Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1010 Internal and external troubles

For example, Xiu can now directly borrow super powers from Deoxys and then use various super powers, and no longer need Casey to carry him around every day.

And after testing, the two are more stable and long-term than Casey in teleportation, and no longer need to bother Casey.

Because they are all playing with super powers, the functions of the two and Casey are highly overlapped, which to some extent liberates Casey and makes it no longer need to be distracted by Xiu's situation.

Of course, some things cannot be replaced, such as his feelings with Casey.

And that kind of creativity.

Whether it is Mewtwo or Deoxys, they are just imitating, and they have not combined their own ideas to improve these skills.

Xiu did not emphasize anything to them. This is the best. At least some things will be out of their reach if they grow too fast.

The group hid in the dark and observed the city.

Xiu had made plans for this day. As early as when he first came to the slums of Rainbow City, he knew that something would definitely happen here.

So he has always arranged plans with the purpose of taking the opportunity to annex Rainbow City.

What seemed impossible at the time is not so difficult now, because his power has expanded so much.

Shiori has been exposed to some of the plans, and she can actually guess something.

Logically speaking, as an ordinary person, it is impossible for a company to swallow a city, and once such a thing is discovered, it will be dead.

But Shiori did not waver at all, and directly carried out Xiu's plan faithfully.

The result is that when she occupied the government building, everything started to run again.

Those who were originally seconded from the company suddenly found that the training they arranged on weekdays was almost the same as the current tasks~

During the past six months, Shiori secretly cultivated a government team.

And after optimization, the administrative efficiency is still higher than the original government.

When the machine is running, everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Shiori sat in the original mayor's office and began to deal with various things and meet various people, striving to restore the situation of Rainbow City as soon as possible.

At the same time, she also took control of Rainbow City as soon as possible for the big plan!

Shiori was busy, and Xiu was not idle either. He wandered around the city and began to find those former government officials to get enough big news from them.

These will be very useful in the future.

Occupation is not a simple matter. It does not mean that you can take it down and it belongs to you. Forced coercion is the lowest level and is most susceptible to public pressure.

Besides, Xiu does not like to attack ordinary people, so he naturally disdains this method.

Some skillful methods are needed to make some people take the blame, guide hatred, shape the image, etc. Anyway, there are a lot of things. Fortunately, Shiori will handle these. He just needs to give her the materials.

Needless to say, a government that is independent of the alliance and only controlled by the so-called nobles is outrageous. Xiu can easily find a lot of black materials, which will be an interesting big news~

Suddenly, Xiu seemed to have noticed something and looked outside, muttering in a low voice: "Before, I didn't send a single soldier and let Team Rocket slaughter, but now I come to pick peaches. This is too much of a disdain for me~"

Xiu turned to look at Casey and asked: "Where is Mewtwo now?"

"It's saving people in the south of the city."

"Tell it that those people all want to come and invade. They want to destroy the order that Rainbow City should have. Let it catch all the little Rattatas, and we will go to meet the big one."

After saying that, Xiu disappeared directly on the spot.

Mewtwo is not a kind person. It has been "polluted" by Xiu. Unlike the weapon without thoughts in Sakaki's hand before, it is now a weapon with thoughts.

It is convinced by Xiu's ideas. In order to realize the meaning of life, it wants to create a world where life and nature coexist in harmony.

Whoever prevents it from achieving a peaceful world is its enemy.

However, Xiu still added a bottom line, that is, no killing, at least before the trial.

With the help of Deoxys's ability, Xiu can now teleport alone, and it is easier without carrying Casey, who is a burden.

The two appeared at the end of the road in the east of the city, which is a blockade sentry post.

Inside is the original government army, but now it is gathered and controlled by Shizhi.

On the opposite side is naturally a row of troop transports, but the people inside are not the police of the alliance, but private soldiers of some forces.

At this time, the two sides are in conflict, but these remnants of Rainbow City are somewhat afraid of those well-equipped outsiders.

But fortunately, they did not let them go because of this.

These remnants that can be gathered by Shizhi are more or less reliable, and those who are not reliable are already in jail.

Xiu saw a disdainful look on his face. If it was Du who led the team over, he would give some face, but what are these trash?

You think you can come in and divide up Rainbow City!

The next second, Xiu inserted himself between the two people who were confronting each other, and said sternly: "This is our Rainbow City. Who are you? How dare you cause trouble at this time!"

The leader was also trembling when he saw Xiu suddenly appear, but he felt relieved when he thought of the forces standing behind him.

At the same time, he suddenly felt irritable. If he didn't go in quickly, it would be terrible if someone else occupied it first.

Thinking of this, the man also shouted at Xiu arrogantly.

"The Alliance was notified that Team Rocket has attacked here, and they specially sent us here to support you. Who are you, and you dare to question the Alliance?"

"Team Rocket has been defeated by us. You can go back." Xiu replied nonchalantly. It was a fucking joke that these people came to rescue them.

Who doesn’t know what he was doing when he went in there with such a greedy look?

The man was also anxious when he saw Xiu's attitude. If he delayed it any longer, he would really have nothing left. If he couldn't get any benefits, it would be troublesome to go back.

"Damn! A few losers dared to stop us. Now we suspect that you are Team Rocket, brothers..."

Just when he was about to break in, Xiu raised his hand and slapped those people directly to interrupt them.

" dare to hit me!" The man took out an elf ball. At the same time, the people behind him naturally wanted to rush forward when they saw the boss being beaten, but Xiu raised his hand and all those people fell straight to the ground.

Xiu looked at his hand strangely. This generation of Ochisis's superpower was obviously different from Casey's, and he almost wiped out these people by mistake.

"Detain all the supplies and imprison them until..."

Xiu Jian gave the order, and the leader immediately reacted and ordered people to start processing.

At this time, he also knew that the person in front of him was the legend who single-handedly defeated Team Rocket.

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