Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 291 Little Mouse

After a while, Cura Yulinzi entered here and found a lot of elf balls on the table, while Xiu Xiu was making antidotes on the side.

Xiu's movements are precise and elegant, which are very entertaining to watch, and his efficiency is much higher than his own.

The operating table was occupied by Xiu, and Murasame, who was already a little tired, had no intention of going up to help. Instead, he sat aside and enjoyed Xiu's performance.

Soon several new antidotes were made. Xiu shook the bottle and observed the liquid inside through the sunlight. After making sure that there was no problem, he put it down, and then looked at the village rain forest aside.

"Go and take a rest when you're tired. Just leave it to me."

"I'm fine~"

"Oh! By the way." Xiu seemed to suddenly remember something. He hurriedly found his backpack and rummaged around. He took out a lunch box and put it on the table. "You must not have eaten yet. This is for you." You prepared it.”

After Xiu finished taking care of things at the Botanical Garden, he left, drove to a place far away from Zhenxin Town, and then entered the depths of the jungle.

"It should be almost done here." Xiu looked around and then released his elf.

Then the elf balls flew out one by one under Casey's control, and then the elf appeared on the ground.

No matter how effective paralysis grass is, it cannot withstand the passage of time.

The first batch of elves have recovered, at least that's what it seems.

"You guys go away and don't eat randomly again."

Xiu warned them and drove them away.

Only then did he have time to sit down and prepare food for a few elves.

"Today is really terrible~" Xiu watched several elves eating, while he himself sat on the ground, took out a tube of nutritional ointment and sipped it.

I have used my super powers too much, and now my brain feels like veins are beating along with my heart, and every time I blink I feel like I am going to sleep.

After letting the second batch of elves go, Xiu Cai drove back.

But he still kept a Rattata and did not relieve that state, but only used paralysis grass to control it.

This thing is still useful~


At night, when the sky gets a little dark, most people will retreat to their own territory. No one dares to wander outside at this time.

Not to mention that the night was extremely dark today, and the moon didn't even want to come out. Both the vehicle gathering areas and the main streets were eerily quiet, with only a few businesses in the town still turning on their lights.

But in this environment, a figure with something in his hand appeared on the road, walking towards Zhenxin Town from outside.

This man walked slowly and leisurely, passing between the convoys and then entered the residential area.

All actions were silent, like ghosts...

There was a faint light on a small house in the town, which became even more bleak after it passed through the curtains. It could not be seen clearly even if it was a little further away.

But the room was extremely lively, with several people talking and laughing inside.

"Hahaha! The preparations are complete, I'm afraid there will be elves attacking Zhenxin Town tomorrow."

A young man with an inch hair was so high-spirited that a fat man next to him looked embarrassed, but in an instant he turned ferocious and said through gritted teeth: "Humph! I must kill that kid and make him die a thousand times or ten thousand times..."

Before the fat man could finish speaking, a bald middle-aged man beside him sighed and interrupted him.

"Sigh~ I don't know if the boss will give us a salary increase."

After hearing this, the short-haired young man took over with a smile.

"As long as we succeed this time, it will only be a matter of time before the entire Kanto region surrenders to our feet."

"I don't know what's going on in Joban City~"

"We have to believe in the boss. The boss is the strongest!" The short-haired man was obviously very confident about this. "The superiors promised that as long as we complete this matter, we will definitely get a promotion and a salary increase when we return."

During the conversation between the two people, the fat man was unknowingly squeezed out of the conversation, and no one cared about his situation at all.

Fatty couldn't stand being ignored by these people. He was the absolute focus of the team before, but now he was reduced to this.

It's all because of that man! If he weren't the most eye-catching one in the team, if he were to meet him again, he would definitely...

The fat man's fists were clenched, his expression twisted and ferocious, he wanted to tear the man apart and swallow him alive even with the skin and bones.

"Hello! Is anyone here?"

A strange word followed by a knock on the door instantly broke the original atmosphere. The bald middle-aged man was about to touch his elf ball, but the next second a blue light film penetrated the wall and enveloped several people.

Their movements are also fixed at that moment.

Then the door lock automatically popped open and a voice came.

"Good evening everyone~"

Xiu pushed the door open and looked at the few people with a slight smile on his face, and then looked at the fat man in surprise.

It was actually the trainer who was hit in the head by the Giant Pincer Mantis.

"Yo yo yo~ I didn't expect that there is an acquaintance there. I haven't seen you for a long time. Did you miss me~"

After Xiu came in, he closed the door with his backhand and turned to look at the bald middle-aged man, with a slightly exaggerated look on his face.

"Why are you also playing with Team Rocket~"

Several people were controlled by superpowers and had no ability to resist at all. They could only passively accept what Xiu gave them.

The little fat man who looked full of hatred just now, after seeing Xiu, for some reason, the scene of the powerful headshot always appeared in his mind, as if the blood had covered his face again, and he could still feel the warmth.

Fear instantly occupied his heart, even squeezing his rationality, forcing him to let out meaningless wails.

But being restrained, he could only make strange sounds.

Xiuya didn't want to talk nonsense, he directly raised his hand towards the bald middle-aged man, pulled him in front of him, and then closed his eyes...

After a moment, Xiu didn't even open his eyes, and casually pulled the short-haired man over. The bald middle-aged man fell directly to the ground, his life and death unknown, and the surroundings fell into deathly silence.

The fat man looked at Xiu's strange behavior and the miserable state of his companions. His heart that was originally occupied by fear became even more desperate for a moment, but his struggle was useless. He could only watch his head fall to the ground, and he was slowly moving towards that person. Floated over.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Being fat didn't give him the strength to escape Casey's superpowers.

Xiu noticed his fierce resistance and couldn't help but open his eyes and joked: "Team Rocket likes people like you most who are incompetent and arrogant. Especially if you still have a little money at home, you only need to agree a little to get you to take the bait."

The fat man resisted violently, but all this only made him look more ridiculous and had no effect.

The next second when his superpowers invaded his brain, he stood up...

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