Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 294 Big Rat

This scene made the woman frown. Facing a superpower, she could not find hope of escaping.

Xiu took out a rope and tied the woman up and hung her on the tree, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Tired, really tired, running all the way up the mountain. Fortunately, he had reserved a little quota before, otherwise the two people would have to fight hard.

Feeling the information coming from the darkness, it was Casey who flipped through the man's memory and shared some information with Xiu.

The woman only saw Xiu closed his eyes and was in a daze. She suddenly wanted to run away, but she had no tools. She could only use brute force to break free from the rope, but she didn't expect that the harder she tied it, the tighter it would be...

Xiu seemed to have noticed something and opened his eyes to look at the woman.

"Don't waste your energy. Wait for me to finish my get off work. Maybe you can still leave a whole body."

Xiu took a rough look at the memory of the young man just now. He was an orphan and was selected and cultivated by the Rocket Team. Unlike those peripheral trash, he was a real member of the Rocket Team.

As for his purpose of coming here, it was to destroy Pallet Town. At the same time, Team Rocket sent members to many surrounding towns. They just wanted to spread the war and delay the pace of the alliance as much as possible.

It was just because Pallet Town had a figure like Professor Oak, so they sent those small fish and also arranged an elite team.

If those small fish could succeed, they would not need to do it. As for how the small fish would face the following things, it had nothing to do with them, after all, they were just consumables.

But unfortunately, Xiu blocked the Pokémon outside Pallet Town in two consecutive waves, and killed those small fish at the same time, which forced the two of them to prepare to take action.

It was just that the leaked drug smell attracted him, and this situation appeared again.

From that person's memory, it was learned that Team Rocket's looting in Viridian Forest was very effective, and almost all the Pokémon of the direct elite members had added powerful Pokémon.

Because Team Rocket robbed several breeding houses of the Alliance in Viridian Forest.

So Xiu was still patient at this time, and the safest way to choose was to maintain the identity of the hunter.

Otherwise, if they had fought directly just now, Casey and the giant claw mantis might not be able to deal with several strong elves at the same time.

After combing this side, Xiu stood up and walked to the woman, raising his hand to press her forehead.

The contact consumption is not so great, which can save a little superpower. After all, it is better not to waste it at this time.

The woman did not mean to struggle, as if she had accepted her fate and closed her eyes.

But the next second she felt a sharp pain in her brain, and then her consciousness began to blur, and some things emerged from her mind like a revolving lantern...

After a while, Xiu opened his eyes and looked at the woman with a strange look.

I didn't expect that this was still a middle-level member of the Rocket Team, managing several teams below. Because of the special nature of Pallet Town, she was arranged here.

She is also an orphan, but she was not selected by the Rocket Team, but she killed people and offended some big shots, so she joined the Rocket Team to survive.

However, it must be said that her ability is indeed outstanding. After joining the Rocket Team, she stood out with the first place in their training. Later, she became a middle-level manager in just two years. She even met Banmu. It can be said that she is very different from ordinary members.

And this woman obviously investigated me before coming. No wonder she looked a little strange at first glance.

Xiu found information about me in the Rocket Team in her memory. The specific data is:

Name: Xiu

Identity: Assistant of Professor Oak, Trainer

Carried Pokémon: Xenomorph

Summary: This person has a cruel and cunning personality. The Pokémon is a Xenomorph, which has a high hunting value, but it is recommended that those with weak strength stay away...

Being called cruel and cunning by the Rocket Team made Xiu want to laugh a little, and most of the information was his strength exposed on the surface. The information obtained by the Rocket Team only had Xenomorph. It seems that it is a very wise choice for him to be Kai XZ.

And according to the information collected by the woman, someone in the black market has offered a reward of one million for his Xenomorph.

The outrageous thing is that the amount of reward offered by Team Rocket for him is only 300,000.

Xiu didn't care much about this, he was afraid that he wouldn't have reached this point today.

What made him a little unhappy was that he couldn't even compare to the giant claw mantis~

Of course, these are just trivial matters, the woman has more important information.

According to the situation in his memory, Xiu was lucky to control her in the first time, otherwise it would be quite troublesome.

Because Team Rocket had specially made some tricks to destroy Pallet Town, she brought 300 Zubats, and when the time came, she would arrange the medicine and release these 300 infected Zubats...

Xiu had a headache when he thought of that scene.

The woman had very good physical fitness and had woken up when Xiu was stunned.

Noticing her movement, Xiu chuckled, looked at her and asked: "Should I call you Lan? Or should I call you Yumi~"

The woman seemed to realize something, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes when she looked at Xiu.

Noticing her flaw, the original idea of ​​dealing with it was temporarily put aside, and a new idea emerged instead.

"It seems that Team Rocket doesn't know about your experience before you changed your name. If Team Rocket knew, do you think they would offend those people for you?"

Xiu continued to probe, but she still did not give up the disguise, still with a stern face, but when she looked at Xiu, her expression began to fluctuate, and the emotions hidden under the Sima face began to reveal themselves.

"What do you want to do?" The woman gradually couldn't hold it anymore, so she had to ask.


Xiu grinned at this, but this smile seemed extremely evil to Lan, and he couldn't help but frown and look away.

Seeing that the woman ignored him, Xiu didn't care, but talked to himself.

"Guess how much money I can get by sending you there~ Maybe I can even gain a precious friendship."

For some reason, Xiu suddenly laughed while talking, and continued in a weird tone: "Hahaha~ Although you can't see the joy they get when they get this news, I think they must be very happy~"

"I must kill you!!!" The woman howled at Xiu like a broken defense, struggling hard, causing her whole body to sway differently.

But her resistance made Xiu laugh even happier.

Suddenly, the woman's face turned cold, and the expression just now disappeared in an instant, leaving only hatred in her eyes.

Using the swing to cover up the force, she raised her hands upwards and lifted her whole body up, then exerted force on her waist, and her legs were like a straight big knife that chopped towards Xiu's head horizontally, with such great force that it seemed to cut through the air and create waves.

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