Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 232 Little Assistant

Xiao Chun thought, but her hand reached out unconsciously, but the next second a strange feeling extended from her hand, as if her hand reached into a sticky mud.

This feeling that made her remember so deeply suddenly woke her up, and when she looked up, Casey, who was supposed to be on the dead tree, was floating above her without knowing when.

When she looked over, Casey slowly opened her eyes and looked at her, connecting with her telepathically.

"He is very tired, don't disturb him, let him sleep well~"

Casey didn't mean to say anything more, and directly disconnected. Xiu's body actually made a slight sound, and the originally sticky energy actually began to solidify, reflecting the feeling of crystal under the light, which scared Xiao Chun to pull her hand away instinctively.

At this time, the fluctuation of superpowers faded and disappeared into the air.

Although Casey did not hurt Xiao Chun, the warning was fully revealed.

Others may not understand Xiu, but Casey is different. He knows Xiu's fatigue very well.

Especially these days, during the day, he studied intensively and dealt with chores, and at night he had to study with Casey how to use superpowers and how to strengthen control. These are very demanding on the brain.

His brain was highly loaded for a few days, so it was no wonder that he said some strange words and made strange sounds.

And falling asleep just after relaxing explained the problem.

Xiaochun had no room to resist Casey's obstruction. She knew the horror of this elf.

But she didn't want to leave here, so she could only squat aside and watch Xiu sleep.

She stayed like this for a while, and Casey slowly opened his eyes and said to her:

"If you really want to help him, you can try to help him share the chores."

As he said that, he poured a memory into her mind without waiting for Xiaochun's consent...


Feeling something teasing his hair, Xiu woke up from the grass in a daze. This action directly scared Bobo, who was pecking at his hair, and jumped up, rolling and crawling behind the tree.

Xiu glanced at it casually and didn't care about it, but spent a few seconds to reconnect to the line.

It seems that I slept for almost two hours~

After judging the situation, I got up and looked around. I didn't know where Xiaochun went.

The backyard was still the same. The elves were lazy, and only the giant mantis was still training.

Kathy was under the tree as usual, like a green lamp and an ancient Buddha, not disturbed by the outside world.

As for Xiao Fudan, he was sleeping with the elves~

Seeing this, Xiu smiled slightly, adjusted his mood, took out his notes and began to study the formula.

The afternoon time was short, and he slept for two hours, so he didn't get many useful clues even when the sun was setting.

This thing is indeed something that several generations of gym owners have carefully studied, and it is impossible for him to analyze it so easily.

The key point is that his knowledge is useless for this level of formula, there are too many materials in it that he doesn't understand at all.

But fortunately, after a brief study, he also memorized the formula, and at the same time roughly understood what he needed to learn.

Now the route is back to learning.

As for now, of course, it's time to work first~

Xiu got up and walked towards the warehouse, ready to prepare dinner for the elves.

But when he got here, he found that everything had been loaded onto the cart.


Xiu felt a little strange, but he didn't mean to pursue it.

The only one who would do this was Casey, who might have helped to prepare in advance because he saw that he was too tired.

After a busy meal, after feeding the elves in the backyard and his elves, Xiu walked towards the research institute.

He still had to prepare dinner for several people.

But when Xiu entered the research institute, he felt something different.

He was busy reading books these days and didn't clean and organize much. In addition, Professor Oak had the habit of putting things in a mess, so the research institute was a bit messy.

But now it seemed to have been organized.

Xiu realized something in an instant. Professor Oak was obsessed with research and would not care about these things. Only Xiaochun had time to do this.

I'm afraid that the things in the warehouse were also prepared by Xiaochun, but she was too tall and strong to push the cart, so she left them.

He quickly searched the room for Xiaochun's whereabouts, and then found her in the kitchen, washing vegetables.

Xiu saw that she had to stand on a small stool to climb to the edge of the sink, and for a moment he felt distressed and wanted to laugh.

"I can do it~" Xiu quickly stepped forward and carried her down.

He taught her before just to show off. After all, Professor Oak was not very interested in this. He had studied it for so long and didn't even have someone to talk to. He caught her as a newcomer to introduce it, not really wanting her to get started.

When Xiaochun was carried down by Xiu, her hands were wet, and her expression was dull, as if she didn't understand why Xiu was like this.

"I can do this, you've been busy all day, go to the living room to watch TV, I'll call you for dinner." Xiu took over the work naturally and started to work.

For some reason, his movements were a little faster.

Xiaochun didn't leave, but watched Xiu's movements, as if she was learning.

Xiu just smiled when he saw this, and shared some tips with her casually while working.

For a moment, everyone was in a happy and harmonious mood.

"Let's eat! Let's eat! Doctor~" Xiu called out, and then brought the dishes to the table.

After a while, Professor Oak came down here and asked Xiu curiously when he saw this state.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Just now, Xiaochun cleaned up the first floor. Didn't you notice it?" Xiu explained with a smile.

Professor Oak didn't mean to say much about this, but just raised his eyebrows.

He thought it was Xiu who was downstairs just now~ but it turned out to be Xiaochun.

For a moment, he understood why Xiu was like this...

Xiaochun taking over some housework really helped Xiu a lot. He was freed up and could spend more time on study and research.

Sometimes, except for some necessary activities, he would not even come downstairs, and he and Professor Oak would squat in the second-floor laboratory to do research all day.

It's just that Dr. Oak is doing research on [metal liquid], while Xiu is studying and researching with the materials sent by Fushun.

Xiu's study of various materials is constantly expanding and deepening.

As time goes by, this situation is finally forced to stop.

A hard flaw has appeared. Neither he nor Dr. Oak specializes in researching materials. At most, they are involved in it.

Now, under the high-intensity study, those things are quickly digested. If you want to conduct more in-depth research, you must get more information and raw materials.

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