
Xiu finished his work at the institute and took Qianyang out for a break. As soon as he came out, he heard the message from Casey. He turned to look at Xiaochun and found that she was sitting on the grass blankly. Look at the sky.

Xiu was not in a hurry. He took Qianyang for a while and then walked towards Xiaochun after sending him back to the research institute.

He sat directly next to Xiaochun and asked directly without any nonsense: "Bibi Bird has flown away?"

Xiaochun slowly turned her head to look at Xiu, and there was a rare trace of sadness in her eyes.

Xiu immediately realized how important Bibi Bird was to her.

I left Bobo to her solely for the purpose of finding something for her, so I didn't pay special attention to Bobo.

But for Xiao Chun, she devoted too much energy to Bobo. During this period of time, the two accompanied each other, and Xiao Chun already regarded him as a friend.

After a period of hard work, I finally saw the results today. I was just happy and flew away for a while. This inevitably made Xiaochun feel guilty and uncomfortable.

"Don't be anxious yet. Bibi Bird may have just regained the ability to fly. In this excitement, he lost track of time playing outside. He may come back after a while."

To be honest, Xiu didn't expect that Bibi Bird would fly away so directly, and he didn't have any words of comfort for a while.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be~

Xiu really couldn't figure it out. Even if Bibi Bird's personality changed drastically after it evolved, it wouldn't just go away, right?

You must know that Xiaochun has been with it for so long and has never really hurt it. Xiaochun is responsible for its training and feeding.

It can be said directly that at least half of the credit for its evolution is due to Xiaochun. If you calculate it this way, it will be more or less emotional, right?

To escape so directly~

Xiu was a little helpless about this and could only stay with Xiaochun.

But he also had various tasks, so he could only wait with him for a while before going to work...

It was already sunset in the evening, and there was only a streak of colorful clouds as far as the eye could see.

After finishing the meal, Xiaochun still stood there blankly and stared into the distance, with a hint of sadness in his expression.

Xiu did not take her and Qianyang back to the botanical garden as before. Instead, he sent Qianyang back and then came back to wait with Xiaochun.

He also has a certain responsibility for this matter. Before, he only taught her how to train and nurture her, and neglected to cultivate the bond between her and Bobo.

Also, from the evolution of Bobo, we can see that he is a child with a stubborn personality. It is possible that he was knocked unconscious by the punch of the giant mantis. He felt insulted and ran away after a disagreement.

This is all possible.

Xiu chatted with Xiaochun all the time to find out if she had any problems before getting along with Bobo.

"Actually, the relationship between humans and elves is not very complicated. Most fundamentally, it is based on the common interests of the two..."

Xiu told Xiaochun about the origin of the relationship between humans and elves.

This is also an important reason why elves are conquered by humans. They are easily satisfied with the status quo and have no other goals except survival.

They don't know how to effectively exercise their abilities. Similarly, some of the materials they eat are often raw materials, and they don't pursue better results like humans do.

This is easy to understand. After all, in their environment, everything is about survival, and fighting is only one of the ways.

Just surviving has exhausted their strength, and they can't care about other things.

Humans can make food, and it is easier to survive living among humans than outside.

That's why the elves captured by hunters are actually quite easy to train.

Just give them food. As for fighting, it is even easier for them.

Of course there are some exceptions.

Most of the flying elves pursue freedom of flight, especially since Bobo has been imprisoned by humans before, and his desire to fly is restricted due to physiological conditions.

But after the wings are restored, the physiological restrictions no longer exist, and its long-suppressed desire will explode directly. For this reason, it is very possible to break away from humans.

But this kind of waiting was of no use. Seeing that the sun had completely set, the glow on the other side began to grow dimmer, and darkness gradually swallowed up the world.

"Alas~ Some elves yearn for freedom. The sky is their destined home. There is no need for us to force them to stay with us. Let them go..."

Xiu did not choose to let Xiaochun vent his frustration by blaming Bibi Niao, but instead used another angle to analyze the relationship between them.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Xiaochun, who was sitting well, suddenly stood up and looked up into the distance.

Xiu reacted immediately and followed her gaze.

A slit was formed on the horizon in the interlacing glow of the rays, and a figure was quickly shuttled through it. Every sway brought the figure closer, and it only took about ten seconds to see clearly what it was.

A scream announced its arrival, and it was the Bibi bird flying back again!

It hovered over the research institute for a few times and then landed easily in front of the two of them. Without any further expression, it turned its head and combed its feathers with its beak.

Seeing this, Xiaochun walked forward, raised her hand and caressed Bibiniao's neck.

But Xiu looked at Bibi Bird a little strangely.

Its claws were stained with blood, and its condition was not as good as it looked. The feathers on its body looked a little messy, and it vaguely showed a sense of fatigue.

But the strange thing is that this guy is highly energetic, which can be seen from his eyes and posture.

Xiu vaguely guessed something and asked it, "Did you kill someone?"

As soon as he said this, Bibi Bird combed its feathers for a moment, then slowly raised its head to face Shang Xiu.

Just a pair of eyes seemed to know something, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

"Tell me what happened! It's best not to let me know that innocent people are involved~" Xiu looked sullen and his tone was slightly solemn.

Bibiniao ran out without saying a word and came back to tell you that he had killed someone, with a proud look on his face.

Is this even possible?

Is there any royal method?

Are there any laws?

Xiaochun was also aware of Xiu's emotional changes, and there was a slight fluctuation in his heart that had just been happy about Bibi Bird's return.

On the contrary, Bibi Bird seemed indifferent to Xiu's questioning and raised its head proudly. However, its height was still insufficient in front of Xiu, and it was useless no matter how long it stretched its neck.

But its move completely angered Xiu. He pulled Xiao Chun over and shouted to Bibi Bird: "Since you don't want to explain, then go away. You can go wherever you like. We are not qualified to teach." you."

Bibi Xiaochun with this kind of temper will definitely not be able to command this guy. Putting an elf who is disobedient, unruly and not weak in combat ability next to him is a time bomb.

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