Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1035 Saori's life story

"I won't hand my daughter over to you, don't even think about getting married!" The man wanted to be tough and even wanted to use Saori to make a fuss.

"Hahaha~ I'm her boss, not her husband, and what does it have to do with you whether she gets married or not? Can you stop her or what?"

Xiu completely lost interest in this person. He was brainless and irritable, not the material for big things, and not even as calm as his daughter.

However, Saori's strange brain circuit was probably affected to some extent.

"Let's go~"

Xiu got up and was about to leave, but the man dared to provoke and shouted at Saori.

"Catherine, you are not my daughter when you walk out of here!"

Xiu paused and looked at Saori. He instantly saw her emotions, then turned to look at the man and smiled, "Is there such a good thing?"

After that, he touched Saori with the back of his hand and left directly.

Saori's expression instantly turned cold after hearing the name. She glanced at the man and followed Xiu.

After the two left, the man finally couldn't help but get angry and threw the things on the table out.

Hearing the fierce noise coming from the room, a man who looked like a manager came to check and happened to meet Xiu who came out.

"Hey! Don't go in." Xiu raised his hand to stop him, "Let him throw it. When he checks out later, tell him that the things inside are a set. If one is broken, the rest must be replaced. Anyway, you can just ask for a higher price. My friend is not short of money, and a few hundred thousand is nothing."

Saori couldn't help but have a strange look on her face when she heard this.

This man really can't bear any loss.

But she actually felt a little happy in her heart. Is this considered to be standing up for herself?

"This... is not good~ We all have rules." The manager was also a little stunned, and seemed not to react, but in fact he was deliberately pretending to be stupid.

If I really do this, I will lose my job.

Saori saw his reaction and said lightly.

"Do as he says, come to me if you have any problems."

"Understood~" The manager also understood something when he heard this and nodded in agreement.

His line of work requires observation.

He also went to watch the election that day and recognized Saori.

This is a big shot sitting next to the mayor, but now he is lower than this man, so you can imagine...

"Just play it once, don't use it recklessly, otherwise no one will be responsible for you." Xiu reminded him, so as not to break the rules.

"Don't worry!"

Xiu didn't bother to care about what happened next, and took Saori out of the restaurant.

But when he came to the car, he sat in the driver's seat first.

"I'll drive."

Saori, who was opening the trunk to change shoes, hesitated a little and put her shoes back and sat directly in the passenger seat, muttering.

"I didn't expect you to be so considerate, boss~"

"You are not suitable to drive now." Xiu didn't say much, and started the car and drove towards the street.

To be honest, even a fool can see that she is not in a good condition. It's not that Xiu doesn't believe in her skills, but it's very dangerous to control the steering wheel in this state. Suddenly, he got angry and everyone died with one accelerator.

Unlike Saori, who was still driving a low-end sedan, this guy's car was a real luxury car, and it was indeed more comfortable to drive.

Shuttled through Rainbow City at night, there were basically no people on the streets at this time, and it seemed very deserted.

And Saori didn't mean to talk after getting in the car, and turned her head to look outside blankly.

"So your original name is Catherine?"

Xiu felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, so he asked and tried to open the topic.

"No, that's my mother's name, he can't even remember my name..."

Saori actually took out a bottle of wine from the car, and after drinking two sips, he slowly talked about her.

Xiu listened and probably understood the relationship between Saori and the man, as well as some of the things she was carrying.

Saori's mother Catherine is the top card of a high-end club in Golden City.

You can refer to Saori for what she looks like. Anyway, she is a charming person who attracts countless people to fall in love with her.

The man was the eldest son of the founder of Silver Company. He was born a superior man, and in Golden City he was treated like the son of a local tyrant.

How could a woman resist a man of noble status, young and rich?

Soon the two got together.

But the man was so famous that women were at most his entertainment. When he got tired of playing, he would just leave.

Not to mention that he had several women before that.

A top player in a club didn't even have the qualifications to enter his door. After she got pregnant, she ran away and disappeared.

However, this kind of man was generous, so her mother saved some money. With the help of the man's identity, the woman got rid of the club and lived alone with a big belly.

Catherine didn't know anything else, so she could only start with what she was familiar with and opened a bar.

This woman was originally in the entertainment industry, and she knew a lot about these things. In addition, she had a vague relationship with the man, so she managed it well.

Saori grew up in this environment, and her mother taught her how to deal with men.

No wonder she likes wine and likes to tease others intentionally or unintentionally.

Helping her mother run the business also allowed her to learn some business matters.

It was only later that Saori learned about her father, and her mother knew that her status was low and that she could make a living, so she just let it go.

But her mother didn't want Saori to follow her old path, so she did her best to train her, spent money to send her to the best school, hoping that she would stand out.

As for Saori, she wanted her family to recognize her mother, so she went to find the father.

The man naturally couldn't recognize her, but he couldn't stand her annoying every day, and he was afraid that his daughter would go to find her father, so he made an agreement.

As long as she earned 10 billion by herself within a year after graduation, he would agree to recognize their identities.

But in fact, this is not possible at all, but this is the only chance she can get.

No wonder Saori is so obsessed with power, only in this way can she make 10 billion.

"Last night he... suddenly contacted me through my mother, saying something @#¥%\u0026..."

Saori suddenly became emotional, talking nonsense like a drunk.

The general meaning is that she thought her efforts were finally seen, or that he finally cared about his daughter after Rainbow City suffered this situation.

Unexpectedly, when she opened her mouth, it was still those crappy things, just using herself as a stepping stone

As he spoke, he took a few more sips, his face flushed, and every time he opened his mouth, he exuded a strong smell of alcohol.

Xiu was also somewhat thankful that he didn't let her drive, otherwise he would have overturned now.

"Drink less, your value doesn't have to be recognized by him to be reflected, and those big families are not as good as you think, they are very chaotic inside."

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