Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 190 I am calm

"Xiu! Wake up!"

The shouting was accompanied by a violent knock on the door that woke Xiu up.

Last night's experience made him a little sensitive, so he got up from the bed immediately, looked around and found that it was the room in the Elf Center, which made him feel a little more at ease.

Listening to the voice outside, Xiu knew it was Dr. Omu. He shook his head to wake himself up before going to open the door.

But as soon as he opened the door, Dr. Omu pushed the door in arrogantly, which made Xiu a little confused for a moment.

What happened? Why is Dr. Ohki so impatient?

"What happened?" Xiu asked, looking at Dr. Omu who came in with a stern face.

"You still have the nerve to say that!" Dr. Omu frowned, his eyes were sharp, "What did you do last night?"

"I went to see the warehouse last night to see what I could do."

Xiu didn't show any panic when he heard this. Instead, he smiled slightly, closed the door unusually calmly, turned around and walked inside.

"Okay~ You smell of blood, I can smell it from two streets away."

Dr. Omu followed him in with a look of disgust, occupied the only chair without ceremony, and continued to speak while looking at Xiu who was pouring water.

"More than thirty people died last night. The time of death was different. The location basically spanned half of Joban City. The causes of death were also different. However, most of the scenes were extremely bloody and strange, and the deceased were all involved. He's done robbery and has a Rockets background."

"Yes, it was indeed me." Xiu casually leaned on the table, raised the water glass and took a full sip, with a relaxed and casual look on his face.

Since Dr. Oak can feel the remnants of those traces, there is nothing to say.

"Are you out of control?" Dr. Omu looked at him alertly, with a strange expression.

"No~" Xiu curled his lips, with a hint of casualness in his tone, "Doctor, your data is not accurate. A total of thirty-seven people died, but it was really me who did it, only thirty-three people, and the other four I didn’t kill him.”

Xiu's words really shocked Dr. Ohki. Thirty-three lives were taken away with just one word, because his disregard for life has reached an inhuman level.

This person...

Xiu smiled softly when he saw Dr. Ohki's strange and surprised expression.

"Doctor, don't worry. I am not out of control, but very rational. Otherwise, these people will not be the only ones to die."

Before Dr. Omu could say anything, he took the initiative to explain.

"These people are divided into seven small groups in total. In fact, not all of them belong to Team Rocket. There are leaders of Team Rocket, and there are also individual members.

But what they have in common is that they are gangsters entrenched in Joban City. They have been engaged in underworld activities for many years, including stealing, abducting, and bullying men and women. Anyway, they do all kinds of evil and bully ordinary people.

And this time they got the support of some mysterious forces, obtained the official patrol map, the destruction plan and retreat route specially designed for them, as well as a safe house to stay in. Of course, there was also the most important elf in it. .

Doctor, what do you think they did when they obtained these things when the authorities had no time to care?"

Xiu stopped at this point, took out the notebook from his body, tore out five pages, and handed it over.

Dr. Oki took the paper and looked at it with a serious expression. On it were the names of the people, followed by what they had done.

As he continued to look at them one by one, Dr. Omu's expression became more and more gloomy, with an aura of unknown meaning surrounding him.

"It's very unpleasant, isn't it..." Xiu's face lost the sense of relief. He put the water glass to his lips, held it a little, and then continued:

"These rotten people suddenly gained power and killed twenty-two people in just two days. Do you know the torture those people suffered before they died? They should have had a good life..."

Xiu, who was fine at first, suddenly stopped, his expression was a little dazed, as if he was remembering something, and he didn't even notice that the water glass in his hand tipped over and flowed into his hand.

"There was a little girl who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old. When I saw her, she was naked and tied to the bed. Her body was covered with scars. Her eyes were wide but expressionless.

When I rescued her, I found that she couldn't even move. Her cheeks were red and swollen, her neck was pinched until it was purple and blue, her right hand was directly twisted, three ribs were broken, her hair was violently pulled and bleeding, and her chest was covered with blood. The lower abdomen was even burned by flames..."

Dr. Oki was stunned when he heard Xiu's description. His seriousness gradually faded and he fell into an inexplicable emotion.

"I treated and comforted her for a while before she temporarily regained some consciousness, but she could no longer cry. This was the first time I knew the tears had really dried up."

Xiu's tone was calm, but Dr. Omu noticed something strange bursting out of him and gradually spreading.

It's just that Xiu seemed to be in some strange situation, just talking to himself, not noticing his changes at all.

"I handed her the three men and a knife, and I watched her walk in front of those men with her right hand hanging down and her body hunched over.

Insults, threats, cries, begging for mercy, all kinds of voices went back and forth in the room, but her left hand was extremely firm and stabbed until the three people were dead.

But at this time, she didn't have any pleasure in revenge. She just turned her head and said "thank you" to me in a voice that was so hoarse that it was almost inaudible, and then gave herself the last knife. "

"Alas~" Dr. Omu on the side heard this look helpless and could only sigh.

"I watched her fall to the ground and was about to go over to save her, but at that moment I saw light in her eyes, and my body seemed to be frozen in that moment, and my mind went blank.

Is that relief or something...

Then I saw her stretching her hand into the air, as if she had caught something, and a smile appeared on her face. She must have seen the most beautiful thing in her life~

Until his hands became weak and his pupils gradually became dilated. "

"I can't blame you~" Dr. Ohmu felt his chest tightening just listening to Xiu's description, let alone Xiu, a person who experienced it personally.

"Actually, I already knew she would do this~" Xiu's tone returned to calmness, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"From the moment I rescued her, I knew her heart was dead. Those garbage men killed her parents in front of her, and then took her away. She no longer has a home, and living is not important to her. Just painful."

Hearing this, Dr. Ohki couldn't hold back anymore. The muscles on his cheeks undulated, and there was anger in his eyes.

But Xiu calmly said to him:

"Doctor, I can understand that you are unclear about this~ But I know that I was very calm at the time."

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