Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 161 Holiday

"Okay, go sit over there, I have something to tell you."

Xiu led the person to a place where there were few people around, and then gave her a summary of the information he had obtained previously.

"What do you think is the most likely situation here?"

After Xiu said these words, Xiaoyuan no longer had the casualness of shopping just now, and his face began to become heavy. After thinking for a moment, he said:

"You taught me that if you want to see something clearly, you can directly see who is the biggest beneficiary of the matter. Now it seems that the sellers in Joban City want to take this opportunity to monopolize unilaterally. If they can succeed, , their gains are obviously the largest.

But from the things you mentioned, several families can actually react at the same time, which basically means that they have been unified. It is not clear who is behind it, but having such strength does not require money. …”

As Xiao Yuan said this, he looked at Xiu, and it was obvious what his eyes meant.

She knew that Xiu couldn't say such things for no reason. Since he told her, it meant that he was interested in this.

So I have to remind him~

To be able to achieve this, the people behind it must be quite powerful. This is not something that can be done with money.

Xiu understood what she meant, but he just smiled softly and asked: "Do you think it is necessary at this time if it is just a monopoly?"

Xiao Yuan frowned when he heard this, but after thinking for a while, he still didn't understand Xiu's words, so he could only ask him.


"The purpose of monopoly is nothing more than to gain pricing power, but if you think about it carefully, their current operation is not for this, but more like..."

Xiu stopped mid-sentence and looked at Xiaoyuan with a smile.

"It's more like raising prices in a short period of time." Xiao Yuan added along, but instead of relaxing, her brows became more compact, and she murmured to herself: "But why do they do this..."

"For the sake of chaos." Xiu directly named the subject, and then explained to himself: "Someone wants to take advantage of the celebration to mess up Tokiwa City to gain profits. According to my guess, it should be the Rockets organization. They are the ones behind the sales. people.”

The more Xiao Yuan listened, the more scared he became. This kind of scene was not something they could participate in with their limited strength.

As his business expanded and he came into contact with more businesses, Obara became more aware of his own vulnerability, and he also understood why Xiu had always emphasized the strategy of getting one vote and running away.

But Xiu now understood what he meant by what he said. He just wanted to get involved.

Seeing her slightly panicked look, Xiu raised his hand and patted her shoulder lightly, then smiled and said, "Do you think I am an adventurous person?"

Xiao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized. Judging from past experience, Xiu was not a blind person. Since he had guessed the opponent's plan, he must have been prepared. He couldn't help but ask: "What do you want to do?"

“When piracy is completely abandoned, our income will definitely drop significantly. Without continued investment, it is obviously impossible to maintain the foundation of the previous structure by relying solely on those suppressed second-hand bookstores.

Therefore, we need to find another way out, using the transportation network that we spent money to build before, combined with the rich resources of Joban City, to open up two lines of logistics and materials, so that we will not waste the previous investment, but also can transform smoothly.

And this time is the key to whether we can take a bite from the Joban City cake. "

Xiu's relaxed and confident attitude allowed Xiaoyuan to find a sense of security from the bombardment of messy information.

It seemed as if the man in front of him would never fall, and he would always have support behind him.

Xiaoyuan exhaled slowly, and his emotions calmed down.

Xiu didn't notice her change, and was still talking to himself.

"That was just an ideal state. Do you really think those official forces are fake?"

The expression on Xiu's face became more and more casual, and he even had a slight sense of superiority, and he unconsciously brought some emotions into his words.

"I was surprised before that Team Rocket itself is a well-known organization in Joban City, but when the rumors came out, they immediately went to warn Joey. This means that the International Police may have had clues for a long time. Watch out for Team Rocket, it’s just that no clear action has been taken.”

"But since Team Rocket can survive and even develop in Joban City, it means that there are people who belong to them in the upper echelons of Joban City."

After getting rid of emotional obstacles, Obara's whole temperament became calm and shrewd.

Xiu couldn't help but laugh when he heard Xiao Yuan's words.

The gym leader is the leader of Team Rocket, what do you think?

But it was obviously impossible to say this. After all, no one except him would doubt that a gym leader was from Team Rocket.

However, Obara's words also reminded him of one thing, that is, the Rockets are also prepared.

"Let's not talk about this for now. I agreed to give you a holiday and take you out to play, but I didn't expect to talk about these weird topics again."

Xiu didn't know why he suddenly changed his tune and dropped the topic. On the contrary, Xiaoyuan suddenly became anxious.

"This is about the survival of the company behind the scenes, what could be more important than this!"

"You're bigger than this."

Xiu looked at her anxious look and joked casually, but Xiao Yuan was speechless and just stood there dumbfounded.

"Let's go. I guess you didn't bring any clothes. Let's go buy some changes of clothes first."

Xiu stood up and looked around, then took Xiaoyuan to the clothing section on the other side of the commercial street.

"What brand do you like?"

Xiu looked at the shops on both sides of the street and was a little undecided.

He always shopped at street stalls, and his requirement for clothes was just to be comfortable, and he didn't know much about brands.

"I don't know either~"

Unfortunately, Xiaoyuan also didn't know much about this. She was so busy that she didn't have time to care about this.

"Then let's go shopping~" Xiu didn't care, he was just free anyway.

Xiu picked a store that looked quite high-end and went in, and Xiaoyuan could only follow. Her mind was full of what Xiu had just said, and she didn't care about these trivial matters at all.


As soon as the two entered the door, they saw a person coming towards them, and Xiaoyuan also came back to her senses because of this sentence, and looked at the visitor indifferently.

"Excuse me, what do you want, sir?" The waiter glanced at the two, then stopped at Xiao Yuan and looked her up and down, then said with a professional smile, "Miss, we have..."

"No, we'll take a look ourselves." Xiao Yuan said coldly, with a serious look on her face, which put pressure on the other party.

"We'll take a look ourselves, no need to bother." Seeing this, Xiu could only smile to smooth things over, waving his hand at the waiter.

The waiter here retreated in response, and the awkward smile on his face seemed a little forced.

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