Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 337: Confession and Gifts

"Everyone has some secrets. Will you tell others your secrets?" Xiu smiled and shook his head, "If you tell it out, it's not a secret anymore."

Nanami asked relentlessly: "But I told you my secrets. I'm curious about you saying that!"

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with you. These are some of my memories, some memories I don't want to forget." Xiu didn't dare to recall those things in front of Nanami, and could only perfunctorily say: "I'll tell you when I have a chance in the future."

"Okay~" Nanami knew that Xiu couldn't say it, so she didn't insist.

"By the way, why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I find you very special." Nanami turned her head and looked over, with a hint of curiosity in her tone, "I found that your attitude towards everyone is so indifferent. I can only see emotional fluctuations between you and Casey. The rest of the time, whether it is against me or Grandpa, you look relaxed and casual, but I know that this is not true. You are still subconsciously resisting us."

"Is it really okay for you to say it like this? I am not as bad as you say~" Xiu did not refute anything. He learned to lower his head in front of unknown forces.

"When I saw you for the first time, I subconsciously observed you and found that you are a strange person." Nanami did not care about Xiu's words, and said to herself: "There is no malice, nor kindness, a very special state, especially when you were still smiling and looking at me and Xiaomao, I seemed to see two people."

Xiu knew that he was still seen, but he didn't care too much. After all, if he had this ability, he would definitely use it every day and glance at everyone he saw. She was polite.

But her words sounded a bit creepy. What did she mean by two people?

Now he finally understood why Nanami had that reaction at that time.

"I thought I could find the reason why you were like this, but now it seems that I failed. You still feel the same way about me as when we first met." Nanami hugged her feet again and whispered, "Forgive me for spying on you."

"Okay~" Xiu himself was a little confused. Was he really like what Nanami said?

It doesn't make sense? Xiu felt that he was very good to Professor Oak and his family. It's not as exaggerated as she said...

Xiu was also a little uncertain, so he stared at Nanami, and suddenly a few thoughts popped up in his mind.

But Nanami didn't react at all. Instead, he stared at her for a long time, which attracted Nanami to look at him.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"It's okay..." Xiu shook his head and dispelled the thoughts in his mind.

It seems that Nanami's judgment of kindness and malice is not so simple. There must be some deeper problems here.

"You must have been thinking of something very strange just now!" Nanami was a little annoyed when she saw Xiu's look, and her eyes turned sharp when she looked at him.

"No! Do you think I'm that kind of person?" Xiu immediately denied it. Only he knew what he was thinking, and Nanami couldn't see it, unless she was lying just now.

"This is the best~" Nanami said sarcastically.

"Okay, okay, you're leaving soon, why are you telling me this?" Xiu quickly diverted the topic.

Nanami didn't continue to argue. When she heard Xiu's words, her original expression collapsed and she slowly said: "Because we are the same kind of people."

"Really? I don't think so." Xiu didn't feel anything about this. He didn't think he and Nanami were similar. There were many differences between the two.

Nanami said as if she was mocking herself: "We all have to wear masks to survive. The difference is that I was forced to wear it, and you didn't know it even though you wore it."

"Maybe, let's end this topic here. We don't need to talk about this at this time."

Xiu didn't want to talk about it anymore. It would not be good for both of them to go deeper into this topic. Sometimes knowing too much is not only useless, but may also involve some things.

At this stage, he just wants to accumulate strength and spend this period of time safely.

After hearing what he said, Nanami didn't say anything else. You know, even her parents didn't tell her about her detailed abilities. Only Professor Oak knew a little. She chose to speak out and was under great pressure.

She said it out because she wanted Xiu to be a confidant and hoped to get some recognition from Xiu. She really couldn't believe that Xiu hadn't changed his attitude towards her in the past month.

No hatred, no good feelings.

So she said these things that shouldn't be said when she was about to leave.

But unfortunately, it seems that she still failed.

Xiu felt sorry for Nanami when he saw her depressed look. After a little hesitation, he said, "I'm not targeting you. I'm like this to everyone. Maybe it has something to do with my childhood experience~"

"Are those memories of your orphanage?" Nanami couldn't help her curiosity. After all, she didn't know when she would see her again.

"You can put it this way..." Xiu said ambiguously without a detailed answer.

"Okay, it's almost time. I have to go back too." Nanami stood up and patted the grass on her thighs.

"Yeah~" Xiu also stood up quickly and stood beside her.

But Nanami didn't leave after she finished speaking, but looked at him.

Xiu felt a little strange when she looked at him like this, and asked, "What?"

Nanami said unconsciously: "I'm leaving."

"be safe."

"I'm leaving!" Nanami blinked, hinting wildly.

Xiu nodded and said, "Well, be careful."

Seeing how ignorant he was, Nanami pouted her lips angrily and thought to herself: Why doesn't this person understand?

Seeing that she still didn't move, Xiu asked, "What? Do you want me to send you down?"

"No need!" Nanami was almost furious, but she couldn't show it, so she could only hold in her anger and walk out.

But he was stopped by Xiu after he took only a few steps.

"Hey! Wait." Xiu strode to catch up with Nanami and walked up to her.

"What are you doing?" Of course Nanami didn't have a good look on him. She had waited so long in vain.

"Hahaha!" Xiu laughed directly when he saw her like this.

Nanami was even more unhappy when she saw Xiu like this, but before she could take action, Xiu took action first.

"Hey, I didn't forget it." Xiu still had a smile on his face, holding a rolled up bag and handed it over, "Open it and take a look."

Nanami then realized that Xiu was teasing her just now, but she was not so easy to dismiss.

She took the bag and found that it was quite heavy-handed and had a very thick feel.

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