Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 241 Getting on the right track

"I have to remind you that this thing is very rare. These seeds may be the only ones left in the world. I spent a lot of effort to get them, so I hope Miss Linzi can keep it secret."

Murayu Linzi felt that the small bottle in her hand became heavier for a moment, but she did not let go, but nodded and agreed.

"I know!"

After saying this, Murasame Linzi checked it again, and soon she found a problem and pointed it out without hesitation.

"Although these seeds are well preserved, they look like they have been stored for a long time~ I am not sure if they can germinate.

Also, this is a plant I have never come into contact with, and I am not very clear about its growth environment and habits. Even if it germinates, it may not be successfully cultivated."

Murayu Linzi stared at the seeds with a worried look. This is a very important thing. If the cultivation fails, it may lead to the disappearance of this plant, and it will also fail Xiu's trust in him.

Xiu has been studying for so long, of course he knows the existence of these problems. Even if the inherited gym masters stand on the basis of their predecessors, they still need to undergo a long period of study to master this technology.

And he was just a mediocre person who changed his career halfway. What's more important is that he had no place, no time, and no corresponding botanical knowledge.

It was because of this that Xiu realized that it was impossible to cultivate it by himself. This thing needs professionals.

There is no doubt that Cun Yu Linzi is a good helper.

"Don't worry~" Xiu took out a small notebook from his body and handed it over, "Here are some records of some people who cultivated this material in the past. It will be helpful to you."

Cun Yu Linzi's face flashed with joy when he heard this, and he quickly took it and flipped through it.

Xiu had thought of this problem a long time ago. The notebook was full of information about purple flowers that Xiu sorted out from the notes of those museum owners, and of course there was also information about cultivation.

This provided a good guide for Cun Yu Linzi to deal with possible problems.

There were only a dozen pages in total. After Cun Yu Linzi quickly flipped through it, he swept away his previous worries and seemed full of confidence.

"With this, I am sure I can cultivate it successfully!"

"This plant has a strong attraction to some elves." Xiu took out the formula of the insect repellent potion, "You need to use this during the cultivation process."

"Is this the formula of the advanced insect repellent potion mentioned in the notes?" Cun Yu Linzi took the formula with some curiosity.

"Yes, this can isolate the influence of plants on some elves, and you live in the forest, this thing may have a different effect on you."

Cun Yu Linzi certainly understood what Xiu meant. She could often encounter elves in the back mountain, but they were all very common elves and would not actively attack humans.

After all, this is still within the scope of Pallet Town.

"We can study how to make the seeds germinate first."

Cun Yu Linzi, who got the seeds, seemed to be eager to move and could no longer sit still.

Xiu naturally had no intention of stopping him, but instead came up to him.

He also wanted to learn the operation of professionals, and it would be good to master more knowledge.


The roar of the motorcycle echoed in the mountains and fields early in the morning.

Since that day, Xiu came more diligently than before for several days in a row, often rushing here after finishing the work at the research institute.

The seeds have been waiting to germinate under the arrangement of Cun Yu Linzi, and they are mainly tinkering with insect repellent these days.

In addition, they are constantly building and optimizing the cultivation plan of purple flowers based on the existing clues.

In order to repair this thing, Cun Yu Linzi even emptied a glass house in the botanical garden to use as a planting field.

You can imagine how much she values ​​this matter!

The physical decline caused by the race against time for study and research has also been adjusted in these days of high-intensity mountain climbing.

At least I can climb up without much change, not as weak as before.

Xiu went up to the botanical garden, but when he walked to the door, he found that it was not open here~

"I should be here at this time..." Xiu muttered, and came to the villa with doubts.

There was a knock on the door and Xiu heard a slightly hurried footsteps soon after.

This was inconsistent with Cun Yu Linzi's steady personality, and Xiu became alert.

I was afraid of something unexpected~

Before he could think about it, the door was opened, and Cun Yulinzi looked at Xiu excitedly and said, "It's sprouted! It's already sprouted!"

Xiu didn't look surprised when he heard this, but was very calm, but after two seconds, he couldn't help but smile.

"Come in!"

Cun Yulinzi grabbed Xiu's wrist and walked inside.

Just because Xiu was calm didn't mean Cun Yulinzi was the same. She seemed very excited because she knew that as long as the seeds could sprout, it meant that the seeds were still alive, which meant that the most difficult part had been solved.

The two came to the laboratory, facing the window, there was a row of containers, each base was only the size of a fist, and inside was the cultivation soil prepared by Cun Yulinzi, and outside was a transparent glass cover.

There were sixteen in a row, three of which had slightly raised soil inside, and one had a clear green dot.

Sure enough, the ones that can be used to save seeds are definitely the best, even if they have been placed for so many years, they can still sprout under the right conditions.


Even if one is a cultivator, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed after seeing the seeds really sprout.

He definitely kept something in reserve, and the dozen or so seeds he gave were only one-fifth of what he had.

After the first batch was cultivated, there was no need to worry about the remaining seeds.

Seeing Xiu so happy, Cun Yu Linzi also smiled.

"Then let's speed up the process now and get the anthelmintic out as soon as possible."

Xiu was always a man of action, and would not just be satisfied with the status quo. He turned and spoke to Cun Yu Linzi, while he walked towards the operating table.

"Hmm~" Cun Yu Linzi responded casually and followed with a smile.


With the efforts of Xiu and Cun Yu Linzi, the purple flower cultivation in the botanical garden has steadily entered the development period, with a total of twelve plants surviving, and the survival rate is about 80%.

Next, just wait for the plants to grow and bloom.

Xiu's focus of activities also returned to the research institute from the botanical garden.

In addition to assisting a few elves in training every day, he also began to experimentally prepare the potion for the giant mantis.

Or he would take Xiao Chun out for a stroll.

Life became more regular, and the whole person seemed more energetic.

After breakfast, Professor Oak broke his usual habit and said to Xiu with interest: "Are you free later? Come with me to my home in Pallet Town."

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