Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1028: Sowing discord

Only the old man still had a sour face, but at this time, he couldn't help but show a look of shock when he felt the reaction of the people.

"Look~ You have brought them only suffering. It's not what I want to do, but what the people of Rainbow City want to do."

As soon as Xiu finished speaking, Mewtwo came back with two salted fish and threw them on the ground.

Xiu glanced at a young man who looked very ordinary, and the one next to him was a very strange elf.

The overall appearance of a lizard, but standing in human form, the skin on the body is also in multiple colors, looking like a suit.

A pair of big eyes protruded from the face, with a fish-like structure on the top of the head, and a wing membrane under the ribs, both of which are yellow.

The limbs are slender, the hands are four-fingered, the feet have three-toed hard claws, and there is a big tail.

Thousand-faced chameleon.

This is a elf unique to a place far away from the Kanto region.

When Xiu saw this, he remembered the game he bought at that time.

"Who of you did it, admit it yourself~" Xiu turned his eyes back to those people.

Regardless of whether there is any, who the hell dares to admit it at this time?

"I don't know."

"It's definitely not me."

"Brother, you know..."


"It's really not you~" Xiu said lightly, looking at those people who were trying to shirk responsibility.

It's really not the work of the Alliance. Those people knew that if they didn't die, they could help Shiori up even if she died.

In addition to the reactions of the representatives of the Alliance, I'm afraid that before that, those people thought they had him in their hands, so they didn't arrange such means.

As for who it was, it could only be someone who wanted him to fight with the Alliance.

Sakaki is now in a state of panic and can't take care of himself, and the main thing is that the time doesn't match.

This kind of killer goes through an intermediary whether he accepts or goes out on a mission, and it's generally difficult to know who the employer is.

But this time there is a very interesting flaw, that is, time.

Xiu got his memory and deduced from the time that this guy came by plane on the first day after the disaster. Calculating the time of contact and receiving the order should be that night.

Sakaki was lying like a dead fish at that time, so he was directly excluded from the suspicion of committing the crime.

And the only people who knew Shiori's identity were those people in the old government that night. There was only one person who had a relationship with those people and wanted him to fight with the Alliance.

"Then there is only one truth!" Xiu looked at the young man among the people.

The young man was also shocked by Xiu's look and quickly denied: "It's not me, it has nothing to do with me!"

"This person's Pokémon is unique to that area. It takes about half a month to get here by boat from that area, and even if you take a plane, it takes a day and a night. The fact that he can be here at least means that he has set off two days ago.

At that time, Team Rocket was still fighting with me. The old nobles were all dead, and the Alliance did not receive the news. Only those people in the old government knew about Shiori's existence, and only your Rainbow Department Store had close communication with those people.

If Shiori died, you can blame the Alliance and cause a fight between us. Whether we win or lose, I and the Alliance need you. I need supplies, and the Alliance needs your reputation here.

At that time, you can reach out to Rainbow City, and we will be both injured and unable to resist your control. I heard that your family has wanted a seat for a long time. I don't know if you use Rainbow City as a springboard to become the tenth seat.


Xiu didn't finish speaking, but glanced at those people at the end.

The meaning is very clear. Rainbow Department Store wants to take a seat from those people.

Then they must pull one down.

As soon as Xiu said this, everyone focused their attention on the young man.

There is no doubt that this inference is a bit forced, but politics is so outrageous. Forming cliques, infighting and dividing the cake are its essence.

Moreover, the old nobles and the Rocket Team have been eliminated. If Xiu fights with the alliance, the only one who will benefit the most is Rainbow Department Store.

"Don't you think about how Rainbow Department Store got here?"

Xiu said even more sinisterly.

And this is as good as killing people.

The reason is very simple. He meant to question how Rainbow Department Store got into the game.

If he took the initiative to enter the game, it means that he had planned it in advance.

And if he was pulled in by a certain seat, it means that the seat has already formed an alliance with Rainbow Department Store.

There are many contradictions or conflicts of interest among these seats.

Then the one who pulled Rainbow Department Store in will definitely arouse the vigilance of his opponents.

The thought of "Are you going to join forces to take my seat?"

Anyway, Rainbow Department Store is problematic no matter what, and it can also cause infighting among those seats.

At this time, the purpose of the killer and the people behind it are no longer important, it has completed its mission.

Whether it is to inspire the public or to provoke suspicion of the alliance.

At this time, fierce applause came from the other side, which attracted Xiu's attention.

Realizing that Shiori's inaugural speech was over, Xiu smiled and looked at everyone, with a somewhat sinister smile on his face.

"Okay, it's your turn."

Those people wanted to refuse, but unfortunately they didn't have the strength to do so, and the matter of Rainbow Department Store also disturbed their thoughts. Then, when it was confirmed that Rainbow City had been lost, this new enemy became even more important.

"Don't go up, the two of you." Xiu removed the young man and the old man.

One was against the rules and too suspicious.

The other was already in his seventies and eighties, and Xiu was too lazy to torture him.

The main thing is that this old man has a bad personality. If he feels that he has lived enough and doesn't want to live anymore, and comes to make a living for him on the stage, it will be a big problem.

"Next, please invite the alliance representatives to come on stage!"

The remaining six people had no choice but to go up after hearing the voices coming from outside.

Du looked at the appearance of those people and was glad that he didn't speak just now, otherwise he would be one more person to go up.

Shiori listened to the information conveyed by Xiu and knew the situation of these people.

Shiori guided the words, and at the beginning, they were all very normal, such as pulling out the alliance flag and waving it.

Ordinary people don't know the war that happened before, and this move is undoubtedly the alliance's recognition of Shiori in their eyes.

After all, the representatives came up to congratulate Shiori on becoming the mayor. What else can this be if not recognition?

The representatives of the alliance seats were also sitting on pins and needles when standing on the stage. It can be said that they were all wrong when they met the eyes of those people.

But they could only force a smile to cater to them.

There is no way. Anyway, the independence of Rainbow City has been determined. It's the same if you let those seat owners come up.

Now all they can do is try to bridge the gap between the people of Rainbow City and the Alliance. It is not difficult to be a good person and say a few words of praise.

These are all superiors, and their positions are not simple, so they quickly adapted to this situation.

Until Shiori suddenly spoke to the people.

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