Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 102 The meaning of skills

From these words, Xiu heard a lot of interesting things, but now he wants to know more about how to fight.

"So why is there this kind of battle mode now?" Although Xiu guessed a little, he didn't say it, but asked Professor Oak.

Because Xiu could see that the reason why Professor Oak liked to chat was largely to show his rich knowledge, or to put it bluntly, to seek a sense of superiority from it.

Don't think Xiu is talking nonsense, this can be seen.

Or he has been bored in the research institute for too long and needs someone to talk to.

"This is troublesome to say, I just want to ask you a question, what are those battles for now?"

Professor Oak hesitated and threw a question to Xiu.

"This..." Xiu thought for a while and said, "For money?"

"That's about it. The reason for taking the lead in developing this mode was to beautify the battle, and the introduction of skills and commands can make the battle more beautiful and more entertaining.

After all, even professional trainers may not be able to match the reaction speed of Pokémon. In a real fight, trainers are useless because they can't react, not to mention the audience?

That's why there are the current rules."

As he spoke, Professor Oak suddenly stopped, as if he was recalling something, and then said, "I remember that there were often murders when we played games back then."

"Puff!" Xiu covered his mouth, and the tea almost sprayed on Professor Oak, but fortunately he reacted quickly.

Professor Oak looked at him with a puzzled look and said, "What's so strange about this? It was normal back then. Otherwise, why do you think I would become a researcher?"

Fuck! According to Professor Oak, it wouldn't be that he was forced to retire and become a researcher because he killed someone, right?

Professor Oak obviously understood Xiu's expression and complained: "Don't think about it, I was..."

However, Professor Oak, who was about to explain, suddenly stopped and said: "Forget it, it's all in the past."

His words made Xiu even more curious, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only pretend to drink some tea to calm down.

"We didn't have the term skills at that time, and we wouldn't shout it out loud so ashamedly."

"Ahem~" Xiu suddenly felt embarrassed when he was told this, especially when he thought of the time when he shouted it out in front of Professor Oak.

"So skills are meant to be shouted out for the audience to hear?"

"What else? Do you think there's a difference between [Sparks] and [Jet Flames]? They're essentially the same energy, but one sprays out more fire and the other less, which makes them two different skills.

But I can understand that, after all, the commentator has to talk~

You can't say "Spy Mantis slashed a knife" like that, you have to say "Slash"!"

Dr. Oak said while imitating Xiu's tone and movements just now, which gave him goosebumps, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only laugh awkwardly.

"You can't say "Spy Mantis slashed a few times" like that, you have to say "Continuous Slash", so that the audience will feel good~"

"Then the term skill is..."

Dr. Oak denied Xiu's statement before he finished speaking.

"Eh! That's not the case. We also had the term skill in our time, but we didn't call it skill at that time.

The name of the skill represents the summary of the way of using energy, which is largely the experience accumulated by the predecessors of the past generations, not those fancy nicknames.

As for modern skills, you still have to understand them, otherwise you don't even know what other people's moves are, but you can't be superstitious."

Seeing Xiu's confused look, Dr. Oak threw out the second question.

"What is the essence of skills?"

"The essence of skills should be..."

To be honest, Xiu is a little confused now. He tried to summarize and analyze this problem with the existing knowledge, to say it? His mind is a mess now. This incident has a great impact on him.

"Didn't the doctor say it just now? It's the use of energy."

"That's right, skills are a summary of the use of one's own abilities. Of course, actions are also included. Other elements include energy..."

As Dr. Oak explained, Xiu felt that a new world was opening up to him, a world he had never thought of.

"You see, skills are actually very abstract," Professor Oak said, and then teased, "You can also name your skills and shout them out in the competition. If this skill is learned by others and passed down, you will be a celebrity."

"Doctor, don't talk about this." Xiu couldn't help but hear that Professor Oak was teasing him about the battle just now.

"Hahaha, actually this is nothing. The current trend is like this. It may not be long before this model completely replaces the previous free way. After all, most people now don't have to face the Pokémon in the wild."

Professor Oak took a sip from the teacup and leaned back on the sofa, but his eyes revealed a little loneliness.

This Xiu is easy to understand. When the region is settled, the growth of material level will definitely greatly drive the entertainment industry, and the aesthetics and concepts of different times are different.

If you want to make an analogy, then the trainer is equivalent to a company, the Pokémon is an artist, and the competition is a performance.

Thinking about it this way, all this makes sense, but people of the previous era like Professor Oak will inevitably be like this when seeing this situation.

Xiu finally understood why Professor Oak suddenly liked to tease him so much. So that's the case.

"Then according to what the doctor said, battles are just the evolution of the times, and they are not useless at all, right?"

"Yes, but I have never completely denied battles. The reason I said that is because we are discussing battles~"

(In order to distinguish them in the future, I will use two different words, battle and battle, to explain, and do not confuse them.)

"Since you mentioned this, let's talk about the benefits of skills and commands after they appear."

Professor Oak is obviously not a person who does not understand these things. On the contrary, as a little elf doctor, he has done detailed research on this aspect.

"I don't know if you have noticed one thing, that is, the skill [Earthquake] has never appeared in those battles on TV."

"That's true."

Xiu nodded. Although he doesn't watch TV often, Shirley likes it and often occupies the TV in the living room. He usually reads books in the living room at this time, and he always touches it intentionally or unintentionally. After such a long time, he has watched no less than dozens of games, but the skill [Earthquake] has never appeared.

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