Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 998 Exercise

"What's wrong?"

"Team Rocket is attacking the Pokémon Center again."

Xiu said lightly, and without waiting for Murasame Rinko to say anything, he took her away from the spot.

He did not directly enter the battlefield with Murasame Rinko, but watched the battle secretly with the previous side.

According to the previous situation, the Pokémon Center could not resist Team Rocket, but it was not known whether it was because of Miss Joy's ability or because of his previous appearance.

Those people did not feel as messy and hasty as before, but instead had some intention to cooperate.

On the contrary, Team Rocket did not know what was going on. Anyway, the attack seemed timid, and they did not dare to exert their full strength at all, as if they were guarding against something.

For a while, the two sides fought back and forth.

In fact, the strength of Team Rocket is like this, because their Pokémon are consumables, and most of the sources are purchased from the organization, or from mission rewards and mission assignments.

The high-intensity task density makes them basically have no time to cultivate the strength of Pokémon, and no time to cultivate feelings or tacit understanding.

So in many cases, they are not as good as the Pokémon of regular trainers.

The trainers at the Pokémon Center can still fight as long as they overcome their fear.

But all this is limited to the battles between soldiers.

As cadres, they don't need to spend time on those complicated tasks, so they have more time to cultivate their main forces, and the resources these people get are naturally not comparable to those small fish.

Soon, a red-haired woman who looked to be in her thirties was dissatisfied with the situation of the war and began to intervene.

Xiu knew who this person was, Athena, one of the four major cadres.

This person is also an important figure of the Rocket Team in the Kanto region, and is also the boss of Lan.

She originally controlled the Rocket Team in Rainbow City, and this incident was able to unfold so quickly because of her preliminary preparations.

And now she led the team to attack, it is obvious that Sakaki does not want to give up the hidden interests of the Pokémon Center.

And when Athena took action, the huge gap in strength made it difficult for the trainers at the Pokémon Center to resist, and a Magna slaughtered wantonly on the field.

That Junsha's Wind Speed ​​Dog did not appear at this time, and it was obviously still under treatment.

The originally solid defense line was directly torn open.

Seeing this, the Rocket Team's miscellaneous soldiers immediately showed their strong fighting power.

These people are good at forcing others to fight.

"Come on, let's go to class." Xiu looked at the situation and retracted his gaze, turning to look at Murasame Rinko.

Now he had to teach her what fighting is and how to fight those desperate people.

"It's very simple, that is, don't hold back, as long as there are conditions, put the opponent to death.

Attack the trainer first, and protect yourself at the same time, because the opponent also intends to do so..."

Xiu directly explained to her based on the situation on the battlefield. It must be said that this scene shocked this poor child~

If she doesn't learn to kill, she will never be able to become a master, and she can only be regarded as a trainer~

And the trainer is just a plaything of the alliance. Once he loses his protection, the best fate of Murasame Rinko is to return to the situation at the beginning and become a supply channel for the alliance's paralysis grass.

As for the worse, she may die in unknown circumstances after being squeezed dry of value.

Xiu is about to travel far away, and he can't let this happen to Murasame Rinko, so he has to force her.

And the previous hatred and the miserable situation along the way are her motivation.

Xiu has reasons for everything he does. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to tell her slowly afterwards?

Why call her over now?

Although it is cruel, only ruthless people are qualified to be kind in this world.

"You have seen what these people did along the way. If these people rush into the Elf Center, you should know what the consequences will be.

Killing them is to eliminate harm for the people. You are saving hundreds of people here. Don't feel any pressure."

Xiu was persuading her, but it was more like a devil's bewitching. Every word seemed to have magic power to move the heart of the village rain forest.

You can see that the entanglement on her face began to subside, and her expression gradually calmed down, but in that calmness there was anger hidden.

"Anger is good, but don't let anger dominate you. Reason is the key to survival on the battlefield." Xiu suddenly stopped encouraging the village rain forest, but raised his hand and pressed her shoulder to calm her down again.

"Remember your parents? As long as you do what I say, I will find a way to help you find your parents."

As soon as this sentence came out, the village rain forest calmed down completely, and Xiu raised his hand and pointed to the battlefield.

"Go ahead and show me your efforts over the years."

Murasame Rinko took a deep breath, then stepped into the battlefield from the side, and at the same time swung the Poké Ball to release the vine monster.

Xiu looked at the back, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

The good show is about to begin~

Because of Athena's intervention, and there was no trainer with corresponding strength in the Pokémon Center to stop her Magna, the situation of the battle instantly tilted.

Something even more terrifying happened. I don't know if those people thought Xiu was still in the Pokémon Center, and they actually gave up the defense line and fled back.

An even more outrageous collapse than before happened. Seeing this scene, Xiu looked a little speechless.

He knew that these trainers were unreliable.

Originally, he planned to let Murasame Rinko cut in from the flank and work together with those trainers to repel Team Rocket.

But now, because of the defeat of these people, the village rain Rinko who had just left was in a very embarrassing situation.

It became a direct confrontation with all the Rocket Team.

This test has exceeded Xiu's expectations. Village rain Rinko has only been training for two years and can't beat so many people plus a cadre.

"Waste~" Xiu said coldly, but he didn't mean to recall Village rain Rinko just by looking at his reaction.

Anyway, the situation is still under his control, even if he can't beat him, he can still take action.

Those Rocket Team fry have heard about the previous attack on the Pokémon Center.

And the more they spread, the more weird it became, so Athena had already prevented sneak attacks and arranged confidants around.

So when Village rain Rinko appeared, it attracted the attention of those people.

Athena looked at the girl with a strange expression.

She had been on guard against the appearance of the mysterious man, but the previous intelligence said that it was a man who killed Apollo.

What's going on?

Was it a wrong transmission or...

The Rocket Team fry over there started to attack Village rain Rinko without waiting for her order.

A little girl who seemed to have strayed into this place by mistake was a piece of fat meat for these people.

Murasame Linzi looked at those guys with distorted faces and disgusting bodies, and his expression became more determined. He raised his hand and released the female boss.


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