a combo, and then use a smash to see if I could hit Fritos hard with the help of gravity. After all, the risk involved in slashing was too high, and it was basically difficult to break. The opponent's defense.

The height wasn't high enough the first time, or maybe he was greedy, so he didn't choose to shoot downwards but upwards the second time.

But according to his estimation, even if it were shot from this height, it wouldn't cause much damage.

But now Xiu has changed his mind.

Because just by watching Fritos fall to the ground lightly, he knew that his idea would not work.

Sure enough, you can't do this when dealing with a flying person.

And Fritos was not an existence left to be beaten by the flying mantis. The moment he landed... No, the uneven shell on the outside started spinning before landing. When it touched the ground, the whole Fritos suddenly Change direction and hit the flying mantis.

It was obvious that Fritos landed towards the ground, and there was no turning point during the process. He just hit the ground and hit the flying mantis.

However, Fritos' speed was still slightly inferior to the Flying Mantis. It easily dodged the impact without even needing to be reminded.

But the next attack came immediately.

After the Flying Mantis dodged, Fritos hit the ground, but it didn't stop, and even spun faster. The moment it touched the ground, it bounced up again, also aiming at the Flying Mantis, and this time The speed is faster.

Xiu had been observing Fritos. If the first time he suddenly flew towards the flying mantis was a coincidence, then the second time was a slap in his face.

So there is only one explanation. This Fritos can change its direction by relying on the force generated by the rotation of the shell and the collision with the ground or objects, and this direction can be controlled by itself.

So scary, so scary.

As Fritos's speed gradually increased, Flying Mantis' dodge became increasingly difficult.

Seeing this, Xiu quickly commanded: "Go to the edge of the woods, not here."

This move is a bit overwhelming in such an open space, so you need to use the venue to limit its ability.

The Flying Mantis also understands the meaning of cultivation, but now it has been restricted to a certain area, and it is no longer so easy to escape.

"Crack the ground! Lift up the turf and disrupt its rhythm." The situation was constantly changing, Xiu immediately added after seeing the flying mantis in this state.

Flying Mantis swung his sickle and slashed across the ground. A piece of turf the size of a washbasin was blocked in front of him under the intentional control of Flying Mantis, and he collided with Freitus.

Although Fritos broke up the turf easily, the strange balance was also interrupted. It did not bounce up again, but gradually slowed down.

Only then did Xiu see the condition of Fritos. The tooth-like edge on the pink outer layer had been closed, and only four red tubes were leaking out of the red inner layer. There were no eyes or anything else.

"Oh~" Xiu sighed at this time. Originally, he wanted the Flying Mantis to come up and have a look, but now it seems that Fritos didn't give him a chance.

But Xiu discovered another thing, that is, the spinning Fritos would lose his vision and hearing.

Just now I thought the turf was a flying mantis, otherwise it would have had no need to stop just now. It could come back just by turning slightly.

But it happened to stop, and now there is only this reason.

But when it spins up again, how does it determine the position of the flying mantis?

That’s right!

It's electromagnetic waves, or magnetic fields.

Now it seems that Fritos must have relied on the magnetic field to sense the elf, but just now the turf and the Flying Mantis overlapped for a moment, so Fritos thought he had hit the Flying Mantis and stopped.

Now that he has discovered this flaw, Xiu is not afraid that it will try this trick again, but now Xiu still has no way to break through Fritos' shell and really hit it.

The sudden change that Fritos would stop was also unexpected by Flying Mantis. Originally, he was already prepared to dodge the next attack, but who knew it would be like this.

Seeing that Xiu had no new command, the Flying Mantis did not run into the woods, but stood on guard.

There was no move until Fritos came to a complete stop.

"Doctor, there is absolutely no point in continuing the fight like this. It's better to forget it."

Seeing the way Fritos was on guard, Xiu had no interest in taking action.

Dr. Omu looked at Fritus on the field and smiled and said: "Be careful, Fritus' true strength has not been shown at all."

Hearing this sentence, Xiu wanted to vomit blood. Is this a question of whether his strength has been demonstrated? This is a problem that has no chance at all. There is absolutely no need to fight this.

"Then can I replace the elf?" Xiu asked half-probingly, half-complainingly.

Cassie felt that he had a good chance of winning. After all, this Fritos didn't look very strong.

Hearing Xiu's words, Dr. Ohmu shook his head, "This Fritos is the one I called from the back mountain just now. They have a gentle temperament and usually stay in the trees relying on their hard shells. They rarely participate in battles. And your Flying Mantis looks like this even against such an elf with little combat experience. It's hard to imagine how you trained it before. "

Xiu has no intention of defending this issue. After all, he is indeed a novice. He has never systematically studied how to cultivate elves. He only relied on a few books and his own ideas to become a monk halfway.

So what Professor Oak said was right. According to the survival rules in the wild, they have been fighting since they were born, and Xiu is only planning to start now, so this is indeed his problem.

Seeing that Xiu did not refute, Professor Oak continued: "This is the training I intend to introduce to you. It is called 'fighting'!"

Xiu looked up at Professor Oak fiercely, then looked at the two elves confronting each other on the field, and murmured: "Is it back to this question..."

Does Xiu not know that fighting is the fastest way for elves to grow?

But why has Xiu avoided the fights that can be avoided so far, and will find ways to solve the unavoidable ones in a way that is better than fighting.

It is because he thinks that there is no need to fight at all, so he prefers to solve problems with non-violence. After all, his experience in his previous life told him that no one will be the winner once a fight starts.

This is why he will only take action when he has no choice.

Growth is a word with a deep meaning. In terms of the body alone, the elves have grown during this period, but...

"Do you want to take care of everything yourself?" Professor Oak saw Xiu like this and taunted: "Do you have the ability?"

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