Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 313 Suspicion

When talking about this, Muranyu Linzi trembled for some reason, his expression was extremely intense, his eyes were out of focus, as if he had traveled through time and space to see that scene again.

"When I looked out from the balcony on the second floor, I saw a group of people in uniforms. They claimed to be members of the Alliance. They came to inform me that my parents had committed a major murder in Rainbow City and killed six people. , and the deceased were all famous trainers.

After they said that, they asked me to open the door, saying they wanted to enter the house and search it, but how old was I at that time? I was completely stunned by this news, and those people didn't care whether I agreed or not, they just released the elves to break in.

And their violent methods triggered the Overlord Flower that my parents left in the botanical garden. A foul smell came out and forced them to retreat, but they attacked me like crazy. The Overlord Flower started fighting with them to protect me. At that time, Driven by the Overlord Flower, the entire bungalow was wrapped in vines, and I could only hear the sounds of fighting outside..."

At this point, Xiu felt that her voice was slightly choked, and a sad aura was spreading.

"When the vines were broken, I only saw the Overlord Flower falling outside, and those people were approaching me again. However, the distance between here and the research institute was not very far. The sound of the fighting just now alerted the people on the other side. Grandpa Damu, he took Kuailong to stop those people and then drove them away.

But when I went outside, the Overlord Flower had lost all signs of life. Even Grandpa Omu couldn't do anything about it. It left me forever. "

Although Xiu had already guessed something, he still felt a little pity when he saw Murasame's appearance, and comforted him: "It's all over~"

Curayu Linzi shook his head lightly and continued the story just now.

"Later, under the intervention of Grandpa Omu, people from the alliance contacted me. They said that my parents were missing, but the killings caused could not be let go, and compensation needed to be paid to those who died. Then the matter of paralysis grass was settled. They will give the proceeds from the paralysis grass to those families.”

"Hey! Do you believe this stuff?" Xiu couldn't help but complain after hearing this.

"If you really want compensation, you won't settle on this. Don't you have money in your family if you don't have a doctor? So they are just interested in paralysis grass, but the doctor doesn't dare to grab it openly here, so he can only talk about it secretly. What kind of compensation~"

Murasame Linzi didn't pay much attention to Xiu's words, but continued what he just said.

"Because my parents were afraid that I would be alone at home, they would contact me every night at around nine o'clock. They contacted me as usual that night. Although it was a bit strange, my mind was not on this at all, I just wanted to hurry up. After finishing this annoying greeting, he went to bed without noticing their unusual tone.

In retrospect, I realized that they were a little depressed at the time, as if they were frustrated by something. At the same time, I also noticed that what they said was also very strange. The sentence "Only by cultivating the elves well can you inherit the botanical garden" seemed to be hinting at something to me. "

"So you suspect there's something wrong here?"

Curayu Linzi looked a little confused. After a pause for a few seconds, he slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know either..."

When Xiu heard this, he realized that Curayu Linzi had suspected his parents for a long time, but he was trapped here and had no way to investigate, so he only remained suspicious.

"I just didn't expect that would be the last time I heard my parents' voices..." Murasame sighed instead.

Xiu calmed down a little and said to Murasame Rinko with a serious expression: "The root of your problem today is that you have no power. Only when you have enough power can you truly control your life and not be at the mercy of others. And I will help You gain strength and take back control of your life.”

Although she doesn't know the truth about her parents' incident, Xiu Ming understands that she wants to investigate the matter clearly. There is never hope in trying to rely on the strength of others to bring justice. Justice often depends on how big and hard one's fist is.

So he wanted to teach Cun Yulinzi how to grow big and hard.

"Okay, have you finished reading my book?"

"Hey!" Cura Yulinzi was a little unable to follow Xiu's strange train of thought, but still subconsciously responded, "I've finished reading..."

"Okay! Then I will test you." Xiu was not polite at all and blurted out a series of questions.

That book was written by him, and he knew exactly what was in it, and these questions were also at its core.

Murasame didn't talk nonsense, she could answer Xiu's questions, and it was obvious that she had studied seriously.

"Okay, you already have a concept of combat, and you know how to distinguish what is combat and what is duel, but this is the basic part, and you still have a lot to learn."


Next, Xiu used Casey and Giant Claw Mantis as examples to explain how to cultivate combat consciousness and how to choose different combat plans according to specific situations. These villagers not only had to learn, but also went back to teach Stinky Flower.

But it is estimated that the smelly flower will turn into a king flower before long.

"Actually, if you have the money and time, I suggest you find some more elves."

Xiu discovered very early that Murasame was actually not short of money. After all, in addition to the paralysis grass sold by the Alliance, she also sold a lot of materials. Some of the materials were not cheap, and the materials produced by Murasame's family were of good quality and were very popular with some people. Even some customers are left behind by their parents.

Also, Murasame Rinko has very low living needs. Apart from basic food and clothing, she has almost no money to spend.

With the inheritance left by her parents, Murasame Rinko can be said to be a wealthy woman.

"But I haven't even trained a stinky flower well~" Murasame Rinko looked a little worried as she shrank back.

"I have also seen a lot of Pokémons. I can tell whether they are trained well or not. Your stinky flower is well trained, but you just didn't work hard on the battle before. Don't underestimate yourself."

Why did Xiu keep urging her to collect more Pokémons like a salesman?

This involves the training of grass-type Pokémons. Among so many Pokémons, grass-type training has the lowest requirements and requires the least resources, but it also grows the slowest and takes a long time.

Just like this stinky flower, it has been with her since she was very young, and it has been so many years until now, but its growth is not very obvious.

So Xiu suggested that she collect another Pokémon. After all, according to her hobby, it is also a grass-type.

"There are a lot of grass-type Pokémon in Kanto, like Paras, Creeper, and Mushroom. Of course, Bulbasaur and the like are even better, but it's hard to encounter them under normal circumstances."

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