Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1045 Extra: Mother and Daughter

The bustling scene of Jinhuang City at night is not diminished at all. On the contrary, it glows with a different kind of vitality.

At this time, a car drove into a bustling street, where there were various bars, karaoke bars, dance halls and other entertainment venues.

After nightfall, the crowds and vehicles passing by on the streets are no longer diminutive, and the gorgeous neon lights give the surrounding atmosphere a lustful atmosphere.

Urban white-collar workers who are busy at work during the day come here to vent their frustrations at night.

Of course there are many who do it just for fun.

The car stopped at a large bar, and a tall, plump woman got out of the car.

But a waiter here hurriedly stepped forward when he saw the woman.

"Miss is back!"

Saori glanced at the man lightly and threw the key away.

"Park the car."

After that, he didn't care about that person and walked directly inside.

Entering the bar, it was a clear bar, so there was not too much chaos, but her appearance also attracted the attention of many people in the venue.

It's just that Saori didn't care about those people's eyes and came directly to the bar.

The bartender was a middle-aged man in formal clothes. When he saw Saori coming over, he bowed slightly and said, "Good evening, Miss."

He had a standard smile on his face, and his movements were as precise as a machine.

"Good evening, Uncle Sean." Saori replied instead of being as presumptuous as she was with others.

But the next second he couldn't wait to ask: "Where is my mother?"

"The boss is upstairs."

The man whom Saori called Sean still answered mechanically.

She only stayed briefly and attracted some self-righteous people who wanted to chat with her.

But Saori left without even looking at them. This move made those people the object of ridicule.

Saori walked all the way up, and then entered the office directly without knocking.

The office is very large, but the overall decoration is relatively ordinary. It does not give people a strong sense of luxury. On the contrary, it has a warm feeling of home.

The woman who was sitting upright and dealing with something looked up, a smile appeared on her face, and at the same time she did not forget to joke:

"My daughter, when will you learn to knock?"

But Saori didn't care about her mother's words and walked directly to the sofa on the other side, her expression unabashedly showing her irritation.

Seeing this, the smile on the woman's face became even brighter. She stood up and walked towards her daughter, sat next to her and asked: "Why do you look like this when you come back? Who offended my baby~"

The woman is well-maintained. Apart from the slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, there are no traces left by too many years. Sitting together, the two of them look like two sisters just from their appearance.

Just like Saori's proud figure, women's figure management is also very good, maybe because of fertility reasons, it is even greater than Saori's.

The most special thing is that the woman exudes a very alluring feeling with every smile.

The word "still charming" is the most appropriate word to apply to her.

"He's right, those people don't look down on me at all!"

Shazhi came here today to handle and follow up on some matters between the company and Silver.

Although this company is not family-owned, the name cannot be faked, and it is inevitable to come into contact with people from that family.

Perhaps due to confidentiality, those people did not know the specific situation, so they only knew about Saori's relationship but not her identity.

Then naturally there will be some disobedience and weirdness.

Anyway, it makes Saori very annoyed, because she needs to do these tasks well to prove her ability.

"Don't worry, tell me what's going on~" Catherine comforted her daughter, and then began to ask about what happened recently.

Saori hesitated for a moment and then spoke, but she knew that knowing too much about some things was not good for her mother, so she hid it.

The focus is on his current position in Silver Company.

Catherine looked a little surprised when she heard Saori's description of the incident, and couldn't help but sigh: "This person is very powerful~"

"Nonsense, he is..." Saori took over the words quite proudly, but stopped at the beginning, her expression seemed a little hesitant.

After a two-second pause, he casually answered the question.

"Anyway, he is very powerful."

Catherine couldn't help but smile when she heard her daughter's comment and said jokingly: "I have never heard such a comment from you, and you are a man. Has my daughter also enlightened?"

"He's not a man~" Saori continued with a somewhat resentful expression.

"What's wrong?"

Catherine was a little surprised, wasn't there a young man in the description just now? Why isn't he a man?

"That guy had no interest in me at all. Even if I took the initiative, he would refuse."

"What happened? Tell me quickly." Catherine immediately showed a very strong desire to gossip and encouraged her daughter to speak.

When Catherine heard Saori's description of that night, she laughed like crazy. She didn't look like the dignified lady she had just been.

From here, it can be seen that the relationship between Saori and Catherine seems to be very good, even a little beyond the relationship between mother and daughter, like best friends.

Even if it was such a private matter, Shazhi told her.

Seeing her old mother's ridicule, Saori couldn't help it and hurriedly retorted.

"You also said that no man can refuse a woman who takes the initiative. You are obviously wrong!"

But her words caused a new round of ridicule from Catherine.

"He's right, you wanted to kill him!"

Facing her mother's increasingly undisguised laughter, Saori turned her face away angrily.

It took Catherine a while to calm down after seeing this, and she turned to coax Saori, but the smile on her face was not lost at all.

"Okay~my good daughter~"

But Saori didn't react at all, still keeping a straight face.

Catherine, who knew her character well, was not afraid of her anger and went directly to tease her.

"I'll teach you how to deal with him~"

Sure enough, when Saori heard this, she immediately reacted and turned to look at her old mother.

"Are you sure he likes women?"

"Sure! That guy himself admitted that he was interested in me, and his eyes would always stay on me when he looked at me, but that kind of look..."

