Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 377: Strange Village

He has been studying for so many years and has been in school for many years. He has encountered both good and bad things. Naturally, he can see that the school here is well managed, at least according to his ideas.

Some of them are limited by conditions and there is really no way.

And from the attitude of those students and employees towards the principal, it can be seen that this principal has some means.

"Are you really not going to leave after dinner?"

"No~ I'm really sorry to waste so much of the principal's time. I also want to continue my journey."

Xiu declined the principal's invitation and walked away from the school.

The principal looked at Xiu's back curiously.

This man who called himself a traveler had a very strange behavior style, but he was very organized.

This led to her thinking that even if he did something that ordinary people could not understand, she thought it was very reasonable.

Moreover, this person was knowledgeable and had a unique vision, which was basically impossible for ordinary people to have.

He might be someone who came out to experience~

I don't know what he thought of, the principal sighed and turned back.

People are different, just like people are different...

After leaving the school, Xiu no longer wanted to stay in the town and walked out of the town.

It was already afternoon, and people were coming back from the wild.

Although these people were trainers, few of them liked to spend the night in the wild.

Human gathering places could still give them a sense of security.

After simply identifying the direction, they left the town and went in the opposite direction with most people, reentering the forest.

There were many human gathering places outside the Evergreen Forest. These places had been there since ancient times, or for cultivation, or to escape from war. Anyway, there were various reasons for them to appear here.

Xiu walked in the forest for two days in a row. There were fewer and fewer traces of humans along the way, and the frequency of Pokémons began to increase. However, they were all very common Pokémons, the kind that neither Xiu nor others bothered to care about.

Walking along the stream, after passing through a forest, Xiu found traces of human activities. Those vaguely visible cultivated lands were just overgrown with weeds, and it could be seen that they had been abandoned for a long time.

From a distance, there was only a small village. Compared with the scale of the previous town, it was too small. The buildings were densely distributed, and they were all one- or two-story wooden houses. There were no reinforced concrete buildings.

Of course, Xiu also understood that it was difficult to transport building materials into such a village far away from large towns, or that the cost was not affordable for ordinary families.

At the same time, ordinary families did not need to do so. They often followed the ancient techniques and used local materials. The rich wood resources in the forest became the preferred material for some of their buildings.

And those wooden buildings were also very delicate and had local characteristics.

Xiu walked along the road into the village, but rarely saw anyone. The whole village was empty and unusually quiet.

Although Xiu was a little confused, he still walked over.

The closer he got to the village, the more weird he felt. There was really no movement at all, and no one answered when he knocked on the door.

After walking around the village, Xiu still found traces of human activities, and they were very new, not like no one lived there.

But the question was where did everyone go?

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?" Xiu shouted twice in the middle of the village.

He was just trying it out, but he didn't expect someone to respond to him.

The door of a house near the stream was opened, and an old man came out.

"Who are you looking for?" the old man asked when he saw Xiu.

Although the old man looked to be in his seventies or eighties, he spoke with full energy.

"Hello, I'm a traveler who wants to come in and ask for some water, but when I came in, I found that there was no one in the village."

"Are you asking where all the people here have gone?" Seeing that Xiu was not threatening, the old man simply sat on the big rock at the door and talked to Xiu.

"Yes! I didn't see anyone along the way just now, and no one responded when I knocked on the door." Xiu walked over and stood next to the old man.

When the old man saw Xiu coming, he took out a pipe, knocked it on the stone, and said, "Come and sit down, young man."

Xiu didn't act pretentiously, he sat down and chatted with the old man.

After the two chatted for a while, Xiu realized that everyone in the village had gone out to work and would not be back until the evening.

The villagers' job is to take care of the orchard. This period is when caterpillars reproduce in large numbers, so many villagers have to go to drive away the insects.

In addition, some people, under the mobilization of the village chief, led the villagers to build roads and splice them into the main road so that cars can directly enter the orchard.

And the orchard is on the other side of the mountain not far away.

The old man pointed to the mountain and told Xiu about the orchard.

As early as decades ago, people here discovered that there was a natural orchard in that place, because the environment there is very suitable for the growth of fruit trees, the quality of the fruits grown is very good, and the fruits produced are well-known nearby.

Originally, the fruits were not valuable, and everyone went there to pick them and eat them when they were free. Everyone only went there to take care of that place when they were free.

Until a year ago, a boss came to inspect it and suddenly said that he would lead everyone to get rich.

Then the place was contracted, and the village chief organized the villagers to work together to develop it and transform it into an orchard.

As for why people here don’t farm, it’s because in recent years villagers have found that selling fruit makes more money than farming, so they all go to take care of orchards, so farmland has been abandoned. Now the circle of flat land outside the village was cultivated land in those days.

“In fact, it’s only in this year that the life of the village has improved. The boss of the company came to inspect, and then invested in our village, helped our fruit…what to say, packaging or marketing, anyway, I don’t understand, I just know that the life of the village has improved.”

Speaking of this, the old man complained to Xiu indignantly, “In the past, the grain we grew had to be suppressed by those grain merchants when we took it to the city. Sometimes that little money was not enough to live, and we had to go to the mountains to find materials to exchange for some money. Many people died because of this…”

Xiu chatted with the old man at the door for a long time. It can be said that the old man really witnessed the changes here. It was originally just a poor mountain village, and now it has witnessed decades of development.

Although it feels that the old man has little knowledge, he speaks very down-to-earth. The old man lived here all his life when he was young, and he still feels very emotional when talking about some experiences.

Xiu didn't feel bored after chatting all the way, and they even got along well.

Time passed quietly, and Xiu found a long team walking towards the village, with men, women, old and young, and their voices became clearer and clearer.

"They are back." The old man's eyes may not be as sharp as Xiu's, but he can still hear the noisy voices clearly.

The group of people was like a long snake, and they dispersed after entering the village, and the whole village immediately became lively.

There were people walking in front of each house, and Xiu saw a couple who looked like a couple walking towards this side.

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