Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 372 Bustling Suburbs

This situation attracted many trainers, and it can be said that the economy and culture of Viridian City have reversed recovery.

Trainers do not play like fools all day long. Many trainers have jobs, and the content is various tasks issued by the alliance.

It is a bit like the mercenary system, and the Pokémon Center is a tavern.

Most trainers will choose to rest, heal and replenish in the Pokémon Center, and the Pokémon Center will also have many discounts for trainers.

In the final analysis, it is business.

"Why don't you come to our side? With your strength, it is very easy to become Joy, and my teacher and I will help."

Xiu noticed that she used a more private name for Miss Joy, which was obviously to win him over.

But Xiu just shook his head slowly and did not agree.

She was very busy when she took over this place, and she just chatted for a while and left.

But in the end, she told Xiu that he could ask her for help if he had any problems. Obviously, this relationship still exists.

But Xiu didn't need her help...

After handling the matter, Xiu did not go to Qianyang or Xiaochun, nor did he look for the person in charge of the company here. Instead, he simply rested for a night and prepared things to set off again.

As for the goal, it is naturally the secretive Evergreen Forest.

Heading east, Xiu strolled on the street and observed everything around him.

The strong consumption power of trainers has indeed boosted the economy of Evergreen City, because he bought breakfast at a much higher price than before.

At the same time, Xiu also found that the emergence of trainers also boosted the development of local breeders.

There are many new breeding houses of breeders, and some are even under renovation.

It has to be said that if Evergreen City makes good use of this opportunity, it may be able to transform and get rid of the resource-dependent city.

But this has nothing to do with him...

From the city, suburbs to the edge of the city, there are fewer and fewer ordinary people along the way, but the number of trainers is increasing, people of all ages, most of them are men, and there are few female trainers.

Even if there are, they are in a team with companions, and there is no single female trainer.

This is also a fact. There are very few female trainers who appear in such places because the wild is not friendly to them.

And most of these people act in teams of three or two, and it is rare to see Xiu alone.

So when you see lone rangers outside, these people are either rookies or ruthless people with good strength.

Only such people have the capital to walk alone.

Especially lone women, they are more like "wolves", a little more ruthless than ruthless people, and smart people dare not provoke them.

Xiu also saw some students leading their teachers in and out of the Evergreen Forest for training.

And it's not just one or two teams. Judging from the different clothing styles, it is obvious that many schools regard this place as a place to train students, not just schools in Evergreen City.

Because trainers gather here, at the junction of the city and the forest, many people set up stalls along the road and sell their harvests in the forest.

There are various supplies and medicines, some materials produced by the forest, and some even sell Pokémon or Pokémon eggs.

Some trainers stop in to negotiate prices and get what they need.

Of course, there are also some people selling "genius treasures", and they casually attach a mysterious story experience.

But it's hard to say how much of this is true.

You can tell by looking at the empty stalls of those people. Everyone knows that those people are bragging.

But those people's targets are not normal people either. There are always one or two Magikarp who are greedy for small profits.

Of course, the most lively here is fast food.

A small cart, two or three small benches, and the fragrance that constantly overflows from them seduce the tired trainers.

These people gathered together and actually had the embryonic form of a market.

There is a checkpoint set up by the people of the Alliance on the road at the end of the suburbs, but those people hide in simple tents to avoid the sun in the sky. The checkpoint is like a virtual one, and no one cares about the people and vehicles coming in and out.

But these people also represent the extension of the authority of the Alliance, and they also have a share of credit for the fact that no one makes trouble here.

Xiu crossed the checkpoint and walked towards the Evergreen Forest.

Although he has left Evergreen City, this is only the outermost part of the forest. The traces of human activities are obvious, and many trainers can be seen coming in and out along the way.

It can be said that these places have been completely plundered, and there is no trace of Pokémon at all, not even Caterpillars or Bobo, let alone other things.

So people coming and going are in a hurry, except for the newbies who come for the first time, who don't care about the surrounding environment at all.

And everyone is very alert to the people around them, and Xiu can vaguely feel that sense of alienation when walking among them.

Indeed, because there are no rules of human society in the wild, killing and robbing are very common, which is why most people find three or two trustworthy people to form a team.

Xiu has his own destination, and there is nothing worth studying around, so he walks along the road all the way.

As he keeps moving forward, the people around him gradually become sparse.

In such a gathering place, it seems that there are a lot of people, but these few people can't splash a wave in the Evergreen Forest...

"It's almost time." Xiu looked up at the sunlight above his head. It was about eleven o'clock now, time for dinner, and he had been walking for half a day, and he was a little tired. It was time to take a break.

Of course, he couldn't rest on the road in this kind of sun, so Xiu went into the small woods next to him, found a shade under the tree, and released a few Pokémon.

"Everyone come out!"

Three red lights flashed, and Casey, Giant Claw Mantis, and Little Lucky Egg came out of the Poké Ball one after another.

"You play first, I'll go prepare lunch." Xiu sat on the ground and put down his backpack, "But don't go too far, I don't know what's nearby."

For safety reasons, Xiu still reminded them not to cause trouble for themselves, especially Little Lucky Egg!

But this time, Little Lucky Egg didn't go to play after coming out, but ran towards him.

Little Lucky Egg would swing obviously when walking, and his arms and legs were too short, so it was difficult to balance, which made it look a little funny.

You really have to raise Little Lucky Egg to know that feeling.

"What's wrong." Xiu reached out to catch Little Lucky Egg rushing towards him and held it in front of him.

"Aiya! Eh~" After being picked up by Xiu, Xiao Fudan let go of the stone and waved his two little hands in the air.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you something to eat right away." Xiu knew why Xiao Fudan came over.

Because it was hungry again.

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