Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1031 Biological Governance

As long as it is properly controlled, it is a key to governing Black Cloud City.

Xiu naturally cannot wait for the other party to make a move. In fact, the superpower is constantly cutting its body and slowly eroding the other party.

The characteristics of the stinky mud make its body disposable. As long as the core is not damaged, those are just external objects.

But losing its huge body means that the strength of the stinky mud is constantly declining.

All those that are cut off are transferred to containers built specifically for this purpose, without causing any secondary pollution.

This is one of the means prepared in advance.

Now it depends on who will consume the other party first.

But the giant has more than one means. Every movement of its body can form a wave and hit the superpower cage.

With that huge body as the foundation, each move can bring a powerful force like a tidal wave. Even with superpower isolation, you can hear bursts of muffled sounds.

What a terrible power.

No wonder the alliance doesn't bother to care about this thing. They can't beat it, so they just leave it alone. Anyway, it's not those masters who are polluted.

"Damn! We can't delay any longer, we need to make a quick decision!" Xiu suddenly gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

"Move the water first, don't let it shake any more, then use a large-scale, indiscriminate, high-intensity super-energy impact to try to defeat its spirit and find its core, and then directly cut it into large pieces."

The shaking was even more deadly than the toxins under the premise of its terrifying weight. Every time it had to mobilize more super powers to maintain it, which also meant that it was consumed faster.

This battle was more mentally exhausting than the previous one.

At this time, their thoughts overlapped, and Xiu's instructions could be executed without more nonsense.

The seawater that was originally used to dilute or block the toxins was instantly emptied, and the superpowers directly contacted the body of the stinky mud. The efficiency of the toxin erosion suddenly increased, and the superpower barrier was visible to the naked eye. Layer by layer, purple and then disappeared.

But this also meant that it was difficult for the stinky mud to mobilize seawater to attack the cage.

At the same time, the superpower impact that had been prepared for a long time suddenly broke out and swept the inside of the cage in an instant.

The stinky mud, which was originally shaking countless tentacles, suddenly withered, and its body subconsciously shrank in front of the super-energy impact to resist the power.

At this time, Xiu, who was standing below, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Found it!"

He just used his sensitivity to energy fluctuations to feel the strange fluctuations on it when Casey and others released super-powered impacts.

Sure enough, the core of the stinky mud was found.

Casey and others sensed it and found the core directly. The sharp blade composed of super-powers immediately cut down and isolated the core.

The next second, the isolated part was directly moved away.

The remaining ones naturally had no intention of resisting. They were originally condensed into a ball, but soon turned into strange sewage.

These were also quickly moved away.

The whole island was divided and moved by Xiu. This scene is not only shocking, but she was stunned anyway.

Seeing that it was done, she was about to talk to him, but Xiu still looked at the air with a serious face.

The thing was moved away, but the cage was still there, and Xiu even had a headache.

Because there are still some residual poisonous gas inside, it will be troublesome to release it casually.

"I'll go deal with these poisonous gases, you wait for me first."

After saying that, Xiu disappeared here, leaving only Mewtwo to maintain the cage.

She didn't know what Xiu went to do, but in a few minutes, Xiu came back again, but there was a strange-looking double-bullet gas next to him.

Or rather, triple-bullet gas.

It looked like it was obviously forced by Xiu.

Xiu put the triple-bullet gas in casually, and the triple-bullet gas in the poisonous gas became excited after a few seconds.

Xiu was connected by telepathy, and it did not show pain at this time, but was very happy.

Sure enough, only the Pokémon who had adapted to the local pollution could accept these poisonous gases.

Ordinary ones would definitely not be able to withstand it.

The existence of triple-bullet gas is like a filter valve. The poisonous gas enters its body, the toxins inside are absorbed by it, and the air is discharged.

You can see that the cage is getting smaller and smaller, and finally it disappears directly into thin air.

And Mewtwo and the others stopped completely.

It can be seen that both Casey and Mewtwo are in a state of fatigue.

This kind of confrontation consumes a lot of energy.

"Come back and rest for a while." Xiu fed them some supplementary food, and then returned to the Poké Ball to sleep.

Xiu looked at the three-shot gas.

It was a little dizzy after swallowing the poison gas, and it seemed to be unable to control itself.

It looked like it was drunk.

But it was actually digesting the toxins and converting them into nutrients.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, it's delicious to hang out with me."

Xiu teased it, but it was confused and didn't respond.

He didn't bother to care and sent it back directly.

Then he said to her: "Let's go and see the situation over there."

The director naturally followed.

The waste storage tanks are now full of pollutants cut from the stinky mud just now.

As for the pool, it is naturally the stinky mud itself.

The two stood at the edge of the pool and looked at the stinky mud slowly crawling at the bottom.

"The characteristics of the stinky mud will absorb all kinds of things that are beneficial to its growth, most of which are harmful substances such as various toxins and heavy metals.

Generally, there is a limit for the stinky mud, and its body will collapse if it exceeds it.

But it has broken through this limit and has grown so big because it has been absorbing all kinds of messy things for more than ten years.

Strictly speaking, although it has caused huge pollution near the estuary, in fact, it has collected harmful substances and prevented the pollution from spreading."

Xiu's idea is to use the characteristics of these elves to control pollution.

The sewage first passes through the stinky mud, then it is adsorbed and precipitated, and then it undergoes subsequent treatment, which can save a lot of processes.

Similarly, the waste gas of Heiyun City also depends on those gas bombs and double-bomb gas.

That's why Xiu wants to capture the overlord stinky mud and cultivate triple-bomb gas at the same time.

It's to control the rest of the elves.

The details here are of course not that simple, but this is exactly the role of his subordinates.

Xiu explained the matter roughly, and there are also some places that need to be paid attention to in the transformation.

"That's all I can do. It's up to you from now on."

"I'll make arrangements."

After Bian Xiu threw the question to her, he went to the estuary. There was one less island at this time, and all the stinky mud and stinky mud that had been attached to it had come to the coastal mudflats.

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