"Kill people."

A voice broke the rare calm.

Xiu's words directly reminded the flying mantis, and it abandoned the giant sting bee and ran towards the bald head.

"Hey! Stop it quickly."

The giant needle wasp could only use its two guns to fight the flying mantis.

For a time, the two guns and the two knives continued to collide fiercely, making bursts of muffled sounds.

Not far away, Xiu looked at the situation on the field without any worry, his expression was too calm.

As expected, the flying mantis was overwhelmed by the continuous battles, and the forward combos of the giant needle wasp were even more difficult for it to handle, and the collision of swords and guns also produced results.

The blades of Flying Mantis's double blades, which were already full of cracks, became pitted and the cracks penetrated deeply into the blades.

Although the giant sting wasp on the opposite side is not in good condition, and its two guns are full of various marks, it is far from damaging its roots. As an adult, it will definitely last longer than the flying mantis.

A ray of red light penetrated into the battle and immediately took away the declining Flying Mantis.

At this time, the bald man realized that Xiu had been approaching for some time, but he was not surprised at all. Instead, he said to Xiu angrily: "I have such strength when I was young. Thank you very much for training me so well. The price is definitely It can be improved a lot.”

Xiu didn't pay much attention to the provocation. He slowly turned his head to look at him and asked, "Do you know why I chose this place?"

The bald man was stunned for a moment when he heard this, while Xiu Ze had already turned around and ran into the abandoned factory, giving them no time to react.

"Hey! Chase him quickly, don't let that kid get away."

The bald man also reacted and immediately called the Needle Bee to rush into the factory.

The mustache on the other side also followed subconsciously, but the distance was further away and could only lag behind the two of them.

When the bald man rushed over, he only saw the rusty door of the abandoned factory. The iron chain originally wrapped around it had been opened at some point, and was dangling half-stretched on it.


The bald man shouted and led the Stingy Bee forward.

But as soon as he pushed the door open, he felt something was wrong with his touch. However, before he could react, a strange sound came from behind the door.

After taking a closer look, a stone the size of a washbasin was swinging over from the other side.

It looked so powerful and heavy that if it were really hit, it would probably result in death or serious injury.

However, the Giant Needle Wasp was standing nearby. When he saw the white light flashing from the two bone spears in the attacking stone's hand, he stabbed forward with all his strength.

The two collided without any accident. The stone was thrust into the air and exploded, breaking into several pieces and falling to the ground, without causing any effective attack.

It's just that the Giant Needle Wasp wasn't much better. The two spears that had been slashed by the flying mantis finally shattered after a head-on collision with the rock, and the entire spear tip was lost.

"Hey! You kid is cheating on me." The bald man was furious and kicked the door open, but he couldn't hide the fear on his face.

When the door opened, Baldhead saw that Xiu hadn't run away, but was standing on the second floor of the factory opposite the door, looking down at him.

Judging from his appearance, there was no panic at all as the Flying Praying Mantis was retreating. Instead, he was unusually calm.

This time the bald head stopped talking nonsense, and the urge to rush in subsided at the same time.

After thinking for a moment, a confident smile appeared on his face and he said:

"Ha~ It turns out that you kid has been prepared for a long time. I'm afraid everything in the factory is your trap~"

Xiu stood there silently, without any ripples caused by the bald head's words, just like a piece of wood.

This time the bald man became even more hesitant and did not dare to step into the factory.

"Brother!" The mustached man arrived belatedly. Before he could understand the situation, the bald man asked him to explore the way.

"Go, let your elf in."

The mustache was not stupid, and of course he could hear that there was something wrong here, but he did not dare to refute, so he could only direct Paras to climb in.

Xiu was originally calm, but when he saw Paras coming in, his expression suddenly changed, and then he turned and ran away.

The bald man at the door saw Xiu's reaction and immediately shouted.

"Hey! That kid lied to me."

As he said that, he rushed forward, and the giant sting wasp on the side had no choice but to follow, and the mustache also followed after a moment's hesitation.

But just a few steps after he ran in, Xiu, who had turned around and ran away, suddenly walked back slowly. There was no panic on his face, but only a mocking smile.

This time the bald man's heart skipped a beat and he carefully looked around, but he only saw an empty factory building and nothing strange.

But this only made it more panicked.

"What do you want!"

The bald man yelled something loudly to Xiu, but everyone could hear the stern look on his face.

"I should be the one asking you what you want to do~" Xiu put his hands on the fence and looked down at them.

"Go! Big Needle Bee." The bald head didn't know what tricks Xiu wanted to play, but he didn't forget what he relied on.

The giant needle bee acted upon hearing this, and immediately flew towards Xiu. The slightly intact spear was lifted up, and it seemed that it was about to pierce Xiu's body in the next second.

However, Xiu didn't pay any attention to the approaching giant needle bee. Instead, he stood up slowly and raised his hand towards it.

In an instant, a slender branch shot out from a corner like a sharp arrow.

At such a close distance and with such a fast speed, the Beedrill had no time to react before being shot at its huge abdomen. The arrow even had the remaining force and shot through it, leaving a line of blood.

The Beedrill flew forward a little bit, and then the wings behind it seemed to react and stopped flapping. It fell from the air and hit the ground heavily. The blood mixed with the internal organs was squeezed out from the wound.

This scene stunned the two people below.

Xiu raised his hand and made the Beedrill invalid. This situation was completely beyond their understanding.

"This... this..." The mustache took a step back unconsciously.

"What are you afraid of! If he is really so powerful, he would not have waited until now. As long as he avoids those traps, what else can he do?"

The bald man didn't know whether he was talking to his accomplices or to himself.

On the contrary, the mustache seemed a little hesitant. After all, he was just a slow Paras. If he died, there would be no Pokémon.

"Hurry up, we will be happy for a long time after finishing this job, this is worth millions."

When the mustache heard this word, his face showed a look of severance, and he gritted his teeth and ordered Paras to move forward.

At this time, a fat figure broke into the factory.


The bald man looked and saw that his Lada had gotten rid of the effect of [Hypnotic Powder] at some point and came here.

"Hurry up! Bite that man to death." The bald man seemed to be completely crazy, and the ruthlessness on his face was obvious.

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