If you can hear the sound of water, it means you are not far away. In addition, Xiu's direction is correct, so he quickly found the place where the sound of water came from.

This is a small stream with a small flow of water. You can see the bottom at a glance. Even Magikarp cannot survive in such a stream because it is too shallow.

Xiu was a little disappointed. This kind of stream is only good for washing feet, but it can replenish water resources.

Because of the space backpack, Xiu brought everything as long as it can be stuffed in, anyway, it is not heavy.

As water and food are necessities for survival in the wild, Xiu also prepared a lot. He replenished them whenever he had the opportunity along the way, and he didn't feel lacking at all.

Now there is a chance to replenish them, of course, but Xiu also found a problem, that is, night is coming, he needs to find a place to spend the night, and the stream is a good place, but he must not get too close.

There is no need to worry about flooding due to rising water, and it is convenient to get water. In addition, there will definitely be elves in places with water sources. He can take the opportunity to observe what elves there are here, and he doesn't have to play with Rattata and Caterpillar anymore.

The elves in this forest are too monotonous, and it seems that there are no rare ones.

But it is understandable, after all, this place is still on the periphery, and he can only see what he wants to see if he goes deeper.

However, Xiu did not have the idea of ​​​​capturing those rare elves, but just collecting information for the illustrations and satisfying his curiosity.

You know, he is already too busy now, and he really can't stand it if he comes again.

Xiu now finally understands why the emperors in his previous life died early, and it is not so easy to control the three thousand concubines.

Professor Oak has an elf in the back mountain, but it is a simulated living environment in the wild, and there is no need to manage too much.

Forget it, he can't afford it, and his collecting addiction has long succumbed to reality.

"It's here!" Xiu walked downstream along the stream for a while and stopped by the stream. He saw a rock platform and didn't plan to spend the night by the stream.

It was a low rock wall with a recessed rock platform on it.

Now he can avoid some elves, and there is a place with internal space and is not afraid of rain.

Although Xiu said that the streamside was good, he changed his mind without saying a word when he found a better place.

"What luck!" After Xiu climbed up, he found that there was actually a pile of firewood inside.

There were traces of human habitation here, because there was a pit on the ground with traces of fire on it.

"It is true that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade." Xiu checked the pile of firewood. It was probably a while, because it was covered with black spots, and some were even rotten and broke with a slight bend.

The rock platform was not big, but it was enough for Xiu to make some arrangements, and he found an interesting place.

That is, this place was divided into two sections by obvious traces. The outer part should be naturally formed, but the latter half was processed by humans.

In other words, someone deepened and enlarged this rock platform for rest.

But none of this mattered, because this place was his now.

After checking, Xiu jumped and jumped off the edge of the rock platform.

The height of about two meters was not an obstacle to stop him. Even in his previous life, he could easily jump down, not to mention his current body.

He jumped off the ledge, took out the Poké Ball and released Casey and the others, and then arranged the tasks.

"Claw Mantis, come with me to collect some firewood. Casey, you watch the little lucky egg."

Although there is firewood here, it was prepared by others. He naturally needs to replenish it after using it, otherwise where will the next person to enjoy the cool air come from?

"Let's go!" Xiu waved to the claw mantis,

The claw mantis did not hesitate and followed into the forest.

There is nothing much in the forest, but there are many trees. Dead branches and fallen leaves can be seen everywhere. With the setting sun, a feeling of desolation and decay arises spontaneously.

Xiu didn't care to sigh. Now there is not much time left, and he has to work quickly.

Xiu quickly came back with some firewood, which seemed to be broken from some dead branches.

"Casey, help carry it up!" Xiu shouted from the bottom of the ledge.

Casey opened his eyes and looked over here. Looking at it, he waved his little hand, and the blue light enveloped the piles of branches that Xiu brought back. Bundles of branches flew up in an orderly manner. It didn't take long for Casey to get it done.

"Okay! Let's start the next step now." Xiu turned around and ran to the stream, chose a place and went into the water to start working.

He wanted to make a pool, so he just had to block the water flow and deal with the surroundings, and wait for the water to exist in this place.

The project was not big, just moving a few stones.

While waiting for the water to fill up, Xiu ran back to the rock platform and built a few racks with those branches.

He was going to take a bath, and this was used to dry clothes. When the time came, he would build a fire and dry them quickly.

Xiu looked from the rock platform to the stream. The small pool he built was full, and the stream water kept overflowing and flowing downstream.

"Let's go! Let's take a bath." Xiu waved his hand, picked up Xiao Fudan and jumped down.

Although there was a risk of exposure, this was in the wild, what was there to be afraid of?


"Ah~ It's so comfortable after taking a bath, and I feel a few pounds lighter." Xiu picked up a dry towel to dry a few elves, and he hung up the washed clothes.

Looking outside again, it was almost completely dark, with only the flickering flames of the fire I had just built illuminating the ledge.

The clothes I had put up also blocked the light of the fire, so as not to attract the attention of some elves.

"Where can I find such a life~" Xiu laughed while stirring the small pot on the fire. There was a stew in it, and it was served with a portion of rice. It was so comfortable.

After finishing the meal, Xiu and Casey sat on the edge and looked outside. They swung their legs and complained:

"I turned a good adventure into a wilderness survival. There are only a few elves coming and going here, and there are no new elves."

Nighttime is also the time when many elves are active. Although it is not clear what they are, Xiu can still hear the sound of their activities.

Xiu put out the fire after his clothes were dry. He didn't want to be a dazzling target. Who knows what elves are here?

After one night, Xiu fell into a deep sleep in the inexplicable roar of beasts.


Xiu woke up early in the morning. Just looking at his sleepy appearance, you can tell that he didn't sleep well last night.

To be honest, it's really outrageous. I can hear noises all night. It should be some elves coming to drink water, which scared him awake countless times.

The camps that he had chosen before had not experienced this situation. It seemed that the probability of elves appearing at night would be much higher.

After a simple breakfast, he took all his belongings and set out to explore along the stream.

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