Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 321 Study? Learn shit!

After explaining this to Xiaochun, Xiu found Qianyang on the second-floor balcony.

Outside, the scorching sun was ruthlessly burning the earth. The restless summer sunlight was divided under the cover of the eaves, and the sunlight that could penetrate was even weaker, just barely spreading on the edge of the balcony and then stopped.

Qianyang sat casually on a chair, holding a slightly yellowed book in her hand, and she seemed to be independent of the world when she flipped the pages casually.

To be honest, Xiu felt the temperament of a saint who had seen through the world and transcended the secular world in her.

And Qianyang looked indifferent no matter what she faced.

"Qianyang~" Xiu walked towards her and sat opposite her.

Qianyang glanced at Xiu lightly, then slowly closed the book, and the ethereal voice echoed in his mind.

[What's the matter? ]

"Why do you read these books all day long."


Qianyang put the book on the table casually.

Xiu looked at her, took out a book with his backhand, and handed it over.

"What's the point of reading those? I'll teach you something fun~"

Qianyang looked at the book that Xiu handed over. On the cover was written "Three Days for Programmers".

This was a field that he had never touched before. Qianyang took it with some curiosity and opened it to read the contents.

Xiu couldn't help but curl up his lips as he watched Qianyang step into the "trap".

Qianyang's thinking was really terrible. Everything became extremely simple in her eyes, which led to her lack of interest in everything.

Anyway, she was too idle, so Xiu decided to use her power to complete the software part of the illustration.

Programming is a road with no end. It is still in the exploratory stage. Even if Qianyang is strong, there will be bottlenecks, and there will be no situation where you can see through it at a glance.

A hundred-page introductory book was flipped through by her in a short while. Xiu took the opportunity to ask her some basic questions.

As expected, Qianyang answered fluently...

Xiu walked out of the study and couldn't help but smile slightly when he heard the keyboard tapping behind him.

Just now, he taught Qianyang how to use the computer and directly started programming, which was a dead end.

Qianyang's terrifying ability was brought into play again. It took only a short time for her to master most of the uses of the computer. If Xiu hadn't stopped her, she would have gone to deconstruct the system.

This person was also a tiger, not afraid of anything. Xiu could only give her his task and find something for her to do to amuse herself.

Xiu got up and left the study room, leaving her alone to play.

Going down to the first floor, Xiu did not see Xiaochun on the stairs, nor did he find the figure of Cun Yu Linzi. Following the sound outside, he walked out to the flat ground in front.

Xiaochun was training with Bobo in the open space. She was holding a handful of rations in her hand and throwing them out one by one.

Bobo, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed over and pecked the rations steadily before they fell to the ground, and then swallowed them in two or three bites.

Xiu stood aside and watched for a while, and found that Bobo was quite sensitive and responsive, but unfortunately he couldn't fly after jumping around.

Cun Yu Linzi was fiddling with something with Stinky Flower on the other side.

Xiu didn't mean to disturb them. He left a note in the living room and left the botanical garden.

Xiu was thinking about Qianyang all the way.

Qianyang's ability is undoubtedly very suitable for programming. Whether it is the ability to remember everything he sees or the extraordinary ability to understand and analyze, it caters to the two most difficult aspects of programming. It can even be said that it is tailor-made.

But if you want to introduce him, there are two problems to be solved.

One is Professor Oak, and the other is Qianyang's parents.

How to convince them has become Xiu's primary problem.

But now is not the time~


It was another afternoon tea day. Xiu asked a question not long after he sat down.

"Doctor, do you believe there are true geniuses in this world?"

"Ha~ What are you doing?" Dr. Oak looked at him with a smile, "You won't give up because of this, will you? This is not like you."

"I'm serious~" Xiu pursed his lips helplessly and asked seriously: "Doctor, do you think there is a person who has never been exposed to programming before and solved the software problem in one night?"

Dr. Oak seemed to notice Xiu's situation and became a little more serious. He took his hand away from the teacup and thought for a second or two before speaking:

"If you mean genius in the traditional sense, there are still some. Xiao Mao is very smart, but the kind you said is too outrageous and unlikely.

But the world is so big, no one knows whether such a person exists."

Dr. Oak didn't seem to understand what Xiu meant, and gave an ambiguous answer.

"But I think I found it~"

Xiu's voice was not loud, but he was stunned by what Dr. Oak said, and his expression was a little weird.

"What do you mean?"

"Doctor, listen to me first~"

Xiu seemed very relaxed when he brought up the topic, and roughly talked about Qianyang's origin and talent.

Of course, Xiu kept his mouth shut about her special ability, and just attributed it to her photographic memory and natural intelligence.

"That's about it. I rescued her family when they were fleeing and arranged them to the botanical garden. I mentioned this problem to her yesterday, and she solved the problem that bothered me in just one night.

Although there is still a long way to go before the entire system architecture, this ability is indeed terrifying."

Xiu said as he turned on the computer, opened the file sent by Qianyang, and then transcribed it to the test machine for a test run. Sure enough, it perfectly executed the function that Xiu expected.

Dr. Oak watched Xiu's operation without saying anything, but his expression became more and more curious.

He also knew Xiu's character and knew that Xiu would not lie about these things.

In other words, what he said just now was very likely true.

Dr. Oak knew what such a gifted human represented, and couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

What kind of luck is this kid~ Why does everything seem to be related to him?

"What do you think, doctor?" Xiu asked Dr. Oak with a smile.

How could Dr. Oak not understand what Xiu meant by this? He just wanted to recruit people to join.

"If she is really a genius with a very strong talent as you said, but she is less than ten years old, she should be studying at this age. Will our actions interfere with her growth?

What if she neglects her studies because of us? I'm afraid it's not appropriate~"

"Study? Doctor, don't be ridiculous. What school teacher can teach her? It would be a waste to let her talent go."

Dr. Oak couldn't help but fall into deep thought after listening to Xiu's words...

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