Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 185: Poisonous Scheme

The moment the door closed, the five people inside reacted and took out their Poké Balls and threw them at Xiu.

Arbok, Beedrill, Rattata x 3

Xiu took a step back, and a tall figure of more than two meters blocked him, almost covering him.

These little hooligans had never seen such a terrifying Pokémon as Mantis, and they all showed fear of the unknown and were a beat slower.

But Xiu had no intention of letting them go, and said lightly:

"Do it~"

A white light flashed on Mantis's body, and its already powerful momentum increased a few points out of thin air, and its tall body rushed forward.

Xiu's words also woke up the opposite side, and the leader raised his hand and shouted to Xiu: "He is alone, and we are all our people here, why are we afraid of him?"


With an order, those people commanded the Pokémon to rush forward.

Arbok twisted his body quickly and rushed forward along the bottom of the sofa.

The Beedrill raised both hands, and its bone guns were coated with white light, swinging forward.

Several big rats did not seem clumsy at all in this space, but were extremely flexible. Two of them cooperated with their teammates to besiege the Giant Claw Mantis, and one bypassed and rushed towards Xiu.

Facing the newcomer, the Giant Claw Mantis was unstoppable. It raised its hand and easily clamped the Arbok that was coiling forward, and then used it as a long whip to swing at the Beedrill.

The Beedrill had to subconsciously restrain its attack when it saw the Arbok flying over, but it did not expect the brute force it carried. The two were entangled and fell to the side, and stopped when they hit the wall.

However, the Giant Claw Mantis did not stop, but took the initiative to rush in front of the two Radas, opened its claws and clamped the two Radas one by one, and then suddenly exerted force to directly cut off the Rada's spine, and then it was thrown back at those people.

Of course, it saw the Rada that slipped away, and took advantage of its height advantage to stop it in front of Xiu in a few steps.

The Rada had no intention of fighting at all, and wanted to slip away from under the giant mantis.

However, the giant mantis did not intend to give it this opportunity. It closed its claws into a fist and leaned forward to swing it.

There was only a bang in the air, and the fist instantly approached the Rada, colliding with its hardest skull. The giant mantis was stable, but the Rada was directly hit into the ground by it.

A pit appeared on the ground. Although the Rada's head was not blown up, the powerful force indirectly broke the spine connected to it.

Direct death!

It can be seen that the giant mantis has a special feeling for the Rada. It took action to get rid of three Radas at once. The process was not delayed, and all of them were rushing to their lives.

The first round here ended. The powerful fighting power of the giant mantis completely shattered the opponent's fluke mentality, leaving only panic.

On the contrary, Xiu still stood in his original position without moving a step. Even when the Rada attacked just now, he did not panic at all. He just looked at the situation on the field coldly.

It was not until the giant mantis punched Rada's head that a smile appeared on his face.

The giant mantis slowly stood up, with its bloody hands hanging down. A trace of blood gathered on its hands under the action of gravity, and then dripped on the ground to bloom blood flowers.

This time, the tall figure of the giant mantis enveloped the five people.

Arbok and Beedrill did not lose their fighting ability and quickly stood up from the ground.

However, the instant they took over just now made them understand the gap in strength between the two sides, and they did not resume the attack immediately, but stayed by the wall.

The leading young man also felt the gap between the two sides, and changed his arrogance just now, but lowered his posture to compliment a few words, and then asked the reason.

"Brother, you are so powerful. I don't know how I offended you. If there is any offense, please talk slowly. Why do you have to fight?"

"Ha~" Xiu sneered and stepped forward, "What! You asked someone to go to my warehouse, and now you don't even know who I am?"

When Xiu said this, the young man's face changed. He didn't care about the four people around him at all. He turned around and ran towards the window with all his strength, and at the same time he didn't forget to shout:

"Arbok, break the window!"

It was only a few steps away from the window. As long as he jumped out from here, he could escape.

Anyway, the second floor was not very high, and there would not be much damage to his life if he jumped down.

However, Arbok did not respond to his words. Instead, it coiled in the same place stupidly, with its snake head facing the giant mantis.

The young man didn't care so much. He put his arms in front of him and tried to break the window.

But the next second, the young man hit it, not only failed to break through the glass, but was bounced back and fell to the ground, groaning.

Xiu was speechless when he saw this scene.

My goodness~ Do you think you are filming a movie?

Don't you see what kind of window this is? Metal railings, let alone people bumping into it, even a giant mantis might not be able to break it.

The remaining four young men didn't react to the boss's appearance, and they were all a little dumbfounded.

"Heh! With such a big brother, you are just like this."

Xiu opened his hands towards them, and a blue wave emerged, instantly occupying the room, and Casey's figure slowly floated up from behind Xiu.

After a while, Xiu slowly opened his eyes, his expression was a little dazed, and it took a while for him to recover.

It was a huge burden for him to look through the memories of so many people, and only Casey's strong superpowers could support it.

He can also get a lot of useful information from these experiments, which is very useful for further optimization and improvement.

These are only indirect gains. The real gain is that Xiu got some information about Team Rocket's actions from the little boss.

The little boss is directly under Team Rocket, while the other four are not. They are the subordinates recruited by the little boss himself.

However, the elves in the hands of these four people are supported by Team Rocket. Although they are all rotten fish and shrimps, they can still deal with ordinary people and individual trainers.

For example, these people followed Team Rocket to destroy the city today, and they can achieve results with the advantage of numbers and familiarity with the terrain.

They took advantage of the chaos to rob some ordinary people's homes and robbed a lot of property.

To some extent, this is why Team Rocket sent the elves down.

No matter how they are used, they can bring burdens to the city and involve Joey's energy.

In addition to celebrating today's gains, they also gathered here to determine tomorrow's snatching route and target.

As for the matter of the two small fish, the little boss seemed to have forgotten it and was immersed in flattery and joy.

Xiu was afraid that this guy would do something at the beginning, but he didn't expect that he was just a waste.

It was just an accident when he found it at the beginning.

Xiu looked at the people lying on the ground, a look of disgust appeared on his face, and then he looked at the two shivering elves.

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