Saori wanted to describe it, but found that she couldn't describe the feeling for a while, so she could only frown and add: "Anyway, the feeling is a bit different from other men."

"Appreciate it?" Catherine reminded.

And Shaori answered as if she had woken up, "Yes, it's like appreciating it."

Saying that, Saori threw out a few more clues with a straight face.

"That guy is surrounded by women, and most of them are no worse in appearance than me. They also arrange work and study, etc. You said it must be abnormal for women he doesn't like.

What's more, according to my contacts, there are several women who are in very special situations. They had nothing to do with him originally, but suddenly their enjoyment of resources is skewed. Something must have happened between them. "

Saori mentioned the situation in the manor, and when she heard there were two weird little girls, she immediately attracted Catherine's attention.

"Does your boss like little girls?"

"Impossible!" Saori denied this statement very directly, and then talked about Sakura.

Shiori is a tough-talking guy, and he basically doesn't communicate with her about things outside of work. Even if he tries it out, he only gets some nonsense.

But she has come into contact with Sakura. This girl is not very strict with her mouth. In other words, she is easier to deal with. She can easily figure out the situation when she and Xiu met.

And I have observed the boss's attitude towards the two children. He really treats them like sisters. The two children are also very close to him. When I reported to him in the past, I often saw him either giving lessons or telling stories to them. , or watch TV together in the living room. "

When Catherine heard this, the expression on her face lost the fun and playfulness, and instead became a little solemn, and she spoke with a bit of jealousy or resentment that could not be said.

The absence of her parents had a great impact on her. To a certain extent, the reason why Catherine did not give up on Shaori and brought her up with all the care she could was because she longed for a family and hoped that her children would not follow her own path.

It can be said that there is a huge contrast between the two stages of Saoriguchi Shu and Qianyang's daily life as a family, or Sakura meeting the right person at a critical moment, and her own.

No wonder she reacted this way.

Saori originally wanted to comfort her mother, but Catherine quickly regained her composure and brought the topic back again.

When Catherine was a child in the club, the teachers who took them were also employees of the club, and they would often take it out on the children after being upset by the guests.

She was deeply affected by it at the time, so she has been careful not to pass on her negative emotions to her daughter.

"He likes women, but he doesn't respond to you. Do you think it's because of that?"

"It's impossible. I could feel it when he pressed me that night. Moreover, this guy is very strong and I exercise regularly, but he could easily suppress me."

Speaking of it, Saori was still frightened, and she was completely confused that night.

"There is no problem with his ability, but he still maintains his sanity when faced with your embrace. This kind of person is so scary~"

"Actually, he said something that night~"

Originally, the situation at that time was somewhat harmful to her, so she had no intention of telling her mother.

But now that everything has been said here, let’s go on with what we just said.

At the same time, she actually felt in awe of this man she had never met.

"He's absolutely right. It's easy for problems to arise with your personality, so he can only control himself. Otherwise, what you'll face will be more than just a warning."

Catherine has seen too many tragedies in that kind of situation where girls offended those people because they did not grasp the scale of provocation well.

Only then did she realize whether it was appropriate for her to teach her daughter this way?

Saori felt that her old mother had betrayed her, so why did she suddenly turn to outsiders?

Seemingly noticing her daughter's dissatisfaction, Catherine smiled and said, "I know why he doesn't like you."

"Why~" Saori looked a little lazy, as if she didn't care, but her little eyes betrayed her.

"Didn't he say that he doesn't like the look in your eyes, or your attitude of treating him as prey?

It's useless for a Rattata to squirm in front of an Arbor snake. Your teasing looks more like provocation to him. He was warning you before.

But you, a stupid kid, can't see it at all, and you still use the same old tricks. It's a shame that he can tolerate you until now. "

"Then what should I do now?" Saori was slightly dissatisfied, as if she didn't think it was her problem.

"Do you really like him?" Catherine asked with some curiosity.

But Saori was stunned, and hesitated for a while before slowly speaking.

"I don't know~ But at that time I was eager to get him and make him belong to me."

"Possession is not love~" Catherine's expression collapsed when she heard this, revealing a kind of helplessness, and she had to warn her daughter.

"The men you met before also thought so, so you can control them.

But this man is too dangerous, not someone you can control, it's best to keep a distance..."

But before Catherine finished speaking, Saori hugged her and cried loudly.

"I'm jealous of Shiori! Why can she get Xiu's trust? Why can she live in the manor? Why can she contact Xiu directly

These should be mine!"

Catherine felt that her daughter had gone crazy. She knew that the origin of all this was because there was a problem with her education at that time.

Suddenly she met someone who didn't buy this, and she was dumbfounded, and even folded herself in it.

But at that time she came from that kind of place, so she only knew how to deal with men.

It can be said that she left all the best to her daughter and taught her how to control those men.

I am afraid that when Catherine was training Saori, she did not expect that this would become her inner demon one day.

Catherine hugged her daughter and gently stroked her back, but her expression was open-minded and she said lightly: "Resign, don't worry about those things, just come back and accompany me."

But after hearing this, Saori stood up suddenly, and the tears on her face could not hide her stubborn expression.

"No! I just showed my face in front of Silver and those people. If I resign like this, those people will look down on us mother and daughter for the rest of our lives. I must prove that I am stronger than Shiori, and I want to take back what belongs to me!"

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