Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 359: Hard to Guard Against

It was almost the same as the first time, but this time I had to be trained.

Murasame took a deep breath, and just when he was about to admit defeat, Xiu said, "I'll give you one more chance. The Giant Pincer Mantis is back."

After hearing this, the giant pincer mantis put away the pincers on Cun Yulinzi's neck, turned around and ran back to the field.

Seeing that the situation is back to the beginning.

Cun Yulinzi learned a lesson this time. Before the Giant Pincer Mantis came back, he shouted at the Stinky Flower: "Tie up!"

The Stinky Flower, which originally looked like it was in a daze, changed its slump in front of it, raised its little hand and waved it casually. The plants on the field were about to move, and they all crawled towards the giant pincer mantis.

Originally, according to the speed of these plants, it was completely unable to keep up with the Giant Pincer Mantis, but now it was in a very awkward position. The field was surrounded by plants, and it had no place to hide.

It has to be said that Cun Yulinzi's choice of opportunity was very tricky, and he just caught a critical moment.

Looking at the plants that have gathered, the giant pincer mantis seems to have no way out.

But Xiu, who witnessed all this, didn't react at all. He seemed to be out of touch with the battle.

Looking at the plants squirming towards him, the giant pincer mantis certainly couldn't sit still and wait for death. It waved the pincers in its hands and pushed forward like two pairs of scissors, trying to escape from the terrain. None of the plants in front of him could Can hold it back for a while.

According to the efficiency of the giant pincer mantis, it may not take long to push down the plants on the field, but Cun Yulinzi is not a fool, and now this is undoubtedly a good opportunity for her.

"Stinky Flower! Use [Grow] quickly."

The Stinky Flower, who was originally controlling the plants from behind, immediately glowed with a burst of emerald green light when he heard it. Then this light passed down from it, and the ground also radiated circles of light patterns outwards.

The buds on the heads of the smelly flowers are also more open than usual.

Its body is standing on the same spot, and green ripples are spreading to the outside world with it as the center.

Those plants that came into contact with the green ripples were like chicken blood, and their squirming speed immediately increased by more than half. What's even more frightening is that they also grew crazily at the same time, becoming not only thicker, but also harder.

Now these blessed ones are a bit difficult to cut, but you must know that the giant pincer mantis can easily cut steel bars as thick as a thumb.

Although it is also because there are too many plants here.

That's right, after pruning by the Giant Pincer Mantis, not only did the plants on the field not decrease, but there were even more.

The reason is that those crazy-growing vines will produce pod-like fruits when they reach a certain level. The ripened pods will explode and scatter the seeds on the ground. Then these seeds falling to the ground will give birth to more seeds in a few seconds. plant.

This is the result of Cun Yulinzi this year, a very strange plant.

A wave of crazy vines overwhelmed the Giant Pincer Mantis.

Xiu was a little surprised when he saw what happened on the field. He knew about this, but he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

When Murasame saw the giant pincer mantis entangled in vines, he originally had some ability to resist. He cut off the vines that were rushing towards it or smashed it with continuous punches, but this level of resistance could not prevent the outcome.

The Giant Pincer Mantis was still tied up by countless vines.

Cun Yulinzi looked at a cocoon made of plants, and her original frustration disappeared. It seemed that her efforts during this period were worth it.

Just when she was secretly happy, Xiu on the other side spoke.

"You still lost."

When Murasame Linzi heard this, she looked up sharply. Xiu's face was still expressionless, not at all affected by the giant pincer mantis incident. Before she could think carefully about what he just said, a small hand came from Putting it on her shoulders from behind.

It was Casey, standing behind her just now.

At this moment Muranyu Linzi knew that he had lost again.

The original complacency was completely shattered, and the whole person looked a little decadent.

At this time, Xiucai slowly said: "How many times have I told you to pay attention to your surroundings? Who told you that there is only one enemy? How can you keep fighting if you don't even have the consciousness to protect yourself?"

After saying that, Xiu looked at Cocoon aside and shouted, "Come out, it's over."

As soon as he finished speaking, the vines surrounding the giant pincer mantis were cut open by several bright silver protrusions. The giant pincer mantis spun out and jumped out, and there were broken vines on the ground.

The biggest difference between the current Giant Pincer Mantis and the previous one is the wings on its back.

The thin white wings that originally tended to be transparent turned into a bright silver steel knife.

You can feel the sharpness just by looking at it, and the ease with which it can cut through those vines speaks for itself.

This is the skill developed by Xiu based on the fact that the steel energy in the Giant Pincer Mantis is attached to its wings - [Steel Wings].

This skill is different from the [Steel Wing] in the traditional sense. To be more precise, this skill should be called [Steel Knife]. Its main focus is sharpness and cutting.

And when Cun Yulinzi saw the giant pincer mantis retreating, she realized why she had caught the giant pincer mantis just now. It turned out to be to attract the attention of herself and Stinky Flower, so that Casey could retreat.

Cun Yulinzi took it, he had to take it, but he didn't notice anything.

"Why do you think I won't be wary of your move? You must know that this is a skill I helped you develop. Besides, you did it wrong just now." Xiu walked towards the village rain forest and said: "When trapping the giant pincer mantis, You should take action the first time instead of continuing like this.”

"What if it was a cult?" Cura Yulinzi thought for a moment, what were the shortcomings of what he had just done?

"If I were you, the [Paralysis Powder] would have caught up with me when I wrapped the giant pincer mantis, and when the giant pincer mantis becomes stiff and motionless, I can take two different options, depending on the situation at the time. Either directly [Sunshine Flame], or increase the amount of [Paralysis Powder], at least control it, which will not give the giant pincer mantis a chance to escape.

After getting rid of the Giant Claw Mantis as early as possible, the Stinky Flower can return to defense. With the elf by your side, you won't be left behind and have nothing to do. "

Seeing this, Murasame Linzi knew that he had completely lost, and his expression seemed a little depressed.

Seeing this, Xiu didn't react much. She was beaten and scolded. It was normal for her to be a little emotional.

He walked towards her, and finally stopped in front of Cun Yulinzi, looked at her and asked: "Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, what did you learn from my last lesson?"

"You must protect yourself first, and you must also pay attention to..." Murasame Linzi said it without thinking too much, after all, Xiu himself said it just now.

But before she could finish speaking, she saw Xiu slowly shaking his head.

"No, you didn't learn."

After saying that, Xiu took a step forward and stretched out his hand to strangle Cura Yulinzi by her neck before she could react.

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