There are Pidgeot and Spearow on the tree, and Arbok, Paras and Furball on the ground.

This is the end of the park. Compared with other places, the Pokémon resources are relatively ordinary and can't attract many tourists. Only the tour buses that tour the park will pass by here and drop off the passengers for a walk.

It's not far to the cabin. After opening the wooden door without a chain, Xiu went in and put the dinner on the table. He opened the cabinet and took out a book, and then began to read.

There are a few books in the cabinet, which he asked someone to buy. They are all some illustrated books and books related to Pokémon cultivation.

The characters in this world are not Japanese, but full of different world style characters. A page of paper full of characters looks like it was printed on instant noodles.

Fortunately, in order to sell at a good price, the orphanage specially found someone to teach Xiu to read, otherwise he would have to learn to read again when he came here. There is also a document in Chinese that he recorded some of his knowledge of this world, which is like a diary.

Xiu took out "Basic Knowledge of Primary Breeders" and didn't put the book away until dusk.

Because there is no electricity here, we can only use solar lights at night, but the brightness of this solar light is too low and the range is very small, so Xiu chooses to read books at noon and go to bed directly at night.

In fact, ordinary people still don’t know much about Pokémon, and Pokémon trainers are still too far away from ordinary people.

From what he has learned during this period of time, the number of places allocated to the three starters is pitifully small. Not everyone can start with a three starter. Many so-called trainers just catch a small Rattata on the roadside and then call themselves.

And those with better conditions don’t need three starters at all. They catch or buy whatever they want. This is also one of the reasons why Pokémon hunters are thriving.

This world is a standard pyramid shape. The most powerful force is the Pokémon Alliance, followed by the top families and those giant companies. The next level is the gyms and research institutes in various places, and finally these ordinary people.

The ways for ordinary people to obtain three starters are complicated, and ordinary families can’t afford it at all. Only by contributing enough to the alliance can they get this.

So to some extent, the three starters represent the identity within the alliance, and trainers can enjoy the benefits of the alliance through this.

As for what the benefits are, Xiu didn't know exactly. He had no channels to contact them, but they must be attractive.

But these have nothing to do with him. After all, he is just a garbage collector.

Suddenly a long howl broke the tranquility of the dusk. After hearing this unusual sound, Xiu immediately picked up the communicator and rushed out.

Before starting work, Xiu was told to be careful of poachers. Those inhuman guys would do whatever it takes to remove obstacles in front of them, whether they are elves or people.

Xiu didn't rush out at the first time to commit suicide. He was strictly trained. When he just came in, he was taken to a three-day training, which talked about what to do when encountering poachers.

His job is easy, but he also has to bear some risks, that is, the human alarm of the park, and he needs to ensure that no accidents occur in the area he is responsible for.

He must now confirm what the sound just now was, otherwise he will also be responsible if something happens.

Of course, if he really encounters danger, he will definitely choose to run away at the first time.

In addition to the initial sound, there were intermittent howls afterwards. Xiu trotted along the sound and saw a marsupial howling by the river not far away.

Because he often went in and out from there, Xiu recognized it at a glance as the marsupial that lived on the hillside.

This was not the point. The point was that the little marsupial that she regarded as a treasure was not with her.

Xiu did not dare to approach the marsupial in this state. Now the only thing that could comfort her was the little marsupial.

But the question was where did the little marsupial go? Was it stolen by a hunter?

If it was caught by a poacher, why didn't the marsupial chase it?

When Xiu wanted to report the situation, a string of bubbles in the water reminded him.

This idea scared Xiu so much that he jumped into the water without even taking off his clothes.

The cold river water made Xiu shiver. As Xiu dived, the water surface became calm again. Less than ten seconds later, the river water began to roll violently, and the originally clear river water began to become turbid.

A figure emerged from the muddy water, dragging the little bag dragon to the shore.

However, Xiu underestimated the weight of the little bag dragon and overestimated his own physical strength.

As soon as he emerged from the water and was about to open his mouth to breathe, he felt that the air he had just inflated was deflated, and the new air was not replenished.

His head was dizzy as his breath was disordered, and he felt as if he was losing strength.

The little bag dragon in his hand was about to fall out of his hand.

The bag dragon next to him also noticed his appearance, and at the same time, seeing that his child was in danger, he didn't care so much and punched the water surface.

With a sound of "bang!", the power of this punch was so great that it actually temporarily interrupted the water flow, and with the landing point as the center, a wave was set off, hitting both sides with the force of a tidal wave.

Xiu, who was in the water flow, only felt a huge force hitting him, and Xiu flew out with the water like a rag doll, and even so, Xiu did not let go of the little bag dragon in his hand.

Then he was pushed into the air by the water flow and fell heavily to the ground. His eyes bulged out and his mouth opened as if he had been hit hard. Water splashed out of his mouth, and then he started coughing continuously.

It was not known whether he realized that he had escaped from the river, or whether he could no longer bear such damage, but he loosened his hand holding the little bag dragon.

However, the little bag dragon was as still as a dead body without any movement.

After continuous coughing, Xiu finally recovered. When he saw the little bag dragon's face, which was almost purple, he was frightened. He did not care about so much, and quickly got up and raised his hand to support its neck, and then pressed hard on its chest.

If a little elf like a bag dragon got into trouble in the area he was responsible for, he would be in big trouble.

Fortunately, after a few sets of actions, the little bag dragon finally responded, with river water flowing from the corners of its mouth, and intermittent breathing reappeared until it stabilized.

Xiu was relieved when he saw this, and the whole person collapsed beside it, breathing in the air, and he only felt that his hands were filled with lead, and they were extremely heavy.

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