Nanami looked a little dazed, but she didn't refuse and walked over.

"Sit down~" Xiu sat down directly on the edge and turned back to Nanami and said.

Nanami took the opportunity to sit next to him, and had no intention of speaking first. Instead, she set her sights in the direction of Zhenxin Town, overlooking the town.

"You think I lied to you, why do you say that?"

"Isn't that right? I've felt that something is wrong with you these past few days, especially after grandpa left, your behavior became even more abnormal..."

But before Nanami could finish speaking, Xiu asked with a smile.

"Then did I lie to you?"

Nanami frowned and asked, "What are you hiding from me?"

"Didn't I tell you before? The elves in the forest become extremely excited in the summer, and elves often break into human gathering places. I didn't hide it either~"

It seems so~

Nanami was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses. She raised her hand and pointed in the direction of Zhenxin Town and asked, "Then please explain those outsiders."

"Those people?" Xiu sneered, with a look of disgust on his face, "Ha~ they are just poor people who are led by the nose by someone who cares."

When Nanami heard Xiu's words, her expression became strange. Why did Xiu say this suddenly?

After her curiosity arose, she didn't hear Xiu's subsequent explanation. Instead, she saw him swinging his legs casually, looking particularly leisurely.

Nanami frowned and stared at Xiu, but he still looked the same, with a relaxed and leisurely expression.

"What do you mean by that?" Nanami still couldn't hold back and asked curiously.

Xiu looked at her with a smile when he heard this. The expression on his face was a little strange, but he didn't hang her up and instead started to explain.

"This is about what happened in Joban City before..."

Nanami is still too young after all, how could she possibly be able to outplay him~

It only took a few words to draw her attention to other places, but let her take the initiative.

Xiu probably talked about what happened in Joban City before, except that he and Dr. Oak were hidden, and he focused on the struggle between Team Rocket and the Alliance.

"Actually, there are such disturbances in Joban Forest every summer, but the scale is different. It's not a big deal. The rangers will solve such problems.

Although the scale this time is a bit large, it is not a very serious event based on the league's capabilities. It's just that they have just experienced such an incident and they have become sensitive. Under the instigation of some thoughtful people such as the Rockets, they all Have you chosen to escape from Joban City~"

Xiu's words are very mysterious. If Baoba took the paralysis grass, it would have been a lie before, but now it has become the truth.

As long as those paralysis grasses are used properly, they can definitely eliminate most of the beast tide. If the remaining ones can't be dealt with, the alliance will be useless.

"Why would the Rockets spread rumors? It wouldn't do them any good, would it?" Nanami didn't understand something. Would this do any good to the Rockets?

"Haha~ The ones you see are only those who have the ability to run out, but what about those who can't get out without a car?"

"No wonder……"

"How can your normal thinking keep up with the Rockets? For them, anything that can cause chaos to the league is a good idea." Xiu complained, but he didn't seem worried.

He had already asked Obara to prepare some means in Joban City. With his previous experience and the cooperation of Dr. Oki, if Joey couldn't handle this matter well, stop messing around.

Nanami fell silent, looking a little uneasy. After a moment, she asked Xiu, "Where did grandpa go?"

"If you're worried about the Doctor, you might as well worry about what to eat for lunch. Do you think the Doctor would be so stupid?"

It was clear to Xiu that Dr. Oak was definitely hiding something, and he didn't know what he was hiding. But according to his understanding, as long as he didn't encounter Mewtwo, he would probably be fine.

After sending Nanami away, Xiu looked at the owl on the side and walked towards it.

"Good guy! I asked your boy to help me watch the two of them and notify me if something happened. I didn't ask you to help her deal with me. Now, patrol for me and monitor the area around Zhenxin Town. Check every half hour and find any problems. Report to me immediately."

"Gu~" The owl called out and then spread its wings and flew into the sky, hovering in the nearby area.

It's a pity that he is the only flying elf in the backyard, otherwise Xiu would definitely take turns to arrange surveillance and be able to control the movements of the entire Zhenxin Town in a timely manner.


Originally, Xiu thought he would be able to settle down for a while after sending Nanami away.

But it didn't take long for a person's visit to break the tranquility.

This was a slightly stout middle-aged man. Although he had not had much contact with him before, Xiu also knew that he was the mayor of Zhenxin Town.

But why did you come here?

Xiu watched him come up and walk straight towards the research institute. He had a bad feeling for a moment and quickly moved forward to stop him.

Just getting a little closer to Xiu, I noticed the anxious look on his face, and for a moment, the irritability spread to Xiu's heart.

But he didn't show it. Instead, he smiled and asked, "Mayor! What's going on?"

"Oh! It's Xiu." The man in the middle smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Where is the doctor? I have something to do with him."

"The doctor went out to attend a meeting. He has been away for a few days and is not in the institute."

When Xiu said this, the expression on the mayor's face instantly became more bitter, and he couldn't even smile awkwardly. He murmured in a low voice: "What should I do..."

"What happened?"

"There was a conflict between an outsider and the people in the town..."

Xiu knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he could only ask about the situation. Sure enough, it was still a conflict between outsiders and indigenous people.

"I'll go with you." Xiu said, turning back and walking towards the giant claw mantis.

Then he went to the town with the mayor...

On the way, Xiu learned the specific situation. In fact, too many people entered the town, causing the road to be blocked, and some cars chose to crush the fields to enter the town instead of taking the road for convenience.

You know, the people in the town rely on the fields to survive, and they are undoubtedly destroying the jobs of the townspeople by doing this.

In addition to the original conflicts, this time it was triggered, and now the townspeople organized to stop those people from entering.

It's okay for the mayor to handle general affairs, but it seems very powerless when encountering this kind of thing.

I can only come here to ask Professor Oak, the big Buddha.

Unfortunately, Big Buddha is not here, so we have to ask Little Buddha to take action~


"Get out of Pallet Town!"

"You are not welcome here!"

"Get out!"

"Beep beep beep!"

"Get out of the way!"

"If you get in my way, I'll kill you!"


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