Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 182: Unexpected Gains

Ohara looked around in horror, and then he found a strange figure on the tree beside the road at the door.

A strange elf that he had never seen before.

"It's okay~ That's Ariados, the people at the elf center will protect this place." Xiu explained belatedly.

Several people walked out of the van parked on the side of the road, and that person was the team that Xiu had contacted before.

Xiu saw them very skillfully lift the cocoon into the car, and then the car drove away, and the other three people stayed where they were and walked towards Xiu.

The leader was the captain.

The filming team on the other side was also attracted by the situation here, stopped their work, and looked over here.

"It's okay, you continue, speed up."

Xiu briefly explained, rearranged the filming, and then looked at the team that had come here, and took the initiative to greet them.


"Hello~" The captain looked at the person in front of him, always feeling a sense of incomprehension.

He was sure that this person had noticed the situation just now, but he always had a calm expression, which was a bit scary~

At the same time, he became more and more curious about this person's strength.

However, when he was about to speak to test it, Xiu said first:

"This is the person sent by the Elf Center. This is the boss, Mr. Yuan. You can discuss the store's defense."

Xiu didn't want to communicate too much. After throwing the matter to the "boss" Xiaoyuan, he joined the shooting guidance again.

Xiaoyuan didn't shirk it, and really discussed it with the captain seriously.

The shooting here was completed quickly. The shooting team was going to the TV station, while Xiu and Dr. Oak stopped.

Similarly, several actors also stayed.

This was the manpower that Xiu asked Miss Joy for, otherwise Xiaoyuan alone would not be able to support this place.

"This is left to you. The doctor and I have things to deal with."

When he got on the car again, Dr. Oak asked a question.

"You don't have enough food stored?"

Xiu smiled softly when he heard this, and didn't mean to explain. Instead, he nodded and admitted it.

"That's right. If the warehouse is fully supplied, it may not be able to support one day. However, ordinary people have food at home. As long as stable information is given, they will not blindly purchase. The food is enough for two days. After two days..."

"Heh~" Xiu sneered and added in a strange tone: "If Joey can't react in two days, it won't be of any use even if there are more. The collapse of Viridian City will only take a moment!"

Dr. Oak also understood what Xiu meant, but a trace of worry still appeared on his face.

Xiu had nothing to say about Dr. Oak's character of worrying about the country and the people, and just drove back to the Pokémon Center.

As expected, after the propaganda, more tourists went here.

Because the importance of inspection was emphasized when the news was released before, no one dared to make trouble, and the progress of things was a bit too smooth.

"Why are you frowning?"

Dr. Oak noticed the change in Xiu's expression and asked a little strangely.

"Now, according to the development of the situation, what means do you think the other party has to stir up trouble?"

"The panic has been suppressed. Without these ordinary people, it is difficult for them to have room for activities under the powerful treatment ability of the Pokémon Center. After all, the loss of those people is real, and Joey can be rescued as long as he is not dead, and the endurance is here."

"I always feel something is wrong..."

Xiu will not think that those people will just give up, because this is their last chance. If they fail, Joey will not give them any more chances.

So madness will definitely bring destruction. Xiu can't rest assured until he is completely out of this crisis.

Here, we use the reputation of Professor Oak to attract tourists, but we still need to comfort them.

"Doctor, you go and do your work. I will take the convoy to the warehouse to get food."

Dr. Oak's task is still very heavy. He needs to comfort everyone, so Xiu wants Dr. Oak as a lecturer to open a popular science program to explain basic Pokémon knowledge to ordinary people.

Anyway, there are many trainers among the tourists, and Pokémon are also strange and varied, enough to talk about for two days.

This can not only reduce the fear of ordinary people for Pokémon, but also give them something to talk about.

"I know~"

Dr. Oak seemed a little helpless, but he also knew that Xiu's idea was right, but it was a little troublesome for him.

After they separated, Xiu found the truck arranged by the Pokémon Center and followed several staff members to the warehouse. Along the way, he found that the situation was still not optimistic, but he had no choice...

When he came to the warehouse, because it was quite secretive and not exposed, it was naturally safe.

However, his car must have been exposed after this trip, and then protecting the warehouse would involve a lot of problems.

However, this is Miss Joy's headache. Now Xiu is not dependent on her, but cooperating!

"Come on! Brothers move things."

Xiu got off the car and opened the door. Two brothers got off the car here, holding a Poké Ball in each hand, and then four Goryeo appeared on the field.

"Leave it to us!" The staff of the Pokémon Center started loading the goods. Xiu was able to be lazy for a while and found Xiaochun hiding in the goods.

Xiaochun didn't seem to react, but he could still feel a sense of tension.

"It's me~" Xiu approached and comforted softly, "It's just someone coming to load the goods, don't be nervous."

Xiao Yuan made a few gestures and took Xiu into the warehouse. Then he was dumbfounded to see two strangers lying on the ground.

"Uh!" Xiu frowned, glanced outside, and released Casey from the elf ball with his backhand.

Just by looking at each other, Casey understood what Xiu meant and connected the two people.

"What's going on?"

Xiu asked while checking the situation of the two people. Fortunately, they were only knocked unconscious and their lives were not in danger.

"These two people want to sneak into the warehouse." Xiaochun's expression did not fluctuate much, and he just said casually.

Xiu's inspection has probably been completed. The two of them don't look like trainers. They don't have elf-related items on them, and they don't appear to have participated in training.

Judging from his clothing style and the tattoos on his body, he looks a bit like an ordinary gangster.

Xiu raised his hand to rub his chin, a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

"Did they see you?"

There must be something wrong with these two people, and he prefers to handle it himself rather than leaving it to the Elf Center.

"A fight."

Xiao Chun's words were concise and to the point, and at the same time he became more determined on Xiu's idea, and turned to walk outside.

With the help of the elves, one powerful person can take over the workload of three people, and those people will soon finish moving here.

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