Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1041 Only by controlling your desires can you control yourself

Look at the incident from three perspectives: before, during and after the incident, and guide public opinion to a position that is favorable to them.

And with the agreement he made with Silver, and the public pressure the alliance faced during the paralysis incident, the so-called blockade was just a joke and could be broken in just a few days.

This time, he had the right time, place and people, and his control over Rainbow City became more stable.

But he has been really tired these past few days...

"Come back~"

Murasame Linzi noticed Xiu coming back, stood up and went over to take the coat from his hand.

"Have you eaten?"

"I went to meet someone and eat on the way." Xiu replied casually, and then fell down on the sofa.

The speed visible to the naked eye has become lazy, and I don't want to move anymore.

It only took a moment for Xiu to smell a familiar aroma. He didn't open his eyes until he heard footsteps. Cun Yulinzi was walking out with a tea cup.

"It's been another tiring day~" Cun Yulinzi placed the teacup on the table in front of him, and his voice was a little softer than usual, "Drink a cup of tea first, and I'll put some hot water on it for you."

Xiu looked at Murame Linzi and lost control for a moment, but then he closed his eyes again and responded in a low voice.



In the mayor's office, Xiu came over as usual to listen to the situation in Rainbow City.

It has basically stabilized.

The modular technology of prefabricated houses that was used before the renovation was used on it. The new prefabricated house construction technology adopted has already produced a batch of resettlement houses.

It is estimated that the resettlement of all refugees will be completed in more than ten days.

Resettlement houses, temporary hospitals, and schools have also been set up.

Free subsidies have been stopped, and now we are fully promoting cash-for-work programs.

These refugees are assigned jobs based on their ability. Those who are incapable go to the factory to make screws. It is just a normal eight-hour work day, different from those in prison.

“When you encounter those with outstanding abilities, you need to promote them, and there must be a reward mechanism, not just reputation, but also actual rewards, such as giving priority to resettlement housing with good conditions. Anyway, it is to establish a reasonable mechanism to screen talents and increase enthusiasm.

Those who are lazy dogs or those who disobey management will be fired. If they cause trouble, they will be severely beaten and sent to the real bird. "

While talking, Xiu suddenly mentioned another thing.

"I know about your parents, and I'm not unkind, but you have to be careful about people using uncles and aunts to influence your decision."

What Xiu was talking about was that after the work started, Shiori's father became the director of the engineering team, while her mother became the director of the temporary school.

To be honest, the work of these two people is indeed related to their previous work, but the small actions of the people below are too obvious.

Xiu didn't want Shiori's judgment to be affected by her parents' involvement.

"Don't worry, boss. I will talk to my parents about giving up my position after I return."

"Eh! That's not what I meant. My uncle and aunt are still young. It's not a bad thing to return to work. They are doing very well now. I just want you to be wary of those who are interested. They will use your parents to make a fuss."

"I understand~"

Xiuya didn't want to continue this slightly embarrassing topic, and seemed to remember something and asked Shiori.

"Is that guy Saori gone?"

Shizhi has been with Xiu for so long, and just by listening to the tone of his words, she could tell that he had an opinion about Saori, but she didn't say anything. She slowly moved her eyes away and said lightly:

"This morning has passed. She will be responsible for handing over some of the Rockets' assets in Silver Company and the company's related cooperation there."

"She seems to be smart and capable, but in fact she has a flawed character. She is very insecure and wants to prove herself. Her greed for power stems from this.

It is difficult to control her desires, which means that there is a high probability that she will betray us for greater power. While she is transferred here, you can find a few people to divide her power and train a successor. But before that, give her She wore a tall hat to steady her. "

"I see."

Shiori raised her hand to adjust her glasses, hiding the curiosity that shouldn't appear.

You must know that the word "betrayal" never appeared in the boss's previous evaluation of her.

I don’t know what Saori did during that dinner to offend the boss~

The boss's attitude towards Shazhi changed so much in just one night.

But she and Shaori are not the same person, and she will do her best with the boss's arrangements.


"The power of life here is very strong."

It is built high above the forest, overlooking the somewhat sunken valley below.

And Casey and Mewtwo were floating beside him.

After things in Rainbow City calmed down, Xiu continued to go into Viridian Forest to investigate, where he discovered many things that he had not discovered before.

He even discovered Celebi's faith in a remote mountain village. Although only the rough stone carvings in a shabby shrine remained, Xiu was even more convinced that Celebi had indeed appeared here.

And today he discovered a place rich in life force.

Falling into it, Xiu looked at everything around him. The trees were dense, with deep roots, lush leaves, and thick branches.

After just a few steps, I noticed various elves coming and going, and a stream passed by. I could see the traces left by the elves drinking water by the stream.

Xiu walked up the creek while telling Chaomeng about the ecology of the wild.

The construction of its three views has been constantly improving. Some things cannot be said, and you need to experience them to know.

For example, the predation between wild Pokémons should not be interfered with.

The valley is not too big, and Xiu came to the source of the stream in just a moment. It was a spring flowing out from the cracks of the rocks. Years of flow have made a dent below.

Xiu stretched out his hands to catch the spring, tried to drink a sip, and then let go after savoring it carefully.

"There is no special effect~"

Xiu remembered that there were two characteristics that often appeared in the places where Celebi appeared.

One is the water source with special abilities.

In the theater version, it is shown as the [Water of Life] that can heal injuries and diseases.

The other is the giant tree.

Both of these are a means to express Celebi's strong vitality.

And here there is also...

Xiu looked up and saw a strange-shaped tree rooted on the rock.

The roots are intertwined and directly climbed on the entire rock, like an old giant hand holding the rock.

Maybe the rock doesn't have much nutrients, which causes the branches of this big tree to be twisted and gnarled, and the gray-black bark is thick.

The leaves are sparse, causing the crown to be completely unshaped, but it doesn't look old, and the whole thing reveals a sense of primitiveness and vastness.

Even if it grows on the rock, it can grow to this size. If it grows in the soil, it's probably the biggest tree I saw when I saw it.

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