Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 996 Investigation

But what's unique about it is that there are nine slender tails behind it, with flaming orange fur at the end.

Xiu looked at this elf with a well-proportioned figure and a noble temperament, and knew that this was the Nine-Tails, the evolved form of the Six-Tails he had seen before.

These elves are very rare. Xiu has never seen Kyuubi after wandering around outside for so long.

"Are you just cultivating?"

The woman's long words pulled Xiu's eyes away from Kyuubi.

"That's it. Thank you very much for your help, ma'am. It's just that Team Rocket is raging now. If you have any trouble, you can go there..."

Xiu knew that his behavior just now was a bit rude, so he changed the topic and briefly talked about the current situation in Rainbow City, while leaving the address of the research institute.

This is a combat power. If we can guide her there, we will definitely enhance our own strength.

It's just that this person doesn't seem to be worried about Team Rocket at all and has no intention of leaving.

Xiuya didn't waste too much time here. He simply reminded her and left with Sakura.

The woman slowly shook her head as she watched the two figures leaving.

I’m afraid I, a student, don’t have many opportunities~

She had heard some things from Sakura's mouth. As a woman, she could certainly understand Sakura's psychology.

But in the case just now, this person cleverly avoided Sakura's overtures. His eyes just glanced at him and then went to Kyuubi, and when he looked at Kyuubi, his eyes clearly showed curiosity.

This is another trainer who devotes all his energy to the elf. Women are not as attractive to this kind of person as a special elf.

Not knowing what she was thinking of, the woman looked a little strange, closed the door behind her back, came to a piano and started tapping.

The melodious sound of the piano floats outside...

Xiu asked Sakura about it and found that the teacher was also quite capable. He was a trainer when he was young and later switched to music.

After hearing this, Xiu finally understood that in that era, because the alliance was founded, basically everyone was a trainer, and they were all ruthless people with strong martial arts.

No wonder he was able to cultivate Kyuubi.

"I still have some things to do, so I'll send you back to the institute first."

After Xiu said this, before Sakura could react, she disappeared directly.

In this turmoil, some shady things can be done to correct the situation.

For example, he swallowed the resources snatched by the Rockets and pretended to be the Rockets to do some cruel things.

Or...investigate the Murasame family that was covered up by the alliance.

It's not that Xiu hasn't tried to investigate, but there are very few people who know about this thing, and he couldn't find the person who personally experienced this thing back then. There were several suspects who were not easy to do anything about, so he put it aside. down.

He has never forgotten his original promise to Cun Yulinzi. No matter who was right or wrong in what happened back then, she should have the right to know the truth.


In a villa in the North District, Xiu dropped someone casually, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The person who was thrown out was also quite familiar to him. He was the president of Rainbow University, but he was already the former president. At that time, the board of directors determined that the incident was his fault, and he took over everything and retired early.

Xiu came to him because the purpose of Cura Yulinko's parents coming here was to publish their research results in a solemn academic venue like Rainbow University, and to communicate with some professionals.

At that time, this guy had just become the principal, and happened to be exposed to this matter.

At the beginning, those experts and professors looked down upon the botanists from this village at all. They even thought that they were just material dealers.

Lin Zi's parents were able to get this opportunity because of their reputation for many years of business, and of course Dr. Ohki's letter of recommendation.

When the effects of paralysis grass were announced, everyone was impressed by this botanist from the countryside.

Of course, more people have seen the huge benefits represented by this new type of paralysis grass.

But the Murasame family is in the wholesale business, so how could they not understand the benefits?

They came here this time to build up the name of the Murasame family, and then develop and regain their glory.


The clue ends here. To be honest, his real involvement was in approving a venue to give them a speech.

He had no idea what happened next, and he only heard about the tragedy later.

The reason is naturally that this guy didn't focus on his studies at all, but spent all his energy on flattering others. He has done a lot of bad things during his years in office, and his degree has become a commodity with a clear price tag.

Students are turned into gifts, and female students are selected to give to the superiors. The entire school becomes the harem of those leaders. If anyone is unwilling, these people will naturally have the means.

He actually assisted those superior students to bully ordinary students, and there were quite a few students who directly or indirectly caused death. Not to mention similar transactions of money and power, the main reason he could sit here was to help those people lick their butts.

These repairs will be postponed for now. There are still clues about Murasame's family. He probably remembers the people who came into contact with Murasame's parents.

Several of them are suspicious and need to be verified.

"It's getting more and more interesting~" Xiu's eyes were slightly closed, and there seemed to be light flowing.

After scraping it once, Xiu left here to look for more clues, but he didn't kill the principal.

This person has a lot of clues, which will be of great use to subsequent plans.


A person sat in the hall of an ancient castle, and next to him stood something wrapped in steel armor.

This person was Sakaki who had just captured this place, and the killing machine next to him was naturally the armored Mewtwo.

In the previous battle, Sakaki realized that Mewtwo's consciousness began to awaken. In order to facilitate control, Sakaki asked his scientists to make this set of equipment that could suppress its power and emotions, that is, this set of steel armor.

In front of Mewtwo's powerful strength, the so-called nobles who had been passed down for a hundred years were just like this, and he led the team to easily defeat them.

However, the victory here could not cover up the failure of the Pokémon Center. He did not expect that Apollo, his most capable subordinate, was defeated and captured by a mysterious person, and a unit and the newly recruited desperate people were wiped out.

Especially when he heard his subordinates report that the man stood out of thin air, resisted the destructive death light of Gyarados with ease, subdued Gyarados with a word, and finally killed hundreds of people with ease, without even a corpse.

The description of these events made Sakaki more or less feel that his subordinates were deceiving him, and they were just looking for excuses for their failure.

After all, you have to make it more credible. It's understandable to say that Junsha or Joey beat you back.

But this has created a superman. If you don't know, you might think it's another Mewtwo~

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