Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 262 Daily Life

Taking advantage of the time between training, Xiu gave Giant Pincer Mantis a general explanation of the general direction of the subsequent training.

Although the improvement of physical fitness has reached a stage bottleneck, basic training must be done.

Not only can this maintain a weak but stable growth, it is also a way to maintain a fighting state.

It's just that the amount of these trainings is shortened by most, freeing up time for energy training.

The first thing the giant pincer mantis needs to learn is to sense the energy in its body.

This problem is easy to solve. The experience accumulated by Cathy through long-term meditation is enough for Giant Claw Mantis to reach that level.

Here, Casey uses telepathy to connect the three together, and uses this special state to guide it to sense the energy in the body.

Xiu observes and feels from the sidelines...

After a while, Xiu and Casey got out of that state, leaving the Giant Pincer Mantis sitting there blankly.

Everything that needs to be taught has been taught, now it’s up to it to understand and digest how much it can...

Xiu, who had finished his morning class, was just about to walk away when he saw Xiao Mao not far away. This child was staring at the Giant Pincer Mantis, and he didn't know what his plan was.

Seeing this, Xiu had a headache. Originally, he had some things to do and wanted to leave here, but now the Giant Pincer Mantis cannot be disturbed by others, otherwise all his efforts will be wasted.

After thinking for a while, Xiu found Xiaochun, who was training with Bobo, and said a few words to her. Then he found Nanami and asked, "I'm going to the botanical garden later, do you want to go?"

"Me?" Nanami looked at Xiu strangely, shook her head and said, "What should I do?"

"Haven't you two seen each other for a long time? Let's get together more often." Xiu continued to fool her, "Besides, I'm going to give a lecture to Miss Lin Zi, don't you want to listen?"

Nanami was a little curious when she heard this, and agreed after thinking about it for a while.

"Do you want to call Xiaomao? It seems he hasn't been there since he came back~"

"Forget it, Xiaomao accidentally inhaled paralysis grass and was paralyzed while playing in the botanical garden when he was a child. Then he didn't dare to go there." Nanami hesitated and rejected Xiu's suggestion.

"Your family and Miss Lin Zi are family friends! You come back once a year and don't even visit her. This is so impersonal~"

Xiu's strange words indeed made Nanami lose consciousness for a moment, and her brows furrowed slightly.

Without waiting for her to react, Xiu stood up and walked towards Xiaomao. Xiu said:

"I'm going to play in the botanical garden. Do you want to go?"

Mao was suddenly interrupted by Xiu, and his expression suddenly became very resistant. He turned his head and said, "No!"

But before he could do anything, the second half of Xiu's sentence came.

"Your sister will go too~"

After saying this, Xiao Mao's expression immediately became hesitant, but after struggling for a moment, he still didn't agree.

"What?" Xiu had a slight smile on his face, but it became more and more obvious, "Is it because you don't dare to go?"

Xiao Mao's temper could not withstand such a provocation, so he immediately stiffened his neck and said: "Just go, who is afraid!"

Xiao Mao's change in demeanor made Xiu find it very interesting, but Xiu was prepared and did not laugh. Instead, he opened his mouth to help Xiao Mao step down.

"Then you are very brave~"

"What are you talking about?" Nanami came over and looked at the two strange people and couldn't help but ask.

"Xiao Mao hasn't been to the botanical garden for a long time. It's a rare time to come back. We just happened to go see Miss Lin Zi." Xiu couldn't help but Xiao Mao took over the words as soon as he opened his mouth. He turned to Xiao Mao and asked, "right~ "

"Yes!" Mao agreed with a look of unwillingness.

"Then let's go."

Seeing Xiaomao like this, Nanami smiled helplessly and casually warned: "Don't be playful this time~"

When Mao heard this, his face turned red immediately, but he didn't say a word.

Xiu laughed out loud when he saw Mao Dadan being angry and afraid to speak.

Nanami has always been good at teasing Xiaomo.

The three of them were walking on the road, and Nanami asked Xiu: "Why do you suddenly have to give a lecture to Sister Linzi?"

"She wants to learn how to fight, and I happen to have some experience so I can share it."

Mao followed behind and watched the two people in front of him laughing. For a moment, he didn't know what he was doing.

The three of them were walking, but as soon as they approached the mountain where the botanical garden was located, Xiu felt something was wrong. His eyes roamed among the mountains and forests, and then locked on one place, but he made no further movements. After a glance, he returned to normal. .

Of course Nanami noticed this, and her eyes followed Xiu's direction, but her expression was a little confused~

"What's that?"

"The toucan is the elf that invaded the botanical garden before."

"Sister Linzi has recovered them?"

Nanami was even more surprised when she heard this.

"No, I just let it stay here for a few days," Xiu said in a casual manner what happened before.

Of course, it has also been processed twice, basically in one sentence.

Then he added: "What it's doing now should be that the toucan has designated this area as its territory. This is just the instinct to protect the territory."

Xiao Mao, who was following behind, still had a little doubt on his face. Why didn't he see anything just now?

Seeing that the two of them had already walked a long way, he could only follow them first and then think about this.

When the three of them arrived at the botanical garden, they happened to see Murasame Rinko changing the medicine for the toucan at the eaves, while her stinky flower was basking in the sun at the door~

"Sister Rinko!" Nanami shouted excitedly to the front, and then trotted over.

Her run immediately startled the toucan hiding in the forest, and it soared into the sky, flew directly into the sky and hovered, staring at Nanami below.

Its irritable nature and territorial mentality made it extremely resistant to Nanami's impact, as if it was ready to attack at any time.

Of course, Xiu also noticed the toucan's unusual movement, but he didn't care much, just glanced up.

The toucan had already prepared to attack, but when it saw Xiu's eyes, although it only looked directly at it for a short moment, it felt a great throbbing, as if if it took action, it would only be greeted by death.

The instinct of survival immediately dispersed the instinct that had just risen. The Toucan landed on the ground after just a few symbolic flutters and stood beside Murasame Rinko.

Xiu looked at it and thought, wow, it's only been a few days and it's already looking for a backer. It seems that the intelligence of the Toucan is not as low as it looks~

Muraasame Rinko stood up and waved at them when he heard this.

Nanami approached first, and the two exchanged greetings for a while before Xiu and Xiaomao followed.

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