Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 228: Notes from the Museum Master

Xiu frowned slightly when he saw this, and the weakness of poor physical adaptability was exposed, which required a lot of practice.

However, it cannot be blamed for this, after all, the body structure is innate, and it has only evolved recently.

The center of gravity is in the upper position, so it is naturally difficult to stand on one leg.

"Slowly find the feeling, we are not in a hurry."

"After finding the balance, don't try to control it forcefully, but follow it. The body can make small movements to adjust its center of gravity to maintain balance."

Xiu guided and encouraged it on the side. After a good run-in, it also matched its talent and gradually found the balance.

When both feet were initially completed, half a day had passed, and it seemed even more difficult under the summer sun.

"Okay, take a break first." Xiu called to stop the training of the giant mantis and took it under the shade of the tree.

Here, clean water and some supplementary supplies were given to it, and while taking this break, Xiu tried to explain to it the problems encountered just now and the subsequent training plan.

"Just now you have found the initial balance, but your balance is very fragile and will collapse with a little external force, so the next step is to keep the balance and move the raised leg!"

Unlike the lazy elves in the backyard, the giant mantis has a very persistent will for training.

Not long after resting, it raised its legs under the tree again and tried to move according to Xiu's instructions.

But just as Xiu said, a slight movement would destroy its balance.

And Xiu was still giving it advice and encouragement.

"Use other organs, what about your hands? Aren't they good weights?"

"Open your wings, this is the key to your balance!"

"Very good! Keep moving."

Under Xiu's guidance, the giant mantis slowly began to find the trick and became more stable in controlling its body.

It is equivalent to slowly filling in the points that were missed when adapting to the body before.

This can be said to be a pleasant surprise...

"Okay, the initial training is here, and now we will carry out daily training."

Xiu roughly judged the state of the giant mantis, called a halt to the training of the lower body, and restarted the usual training again.

This is because this training is impossible to complete in one day. In his mind, it is a long-term plan.

Moreover, the giant claw mantis needs time to adapt, so filling the remaining time with other training can adjust its body and enrich its life.

After the training, Xiu did not follow the giant claw mantis again because he could only give so much advice.

At least he had to wait until it fully mastered the next step before Xiu had room to play.

Now Xiu has to be busy with his own things, such as studying the books he got from the Bee Mang Gym.

Especially those gym owner's notes.

They are all about studying insects, and perhaps some inspiration or tips for cultivating giant claw mantis can be found in them.

He is learning here, while Xiaochun keeps trying to contact Popo according to Xiu's words.

It must be said that the IQ of a Pokémon like Popo is indeed not very high. With the help of Ditto, Xiaochun successfully contacted it.

Although he only touched it once or twice when it was eating, this is the beginning.

The summer was hot, and the whole town of Pallet seemed to be hot, but whether it was people or elves, they were more lazy, even Xiu was no exception.

He came to the river and buried his whole face in it, and it took a long time before he raised his head.

"Huh~ It's refreshing!" Xiu raised his hand to wipe the water off his face and breathed in the air.

The whole person also swept away the lethargy brought by the hot weather.

It was a pity that Xiaochun was playing with Bobo next to him, otherwise he would definitely take off his clothes and go in the water.

Being stimulated by the cold water, Xiu's brain was much clearer, and the content he had just obtained from the book reappeared in his mind.

He just read the first one, which was written by the founder of the Fengmang Gym.

There was actually not much interesting content on it, and it was more like autobiography.

It was probably the process from a bug catcher to a gym leader. There was not much hard stuff in it, so he only spent half a day to read the book of more than 200 pages.

The content of the book mentioned that the boy's family was a farmer and a part-time herbalist. There was only one Butterfree in the family, which was considered an ordinary family at that time.

Until one day, the boy went up the mountain to collect herbs and found several elves fighting on the mountain. The collision of the elves' brutal power gave the young boy a great shock.

When the battle was over, an extremely strong Heracross stood out, ate the buds of the purple flower as a winner, and then left.

Although he was young, he knew that it might be a good thing, otherwise it would not have attracted so many powerful elves to fight.

The boy carefully dug up the remaining part of the plant and transplanted it to a secret base he found that was rarely visited by people.

He was a herbal farmer himself, with the corresponding cultivation ability, and thanks to the power of the Evergreen Forest, the plant survived under his care.

Maybe he knew that it would attract those elves when it bloomed, so the boy was very smart to sprinkle insect repellent powder around the plant, so that another smell would cover the smell of the plant itself.

And he himself began to prepare gradually.

It's just that the boy was just an ordinary family, and the elves he could get in touch with at that time were the three major elves in the Evergreen Forest - Caterpillar, Rattata, and Walker.

As for the better Bobo, it was not something that a child like him could get in touch with.

But even the Tokiwa Gosan were not tamed by it, so he could only wait for an opportunity.

Maybe this was the chosen one, and his father brought him a message a few days later.

The village patrol happened to find a small colony of giant bees near the village, with about a dozen of them, and it had been a while, because the explorers found that those giant bees had begun to lay eggs.

For the safety of the village, the village chief was going to organize the trainers in the village to eliminate those giant bees.

He naturally felt the opportunity and wanted to borrow Butterfree from his father to participate in it.

But his father naturally did not allow it and severely stopped his idea.

Just when he was distressed, his father brought back a Pokémon egg a few days later.

Fearing that his son would take risks, he could only join the crusade team and borrow his merits to exchange an egg for his son.

The boy was extremely excited for a while holding the egg with yellow and black stripes, and naturally felt his father's love.

After getting the egg, he had no mind to do anything else. He took the egg to his secret base every day to stare at the plant.

Under the powerful vitality of the Evergreen Forest, the plant budded again, and the boy became more and more nervous. All he could do was sprinkle more insect repellent powder and hope that his elf would hatch.

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