Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 33 A sudden rainstorm

But Pichu didn't rush to touch Xiu because of what he said, although it looked very hungry.

Seeing this, Xiu felt helpless about this stubborn Pichu, and put the food on the bench with a bitter smile.

"Come over here, so you won't be afraid of electrocuting me."

And he sat down on the side, but as soon as he sat down, his fatigue was revealed.

He couldn't help but close his eyes, and his spine seemed to lose support and he collapsed on it.

After walking for a day, even if he was made of iron, he couldn't stand it, otherwise he wouldn't stop here, but go back to the suburbs.

He was really too tired...


Pichu jumped onto the bench and called to Xiu. Xiu moved his head slightly, opened his eyes and glanced at it, and then chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, just a little tired."

Seeing its slightly worried look, Xiu subconsciously reached out and touched its ears, wanting to give it some comfort.

The feel was the same as before, fluffy and soft, and there was also a slight numb feeling.

At this moment, Xiu actually had the illusion of petting a cat. All the pressure accumulated during this period of time dissipated at this moment, and the whole person seemed to be healed.

It was just that Xiu was concerned about his own feelings and completely forgot that he was holding Pichu instead of a cat.

His hand was accidentally heavier, pinching Pichu and hurting it. He only heard the little guy's slightly panicked cry, and then the current leaked out of the electrical sac on its cheek uncontrollably, just passing through Xiu's arm.


Xiu only had time to wail, and then he felt a current running through his body, and his muscles tightened in an instant, but relaxed again the next second.

But to his surprise, when the strong feeling at the beginning subsided, the whole body was warm and a little numb, which was actually quite comfortable to some extent.

After being electrocuted, he became more energetic.

"Good guy! I discovered a new world."

Xiu slightly adapted to the situation of his body, but before he could deal with the idea that popped up in his mind, he looked down at Pichu as if he had noticed something.

As expected, I found that the little guy fell into that kind of self-blame again.

"Okay~ I'm fine, you didn't mean it, I was too much." Xiu raised his hand to hold it in his arms, and then took the fruit, "Come, eat something, I have an idea..."

Pichu looked at Xiu strangely, why is this person so strange, can he laugh after being electrocuted?

And he said some strange words.

Pichu's weakness is visible to the naked eye, and the electric current did not cause any harm to Xiu, but reminded him of some interesting things.

For example, the impact of electric current on the body, perhaps it can stimulate the growth of the body and stimulate potential through electric current.

But thinking about it, Xiu felt that it was not very reliable, after all, this current is difficult to control, and the impact is still unclear.

Pichu ate the fruit while Xiu was talking nonsense, and then lay in Xiu's arms.

Xiu held Pichu and sat on the bench. At this time, the sunset spread on him, and some gifts from the sun were slowly fading. He gently rubbed its furry belly like petting a cat.

I really hope this leisurely time will last forever.


"Pixu Pichu!"

In his dream, Xiu always felt that he heard Pichu's cry, and there were some strange sounds.

Originally, Xiu was full of vigilance when sleeping in such a place, not to mention when he heard such strange noises.

This woke him up directly from his light sleep.

Before he could react more, he really heard Pichu's cry from the outside, and it was still pulling at his tent.

Xiu subconsciously wanted to pull the zipper open, but before he could pull it completely open, two big ears came in, and then Xiu seemed to hear a "pop" sound, and Pichu's whole head came in.

"Pichu! Pichu! Pichu~" Pichu's two little hands seemed to want to push in, twisting their necks.

"What are you doing?" Xiu thought it wanted to come in, and stretched out his hand to pull the zipper open, but he was afraid of pinching it, so he held it down, "Don't move yet."

Pichu was held down by Xiu, and stopped immediately, motionless.

Xiu hurriedly unzipped the tent, and it fell in completely, but it rolled over and stood up, dragging Xiu's trouser leg with one hand and pointing outside with the other.


"What?" Xiu hurried out of the tent. As soon as he got outside, he felt what Pichu wanted to tell him.

It was going to rain heavily. Xiu watched the black clouds in the sky swallow up the last bit of light brought by the night view of the city, and the gradually increasing strong wind made Xiu's clothes rustle.

Xiu didn't hesitate too much and turned around to pack up the tent. Such a small tent was completely useless in the face of heavy rain. Hiding in it was just a prison.

Xiu was packing up, and Pichu was circling around him, stopping from time to time, looking up at the black clouds in the sky, and then running again. It can be seen that a trace of electricity jumped on its cheek from time to time.

Fortunately, although it was troublesome to assemble the tent, it was very convenient to disassemble it. It was easy to put it back. Xiu didn't spend much time to put the things back into the backpack, and then shouted to Pichu: "Pichu, come here."

Pichu stopped suddenly and looked at Xiu's hand stretched out to it.

"Come here quickly, the rainstorm is coming soon, you can't stay here, follow me." Xiu waved to it.

"Pichu!" Pichu hesitated for a moment before rushing towards Xiu, leaping onto Xiu's hand and quickly climbing onto Xiu's shoulder.

"Let's go!" Xiu knew that he had to hurry up and find a place to shelter from the rain.

"Pichu." Pichu pointed in a direction.

Xiu was not very familiar with the area, so he could only follow Pichu's instructions.

It should be late at night, most of the buildings had turned off the lights, and only the street lights were still standing on both sides of the street. Xiu ran on the street with the help of the dim street lights.

The whistling wind around him seemed to be urging him, and tiny drops of water had begun to float in the sky.

In fact, the distance was not far. Xiu followed Pichu's instructions and saw a 24-hour convenience store with a sign on it from a distance, a few dozen meters away from the street.

The oppressive feeling brought by the outside environment became stronger and stronger, and Xiu seemed to feel that breathing put pressure on his body.

Xiu didn't care so much and pushed the door in.


A mechanical voice sounded, and the figure at the front desk suddenly raised his head and looked over here.

Just as he thought it was okay, the next second the man cried out unconsciously, but the next second the sound was suppressed again.


The other party's strong reaction also caught Xiu off guard. He could only subconsciously raise his hand and wave, and then explained: "I just came in to avoid the rain."

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