Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 26 Abandoned Factory

When a target falls after being touched, the Flying Mantis must capture the target's position, then quickly rush over, and then cut off the thread.

This is a plan designed by Xiu to train the Flying Mantis's mobile attack capabilities, instant reactions, burst speed, etc.

Xiu’s training programs keep pace with the times. In addition, there are training programs for precision, intensity, and pace. Anyway, there are a lot of them.

He did these designs not because he was bored, but because he was afraid that the elf would get bored with single training.

After all, no matter how smart they are, they are just like children, and it is difficult for them to tolerate boring and high-intensity study plans like Xiu.

Therefore, a few more are used to replace them to stimulate their training enthusiasm and at the same time enhance their strength.

Of course, the project with the most exchanges at present is Flying Mantis.

Casey's training progressed steadily without any signs of boredom, while the little lucky egg was directly excluded until it grew older.

"Okay, come here."

Xiu completed debugging the mechanism and shouted to the Flying Mantis.

The Flying Mantis stood up slowly, then kicked its legs a few times and landed in the center of the range, looking extremely relaxed.

Xiu also picked out one of the silk threads in his hand and let it go.

At this moment, the other end of the silk thread connection also loosened with the touch.

Before the stone fell, the flying mantis that was originally in the center seemed to hear something. It exerted force on its feet and rushed out to one side, leaving only half a footprint in the place.

At this time, the stone fell, and Xiu also saw that the direction of the flying mantis was consistent with the stone.

As the stone fell, the connecting thread was pulled and tightened. When it fell into the air, the flying mantis had already crossed the distance between the two and passed by without stopping.

The stone fell to the ground with a sound, and the Flying Mantis' entire body moved forward uncontrollably before it could stop.

But it didn't mean to stop at all. The next second it took off again and leaped in the other direction.

Xiu has already released the second clause...

After a while, the ten-meter area was covered with densely packed stones tied with silk threads, and the Flying Mantis among them looked even more exhausted, his body flushed in the sun, and he completely lost the relaxation he felt at the beginning.

The consumption caused by this high burst must be more than before, otherwise it would not be like this.

"Stop it first." Xiu put the remaining silk thread in his hand back to its original place, and then began to clean up after entering.

When the flying mantis heard the end, he immediately put down his hands, then bent over and walked to the side to sit down in the shade of a tree.

"Walk slowly first and wait for your body to get used to it before sitting down."

Xiu said something when he saw this, but the Flying Mantis seemed to be extremely tired. He sat down on the ground and closed his eyes, completely ignoring the surrounding environment.

Xiu just stopped to take a look at it, and then silently cleaned up the mess on the training ground...

At the end of the day's training, Xiu was not in a hurry to go back as usual. Instead, he wandered alone on the suburban roads. He then walked onto an extremely remote road and came to the edge of an abandoned factory.

He then stopped, turned and looked aside, and said, "Come out, how many days have you been following me?"

"Tch~" Seeing that there was still no reaction, Xiu couldn't help laughing, and then continued to taunt: "Don't get into this profession if you don't have the guts."

After saying this, a person walked out of the corner not far away, and a person slowly walked out in the other direction.

The two blocked the two directions in front of the factory, trapping Xiu stuck in place.

One was a tall and thin man, who looked to be in his twenties and thirties, with an ordinary appearance, but he had a mustache, which made the faces of the people on the road instantly recognizable.

The other one had a bald head with a sinewy face, and a greasy smile on his face. He seemed to be laughing and joking, but he couldn't hide the fierceness in his eyes at all.

The two of them walked towards Xiu, talking some nonsense.

"I didn't expect you to be so brave. You would dare to come to such a remote place even though you knew it." The bald man raised his hand and touched his head. The greasy smile on his face looked extremely vulgar.

"Why don't you dare?" Xiu was full of momentum, and his tone didn't mean the slightest bit of weakness.

When the mustachioed man saw Xiu being so confident, he couldn't help but speak.

"I've found out exactly where you live and what your background is. You've wasted our two brothers' time for a few days. Do you still think you can bluff us?"

"Have you really found out? Let me advise you, there are some people you can't mess with." Xiu not only didn't panic when he heard this, but asked with a smile on his face.

Xiu's frivolous attitude suppressed his mustache, and his normal steps were hesitant.

But the next second the bald man's words came back, he choked back.

"Renting a house like this, with no furniture except a bed, eating the cheapest fast food, throwing it in the trash can, even a Rattada can't eat it, and charging half a sky-high price for anything you buy, what kind of background can such a person have? ?”

The bald man's words seemed to remind the mustache, and he seemed to be irritated by Xiu, but Xiu's next words made him freeze in place.

"Then I'm so poor, what are you doing with me? You can tell I have no money."

Xiu spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face.

The mustachioed man looked at the bald head in confusion, as if to ask, "Yes, why are we here if he has no money?"

The accomplice's imbecile look angered the bald head.


After saying that, he ignored the mustache and threw up a Poké Ball, and a giant Beedrill appeared on the field.

When the Pokémon appeared, the mustache suddenly came out of the circle and realized why he came here. He cursed, but his hands were not idle. He raised his hand and released a Paras.

"I don't know how you can have such a rare Pokémon, but today it's my turn to get rich~"

Xiu looked at Paras with some curiosity. It looked like two mushrooms growing on the back of a bug. Its eyes were like two protruding glass balls, and there were some small protrusions on its forehead. Its forelimbs were particularly strong.

"Giant Beedrill, use [Missile Needle]." The bald man was ruthless and wanted to take his life as soon as he opened his mouth.

The giant Beedrill flapped its wings and rushed forward, closing the distance with Xiu, and then raised its hands like a knight's lance, and a ball of light condensed at the tip of the spear. When it expanded to the size of a fist, it was torn into strips of light arrows and shot forward.

Xiu did not hesitate at all, stepped back a few steps, and took out the Poké Ball with his backhand.

A flash of light passed by, and the figure of Scyther appeared in front of Xiu.

The next second, Xiu only heard the sound of hard objects colliding in front of him, and the splashing light spots filled his eyes.

When the situation settled down, Xiu saw that the approaching light arrows were cut down by Scyther.

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