Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 199: Fengmang Gym

Feeling the intermittent telepathy, Xiu had to comfort him and finally stabilized his emotional fluctuations.

It was only then that Xiu remembered that the IQ of a Pokémon like Beedrill was not high, and it was difficult to communicate directly with Casey. Moreover, it had already aged, which had a more obvious impact on its communication ability, which meant that the space for communication was even narrower.

Xiu made up his mind and took the initiative to disconnect the telepathy, and Casey seemed to understand what he meant. His superpowers rushed out to control Beedrill and then invaded.

With so much experimental data to support it, Casey had already been familiar with flipping through its remaining memories.

The Beedrill floated in the air blankly, also showing a thoughtful expression, without obvious struggle.

Xiu closed his eyes and entered the world of Beedrill...

His parents were also Pokémon cultivated in the gym. At the beginning, there was a group of hornworms born with him, but only he was selected by one person.

The picture was very clear, and Xiu also saw the person who brought it down from the tree.

It was a bronze-skinned young man with a short haircut.

The memory of the training afterwards was intermittent, and Xiu only vaguely felt some of it.

Apparently, Beedrill didn't have a very deep memory of this aspect.

Then there were the days when that person took it to participate in various battles.

These were not important, but Xiu could feel that Beedrill was obviously excited about this part.

The memory was intermittent, and sometimes there were some chaotic and repeated images, which made Xiu's head big. He could only try his best to maintain it and try to explore more information...


After a long time, Xiu opened his eyes and exhaled a heavy breath.

Pokémons are much more difficult to deal with than humans. The slightest stimulation here will arouse their instinctive resistance, and there will be a confrontation between energies.

Moreover, the brain circuits of Pokémons are too different from those of humans. Forcing them to see only feels chaotic.

But Xiu also gained a lot.

After taking a look at the Beedrill that was still in his memory, Xiu took out the Poké Ball and put it back, then packed up and rushed to a place.

The raid was carried out in the early hours of the morning. After such an operation, the sky was still dark, with only the moonlight and street lights providing a glimmer of light.

Xiu's figure appeared in the gym again, but this place was remote, and this side belonged to the gym, and few people lived there, so even the movement just now did not cause much reaction.

Just getting close could smell a strong smell of blood, and the result of the fight just now was written here.

The ground was full of corpses of various elves and humans, and broken limbs and pieces of meat were everywhere, and the bloodiness was obvious.

However, Xiu was indifferent to these things and was not affected at all. He floated into the gym.

The gym covers a large area and is very old, which leads to its complex architecture.

However, it can be roughly divided into two courtyards, inner and outer.

The main structure of the outer courtyard was built in the past ten years. It is a reinforced concrete structure with a modern style. There are a series of facilities such as student dormitories and training grounds.

Ordinary apprentices or messy people like stewards are active in the outer courtyard.

The inner courtyard is deeper inside, which is where core members can enter.

This was the real dojo back then, but with the expansion and popularization of various modern conveniences, the inner courtyard gradually became a place similar to an ancestral hall, a place with sacrificial functions.

As for the core members, they all moved to the outer courtyard to live.

They just fought in the outer courtyard, and Xiu is going to the inner courtyard now.

The environment here is quite complicated, but Xiu, who has searched his memory, is like an acquaintance who has been here many times. He easily walks through the small paths and quickly arrives at a courtyard hidden in a modern building.

Looking at it in the moonlight, an ancient-style building made of bricks, stones and wood appears. Outside is a circle of low walls with little protection. You can see the plaque hanging at the door, which is engraved with the words [Feng Mang].

It's just that it hasn't been taken care of for a long time, and the large gold-plated characters have been suppressed by dust, looking dim.

Extending your eyes inside, you can see an old tree with lush branches and leaves in the courtyard of the inner courtyard. The size seems to cover the entire inner courtyard below.

You can imagine how big this tree is.

There were still many ropes as thick as arms hanging from the tree, but it looked like it had not been maintained, so many of them had been scattered or broken, and it looked very dilapidated.

Xiu moved casually, drifted over that side, and directly climbed over the outer wall to the big tree, walked around the treetop, and then released the Beedrill from the Poké Ball.

Although the Beedrill with energy replenishment was still old, it had recovered a little, at least it could feel the familiar environment around it.

And this tree.

The Beedrill approached the tree, its two needles touched each other, and then flew around the tree, flying higher and higher.

Seeing this, Xiu quickly called Casey to follow.

The tree was dozens of meters high, and the Beedrill flew all the way up and finally landed on a branch of the tree canopy, and then just lay on it.

Xiu and Casey followed silently behind and watched it, and suddenly Casey said something.

"This is where it was born~"

Xiu also realized something and looked around. It seemed to be true. I don't know how many years have passed, but there is no change.

This tree is really magical.

Xiu didn't mean to urge it, so he just walked around.

The branches were thick, so Xiu didn't need Casey to hold him for a long time, but walked carefully on them.

It must be said that this tree was really big, and a single branch was enough for him to explore for a long time.

After a brief stroll, he found that there were actually many traces of Pokémon living on the tree.

Thinking that Beedrill was born here, there should have been a group of Beedrills living here at that time, but for some reason there are no Pokémons active now.

It's just that it feels good to look at the entire gym and even the entire Viridian City from the top of the tree, but unfortunately Xiu didn't have the mood to appreciate it in this situation.

But suddenly, Xiu seemed to feel something, looked up at the sky, and a faint light pierced the night.

The morning light broke.

Xiu was stunned, and the Beedrill lying on the trunk seemed to feel something, looking into the distance, and after a moment, it flapped its wings and flew up, rushing towards the treetop.

"It's moving."

Cassie's words made Xiu turn around, and he didn't hesitate, and immediately followed.

The giant bee was obviously very familiar with this place. Even though it couldn't see clearly, it still moved easily in the complex environment of intersecting branches.

On the contrary, Xiu was not as fast as he could because of his inconvenience in moving. He could only keep up with Casey's superpowers.

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