Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 299: Origin of the Alliance

"Where are those defense forces?" Xiu frowned and asked.

"They have built defenses on the edge of the Western District." Baoba looked at the screen and said calmly, "Stop those affected by the Western District at the junction."

"Why is this? Those people..." Xiu wanted to say something eagerly, but stopped again and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he took a deep breath to adjust himself, looked at Baoba and asked, "What exactly is Rainbow City?"

"Ha~" Baoba actually laughed when he heard this and asked: "You also think this city is strange, right?"

"Any explanation?" Xiu seemed to have noticed something.

"If you know about the establishment of the alliance, you will understand that Rainbow City has a very unique position in the Kanto region, and even the alliance itself cannot control that place."

Baoba had a strange smile on his face. It couldn't be said whether it was disdain or contempt, but Xiu always felt that he had a lot of opinions about Rainbow City.

"It may be difficult for you to read this history in books, so you can only know it from the mouths of us old guys who have experienced it~"

Listening to Baoba's words, Xiu obviously wanted to tell the story, and he was a little curious for a moment.

"Have you ever heard of the Age of Kingdoms, the Age of Nobility, and the Age of Alliances?"

Baoba asked first strangely. He didn't know much about this practice because there seemed to be no book mentioning it.

"A few hundred years ago, the Kanto region was a unified kingdom. Some of the cities we see now were fiefdoms given to nobles at that time. At that time, the country was strong and the entire kingdom showed great strength.

But then the king's rule weakened and the power of the old nobles expanded. An irresolvable conflict arose between the two. Then a war broke out between the two. The result was obvious. The nobles won and they carved up the Kanto region.

The division lasted for hundreds of years, until the times changed and the emerging industrial development gave birth to a group of new aristocrats. After reaching a certain level, the old and new aristocrats began to have conflicts, and then quickly developed into an irreconcilable situation.

However, compared with the new aristocracy that had just developed and had a relatively weak foundation, the old aristocracy still had an advantage, so the new aristocrats chose to unite. As a result, an alliance was established, and those old aristocrats suffered a serious blow. "

As he said this, Baoba stopped and asked Xiu, "What do you think is going on in Rainbow City?"

"Um..." Xiu thought for a moment before speaking: "It should be related to those old nobles. In addition, Director, you said that the alliance cannot control Rainbow City, so it is very likely that those failed old nobles are huddled in Rainbow City. Some kind of agreement was reached with the alliance.”

Baoba grinned and continued: "I guessed half right, this is indeed related to the old nobles, but the specific situation is that even if the new nobles unite, they will only compete, not crush.

I have to admit that some things take time to settle, just like the cultivation of an elf takes time.

So it was a very embarrassing situation at that time. Both sides were in friction, but nothing major happened until some old nobles defected to the alliance.

No one knows what happened here, but the result is obvious. The alliance won with the help of these old nobles, who were either destroyed or fled Kanto.

When we were young, there were many so-called noble treasures circulating in the territories of the old nobles. "

Listening to Baoba's topic gradually deviating, Xiu had no choice but to remind him.

"Then what?"

Baoba restrained himself for a moment and continued the topic.

"But the new nobles are not worried about the old nobles who have defected. After the biggest threat is solved, they will start..."

Baoba smiled strangely at Xiu, with a "you understand" look.

Xiuya probably understood, a few words popped into his mind.

The birds are gone and the bows are hidden, the rabbits are killed and the dogs are cooked, the donkeys are killed by unloading the mill, and the military power is released with a glass of wine...

No way, this thing is too classic.

"But after all, the alliance won with their help, and it's hard to go too far, so they designated a place and gave them a lot of power in this place. They also gave them all the resources they should have, and at the same time, they also They're limited to this, and that place is Rainbow City."

Xiu Suan understood the situation in Rainbow City. He originally thought it was an old man from the previous dynasty, but he didn't expect it to look like this.

“For some reasons, although Alliance, Joey, and Junsha all exist in Rainbow City, they are all configured as a large city should and do not have much power to command those people.

The main combat power of Joban City was cultivated by those families. They had objections to the alliance asking them to go to the forest to defend themselves from the beginning. When things really broke out, they found an excuse to leave and go back to defend their forces. This led to this Tragedy. "

Xiu was speechless when he heard this. Why is there so many messy things in this world? The relationships between those characters are complicated and various forces are involved at every turn. How come there is such a big gap between the world and his ideal world.

We agreed to be the protagonist through time travel, but why didn't he get the treatment of a protagonist in a novel?

"What a shame~"

Xiu cursed in a low voice in his native language out of habit, which attracted Baoba's attention.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Does that mean the alliance doesn't care about Rainbow City?" Xiu quickly changed the subject.

"It's still in charge. At least in name, Rainbow City is still part of the alliance, and the alliance is also very wary of those families raising their heads."

"That means they don't have to take responsibility even if so many people die?"

"What do you think?" Bao Ouba smiled contemptuously, revealing his iconic big gold teeth.

Xiu pursed his lips and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Let's talk about the situation in the West District."

The two chatted about the situation in the West District. Xiu also saw that Bao Ouba was indeed tired, and took the initiative to disconnect.

After this side exited, Xiu slumped in his seat.

At first, it can be seen that Bao Ouba wanted to conceal the real facts and wanted to brush this matter over, but later he realized that Xiu was not so easy to be fooled, so he told the situation in Rainbow City.

Fortunately, Junsha had a team at the time, and with the assistance of Joey, they shared the responsibility of rescuing evacuees, otherwise they would have to save people and deal with infected elves, not to mention how difficult it would be.

Xiu sighed and slowly closed his eyes...

I don't know how long it took, a knock on the door woke him up, and he stood up suddenly and looked around, and it took him several seconds to react.

"Xiu! What's wrong?"

As if he had heard the noise inside, Cun Yu Linzi pushed the door open and saw Xiu, who looked a little dazed. He quickly approached him and asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

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