Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 325 That’s enough~

"I don't know, but all the people who have the [Power of Evergreen] in history are the chosen ones of heaven. As long as they don't die halfway, they have achieved great achievements in various aspects."

Dr. Oak's words are like saying it, but not saying it.

It seems that he doesn't want to stay on this topic for too long, and turned to Xiu and said: "Let me make it clear first, I don't care about Qianyang's life. You can solve the problem yourself by provoking the people from Gu."

"What's the situation with Qianyang? Doctor, don't you believe me? I will solve this. What you need to worry about is what if she surpasses you within a month."

"You think too much. She may not be able to finish reading all the books in my study in a month. Even if she is as powerful as you said, she will have to wait for a few years to surpass me."

Dr. Oak seemed very casual. Who was not a genius when he was young? Who doesn't have a photographic memory?

This made Xiu feel a little embarrassed.

It seems that I am the worst here...

What! The clown is actually me?


The Shirono family is unlikely to stay for long. They still need to rush back to Evergreen City before night falls.

So after chatting for a while, they stood up and prepared to go back.

As the person who brought them here, Xiu naturally had to see them off, and led Qianyang and Murasame Rinko down to the other side of the bridge.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Qianyang. We can contact each other on the computer when we are free. Besides, Tokiwa City is not too far from here, so you can come and play."

Seeing Meiyao's reluctant look, Xiu couldn't help but comfort her.

But Meiyao didn't respond yet, and Shirono exclaimed first

"Oh, right! I almost forgot those things."

He said and turned to the carriage and took out two bags from it.

Meiyao seemed to react when she saw this, and went over to take it and handed it to Xiu and Murasame Rinko respectively.

"I was taken care of by you two when I came here before, but I was in a hurry and didn't prepare anything. These are clothes designed by our studio. This small gift is not a respect."

"Thank you~" Xiu took the gift with a smile, and his expression was quite happy.

On the contrary, Murasame Rinko had never received gifts before, so she was a little scared when Meiyao handed her something, and instinctively raised her hand to refuse.

But Xiu took it and handed it to her, smiling: "It's a kind gift from the heart, don't be polite, take it."

Murasame Rinko was stunned for a moment, and took it with a slightly stiff smile on his face.

"Thank you~"

After a few polite words, the Shirono couple left, and Xiu and the others naturally returned to the top.

Nanami, who had been standing on the edge watching them, saw the thing in Xiu's hand and came over, and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Look for yourself." Xiu simply handed the bag over.

Nanami opened the bag, took out a set of clothes from it, and said to Xiu excitedly: "It's actually a formal suit!"

Xiu's reaction to this was mediocre. After all, he only wore street stall goods, either casual clothes or work clothes, and he didn't feel anything about these.

On the contrary, Nanami seemed a little curious, holding the clothes to compare with Xiu.

"It feels like it fits perfectly~ Why don't you try it on?"

"Forget it~" Xiu shook his head helplessly. "I'm busy every day, how can I have time to wear this kind of clothes."

Nanami saw that Xiu's reaction was a bit boring, so she folded the clothes and put them back in the bag and stuffed them into Xiu's pocket. She turned around and stuck to Murasame Rinko again, saying coquettishly: "Sister Rinko, show me yours."

Muraasame Rinko was no match for her, so she had to smile bitterly and handed the bag over.

When she opened it, there was a white long skirt inside, which made Nanami exclaim.

"Wow~ What a beautiful skirt."

Xiu's aesthetic taste has always been average, and he doesn't know whether it's good or not.

Anyway, judging from the way Nanami tried it on herself, she should like it very much.

Murasame Rinko seemed very calm. Seeing Nanami like it so much, she was quite relieved and said, "Since Xiaomei likes it so much, I'll give it to you."

Nanami heard this and leaned against Murasame Rinko, smiling and said, "This dress obviously looks better on Sister Rinko. I'm too short and it doesn't look good on me at all."


Xiu was not very interested in the topic between the two, and took Qianyang back to the institute.

Mainly, he took Qianyang to visit all the places on the first floor.

Then he came to the study.

Dr. Oak's study is very exquisite. Not only are there bookshelves and books, but there are two single sofas and a counter by the window, which is a good reading position.

The most important thing here is not the books, but the notes left by Dr. Oak on those books.

"You can read all the books here, but I suggest you read some of the elves first to have a basic understanding of this aspect, and then read the others."

In fact, limited to Dr. Oak's research direction, there are only a few basic books on programming. Qianyang has read them, and the rest will have to wait for the revised books to come.

Moreover, the program development in the first stage was quite monotonous, so Xiu was trapped here.

It is easy for you to ask him to destroy, but it is difficult for you to ask him to build from scratch.

Qianyang chose to stay in the study to read, and Xiu took the initiative to withdraw.

Now is not the time for her to directly participate in the project.

She must have some understanding of the situation related to the elves, so that she can know what they need to do.

After arranging this, Xiu also had to go and do other things...

Wait until the afternoon to take this time to see how Qianyang is doing.

But what he didn't expect was that Nanami and Xiaomao were also in the study.

Xiaomao and Qianyang both had books, and there were several more books in front of them.

Nanami also had a book beside her, but her attention was obviously not on it, and her eyes glanced at them from time to time.

"What's going on?" Xiu was a little surprised by Nanami's intention.

"Reading a book~" Nanami raised the book in her hand to Xiu leisurely.

Xiu glanced at Nanami, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Doesn't he know who Nanami is?

This is clearly making fun of Xiaomao~

Xiu more or less saw that this was not a competition at all, but a one-sided massacre.

The simplest manifestation is that Qianyang turns pages faster than Xiaomao, and it is very stable, but Xiaomao is not good. His speed of turning pages is very uneven, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

"That's enough~" Xiu felt a little sorry when he saw Xiaomao's gradually panicking expression.

Xiu was afraid that Xiaomao would shut himself in, after all, he had experienced Qianyang's strength.

The feeling of being left behind was not pleasant, not to mention that Xiaomao himself was a person with a sense of superiority.

Xiu considered himself an ordinary person, so even if he felt the gap, he would only be slightly frustrated for a while and then adjust himself, because he originally believed that there were people in the world who were stronger than him.

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