Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 407: Rotten Fish and Shrimp

It's over! No defense.

The middle-aged man's face looked even uglier when he saw this, but he still didn't want to give up. He glanced at the thin man beside him and continued to command.

"Arbok, go up and use [Venom]." The middle-aged man was very confident in Arbok. As long as he could get close to that person, he could turn the tables.

It was impossible for the giant mantis to stand and let them fight. After a little assessment of the situation, it rushed towards them. Just in terms of momentum, it actually suppressed several of them.

Arbok wandered in the passage, quickly approached the giant mantis, and a ball of purple liquid splashed out of its mouth.

Seeing this, the giant mantis kicked the mud on the ground with one foot. In an instant, a large piece of mud was kicked up and hit the venom, and the two mixed together and fell back to the ground.

The giant mantis just wanted to go over and strangle Arbok, but the giant bee took the opportunity to throw out [Missile Needle] to cover it.

The giant mantis didn't care much about this. It broke most of it with a wave of its hand. Even if a little bit fell on its body, it didn't matter.

That's why Xiu thinks that numbers are useless when strength has not reached a certain level.

Because those small Pokémons have no ability to break through defense, which means they can't devour Mantis.

Of course, if there are too many of them, it is possible to drag Mantis to exhaustion, but he won't let that happen.

Mantis executed the attack coldly, stretching out its hand to clamp Arbok's neck.

With the cover of Beedrill, Arbok was able to crawl on the ground in time to avoid Mantis's casual attack.

Arbok saw this opportunity and was about to bypass Mantis, but then Mantis raised its leg and stepped on it, forcing it to retreat.

The middle-aged man's face turned pale when he saw this situation. These Pokémons of his were completely played with, and they looked like toys.

The middle-aged man released the second Pokémon with his backhand, which was an ordinary Butterfree.

"Arbok is back! Butterfree uses [Poison Powder]."

Of course, Butterfree was the first to notice the appearance of Butterfree. After Xiu's teaching, it knew that this thing was more disgusting than other Pokémon.

So the priority was higher.

The moment it appeared, Butterfree gave up chasing Arbok and took action to attack Butterfree.

It leaned over and scraped the ground, then threw it at Butterfree.

Its claws opened in mid-air, and the half-dried mud turned into mud bombs under the powerful force of Butterfree.

"Blow it away with the wind!"

The middle-aged man shouted hurriedly, but before Butterfree could react, the mud hit it, and it actually tore its wings directly, stirring up a piece of white scale powder.

That kind of Butterfree fell directly and hit the ground.

Pokémon like Butterfree inherited a characteristic of the Caterpillar period very well, that is, the body is too weak.

Except for some scale powder skills, the overall strength is not good, whether it is skills or body.

The middle-aged man seemed particularly calm even though the team had just come out and lost personnel.

Because Butterfree had already played its role, it had drawn Mantis' attention.

Arbok took the opportunity to bypass Mantis and crawl towards Xiu.

The snake-like speed was very fast, but Mantis had already reacted.

"Go and stop it, Beedrill." The middle-aged man took over the command of Beedrill without caring about the reaction of the young man.

The strange thing was that Beedrill really listened to him and flew over.

It was obvious that it also knew that long-range attacks could not even harass.

The two were not far apart. The flying Beedrill glowed in the air, raised its two needles towards Mantis, rushed forward and stabbed it hard in the back.

However, Mantis seemed to have foreseen it. It seemed to be aware of Beedrill's attack without turning around to look, and swung it back casually.

Seeing this, Beedrill could only temporarily change from attack to defense, and put its two guns in front of it, but it was still pushed away by the recoil at the moment of contact.

The giant mantis didn't care much about the giant bee. It caught up with Arbok in three or two steps and stepped on it, making its tail sink deep into the mud.

But it was also these muds that gave it a certain reaction time, and it actually slid out.

At the same time, Arbok actually spit out a Poké Ball from its mouth, and then flicked its tail to hit it towards Xiu.

It was a pity that it was a little flustered and didn't hit the switch. The Poké Ball fell to the ground and rolled a few times, but there was no more reaction.

Xiu wanted to laugh when he saw this scene.

These people took great pains to send this Poké Ball, but what's the use in the face of absolute strength?

This move of Arbok completely angered the giant mantis. This guy took it seriously and didn't intend to capture it alive. He directly poked Arbok with one foot, and the sharp toes directly pierced Arbok's body, and then kicked it away before Arbok was about to wrap around his legs.

At this time, Beedrill wanted to come to rescue his teammates, and his two guns directly hit the turning Mantis, and then... and then there was nothing else. The blow with all its strength did not even leave a scratch on Mantis.

Mantis was not polite to it this time, and punched it directly.

Beedrill was directly cut in half and flew out in two.

And Arbok, who was twisting wildly on the ground after being hit, was also caught by it, and then easily tore into two and threw it out.

The scene made the three of them despair. The young man had completely lost confidence and actually left the other two behind and turned around to run back.

Xiu didn't even pay too much attention, just looked at them calmly.

"Is there anything you haven't done yet? Come on, don't waste my time."

Xiu walked to the elf ball on the ground and kicked it back.

The elf ball released the elf inside in the air. Xiu was a little disappointed when he found that it was actually a rata.

The Giant Pincer Mantis on the side became interested when he saw Lada. He pierced Lada's heart with a kick in the air and then threw him away at will.

The whole process is very smooth, with no unnecessary movement of the upper body, showing that the lower body is terrifyingly stable, but behind this kick is the result of countless hard practices.

Seeing this, Xiu smiled slightly and turned to look at the two people.

"You guys look down on me too much~"

What he said was the most terrifying mockery in the ears of those two people.

"Brother, there is no need to be so extreme. We spend money to buy lives according to the rules. These things are all yours."

The middle-aged man showed Xiu what he had in his hand, but Xiu was not interested in it.

"Stop with your nonsense. Since you should know the consequences of doing this, don't talk to me about it."

Xiu walked over without giving them a chance to react. He raised his hand to control the two of them and pulled them in front of him.

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