Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 18 Rejection and Identity

When Xiu arrived at the location, Baoba, who was wearing casual clothes, had been waiting for a long time, and behind him was a park sightseeing car.

"These days of rest are almost over. The park will reopen tomorrow. You can inspect the situation of the park with me today and give me some suggestions."

Although Baobaba said this, Xiuya knew that this was not the real reason, but he still got in the car.

I am familiar with the northern part of the park and the main entrance, but I don't know much about the other areas.

Starting from the main entrance and following several routes from the west to the east, you can probably take in the entire park.

Only then did Xiu realize that the park had really been severely damaged. Most of the elves that could be seen everywhere were gone. Even those who were there were hiding and did not dare to see people at all.

When tourists come in this state and cannot see what they want to see, things will be in trouble.

"This situation is inevitable now. It takes time to re-establish the trust between humans and elves. This cannot be accomplished overnight." Baobaba's tone of voice was also quite emotional, even a little helpless.

"The reason for today's consequences is mine. I was addicted to having fun and neglected to manage the park."

Xiu didn't dare to say anything and just listened silently.

After a while, Xiu felt that the road conditions were familiar, and it didn't take long before he saw the place where he lived before.

It's just that the house on the original site at this time is very different from the one he had before. It is made of brick and stone, and the cabin is no longer known where.

"Come in with me and have a look." Baoba stopped the car and entered the new house with Xiu.

Thick and solid walls, the space is at least twice as large as before, and it also has electricity and water, and a separate bathroom.

All this is too far away for Xiu Qian.

"On the night of the incident, hunters first attacked ranger cabins across the park, resulting in the death of two rangers. If the houses had been stronger at that time, to buy them some reaction time, this incident might not have happened."

And Xiu also finally knew how the other two people died except for the security guard who was bitten to death by Little Ratta.

"These things... will probably never happen again in the future." Xiu didn't have much to say. If it wasn't the Flying Mantis that broke in at that time, I'm afraid he would be one of them.

After an inspection, Baoba drove Xiu to the next location.

And this is also a place that Xiu is familiar with. That night he threw away a hundred million lake.

The two people got out of the car and were walking slowly around the lake. Suddenly Baoba asked: "What would you choose if I had to do it again?"

"Does the director think I have the right to choose?" Xiu kept looking at the sparkling water in front of him, his expression extremely calm.

When Baoba saw Xiu throw the question back, he stopped talking for a while and could only take out a card and an ID and hand them over.

"You subdued four hunters in total and rescued seventy-five elves, including the flying mantis and the marsupial dragon. The bonus is more than three hundred thousand yuan.

I know you don't want to show off, so I'll give you the bonus from this park privately, and this is the proof of identity I promised you. "

"Four? That's not right~" Xiu was a little confused and explained loudly: "There were four people who actually fought that night. One of them ran away without a fight. One of them was solved by the Bagosaurus himself, and it has nothing to do with me."

Baoba grinned when he heard Xiu's words, then put something into Xiu's hand, and he didn't forget to tease: "I thought you thought it was too little, how can anyone think that it's too much money~ Are you stupid?"

"That's not to say, money is one thing, quantity is another thing, we do one thing for the other.

What's more, although money is a good thing, it must be handled with peace of mind. Things that don't belong to me are hot to hold. "

"You... are really strange~" Baoba stopped when he heard Xiu's words, with a strange expression. After a few seconds, he continued: "This number is correct. Do you still remember the number you saved before this incident?" The time with Flying Mantis?”

Xiu immediately reacted when he heard this, but he didn't say anything and focused on the thing in his hand.

A small blue book with a red and white Poké Ball icon printed on the surface. When opened, there is some basic information and a mug shot.

And that card was just like that, almost the same as an ordinary bank card, except that the pattern on it was different.

When Baoba saw Xiu looking at the bank card in a daze, he said: "The money is not much, but the Hackron incident is not included in it. No matter what, you saved it. Now I will give you a chance. If you can conquer it, I will give it to you."

Just when Baoba finished speaking, the Harkeron, who didn't know whether he heard it or something, actually surfaced from the bottom of the water and swam freely in the air.

"Hey~ wait! Didn't you say that this was placed here by the Conservationists Association? Aren't you afraid that they will cause trouble for you?" Xiu was dumbfounded when he saw this, looking at him with confusion on his face.

"You understand wrongly, we do not want to possess the Harkerosaurs, but to rescue them and prevent them from suffering harm from humans.

Then finding a suitable trainer can reduce the pressure on the Conservationists Association. "

Baoba glanced at Hackron first, then said to Xiu with a smile: "I think you are pretty good, and you are qualified to be its trainer."

"Forget it~ I can't afford it." Xiu looked at the Hackron in the air and said helplessly.

He didn't know if this was Baobaba testing him or what, but no matter what, he couldn't afford an elf like Hackron.

Good talents need resources to cultivate, otherwise it will only waste its potential.

Although the Kanto Quasi-God is right in front of him, and he has a great chance of conquering it with the favor of that day, but compared to being in danger with himself, Xiu wants to see it worry-free here.

And the training in the park is definitely better than that of a half-baked one, both in terms of resources and experience.

More importantly, he already has two elves to take care of, and he must be responsible for them.

Otherwise, he would change his collecting habit in the game before, and take everything away and put it on the computer first.

But now it’s not possible, they are all living creatures.

Although this world is not as beautiful as he imagined, Xiu can only give them the best. He can’t control what others do, and he only keeps a piece of pure land in his heart.

"There is only one chance, you have to think about it carefully." Baoba reminded on the side.

And Xiu just shook his head lightly, and then smiled at Haxorus.

I don’t know if his smile was too obscene to scare Haxorus, but he saw it turn around and dive into the water and disappear.

Bao Oba, who was standing by, smiled and said, "There is no chance to regret now."

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