"Don't panic, I've already made arrangements, everything will be fine."

Xiaoyuan didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

The look in his eyes made Xiu feel a little embarrassed, so he had to change the topic again.

"Then at this time, I will teach you one more thing."

Xiu paused for a moment, put on a serious look, and said slowly:

"The source of your emotions lies in your lack of confidence in yourself and your instinct to find support. But you should understand that the only person a person can really rely on is yourself. What you need to do now is to continue to learn, enhance your abilities, and then follow in this era of rapid development.

You must know that you now have a richer source of knowledge than those from well-off families, and you can get whatever you want. If you don't cherish the situation I leave you now, then you will be eliminated by the times. "

"I..." Xiao Yuan subconsciously wanted to say something, but slowly let go of his hand and fell silent.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, don't believe all those books. When I reviewed them, I found a lot of very obvious errors. I don't know if the people who wrote the books are really so rubbish or if they deliberately used wrong information to mislead readers. , anyway, please pay attention to yourself..."

Xiu intentionally or unintentionally led the topic elsewhere, filling her jammed brain with a lot of information.



As if he had a nightmare, Ohara exclaimed and jumped up from the bed, looking around repeatedly.

After seeing the familiar environment, the fear hidden in it slowly faded away.

"What happened last night? Why did I..."

Xiao Yuan muttered casually, but suddenly she seemed to remember something. She got down from the bed in a panic and opened the low hanging curtain. When she saw the scene behind it, she was stunned.

It's not a nightmare, he's really gone...

The room was tidied up, and all the things that belonged to him were gone, leaving only a pile of books stacked high.

Obara stumbled over and saw a piece of bread on the table and a note attached below, which said "remember to have breakfast".

"Bastard~" Obara Yinya bit it into pieces, tore the note casually, and then grabbed the bread, as if he was squeezing Xiu's neck. He kept exerting force on his hands until the bread deflated completely.

A pair of eyes scanned the surroundings like a hunting tiger until she saw a piece of paper placed on the pile of books and an envelope on top.

Obara quickly walked over there and picked up the paper full of words.

Just the first sentence left her speechless.

【Did you have a good breakfast? 】

Xiaoyuan tore open the package roughly and took a big bite. She didn't know how much hatred the bread had against her. But she couldn't stop looking down.

[Maybe our chat was a bit boring and you fell asleep halfway through, but there are some things I have to say, so I left some words for you. I hope you can continue reading. 】

"This guy~" Xiao Yuan was angry when he saw this. This was definitely his conspiracy. Otherwise, how could he suddenly fall asleep for no reason?

[First of all, you have to understand that we are just two small fish trying to get through the holes in the fishing net. Our relationship with the alliance is not hostile. On the contrary, our current behavior is to integrate with them.

To do this, you must give up some important but unimportant things, such as kindness and kindness. 】

"So you abandoned me!" Xiao Yuan said something as if he was asking a question to himself. The hand holding the paper had already deformed it.

Yes, fist yes!

[Now hurry up and go behind the scenes before the other party reacts, and leave the things here to the people below. If it really doesn't work, just give up. You are the most important. 】

"You still have some conscience..." Xiao Yuan's expression improved slightly, but he saw that his blood pressure, which had just calmed down, spiked again.

[Just to be honest, I'm really afraid that you will destroy all the foundation I laid in a few days. 】

Obara didn't say a word, he gritted his teeth and read on.

[But money is not important. It doesn’t matter to me even if you lose everything, but if you want to keep up with me, you must keep learning. Those books are specially selected by me, suitable for you, a beginner, to enter the world of elf.

Remember, I won't stop for you. 】

At this moment, Obara seemed to see Xiu standing in front of her, then he put on his trademark serious face towards her, and then spoke in a weird tone.

"Tch! Arrogant guy~" Xiao Yuan curled his lips and complained, but he couldn't help but read on.

[There is a pair of keys inside the envelope. That is the new home I have prepared for you. I have already explained the specific location of the new store and the subsequent arrangements. The next step is up to you.

Also, I know you like Pichu. It would be troublesome and dangerous to go there whenever you have free time. In this case, why not bring it back? You definitely have to get in touch with this aspect anyway, and this will be a good opportunity. 】

How did he know?

Xiao Yuan felt doubtful when he saw this. He picked up the envelope on the side and as soon as he opened it, two things fell out.

A key, and a bell on a red string.

Besides this there is a letter.

Xiao Yuan just glanced at it and put down the envelope, then turned to look at the pile of books left by Xiu.

She could tell at a glance that many of these were things they had printed themselves, and she was a little confused as to why Xiu kept these.

Picking up a book and opening it, Xiao Yuan saw a long paragraph of notes written on it, with explanations, conjectures, and most of them were suspicions and denials.

There was also a very prominent sentence written on the title page

"Learning never stops"

Xiao Yuan changed his previous irritability, gently closed the book and murmured:

"This is what you left for me..."


Practice walking on the streets of Qianhong City, but he was out of tune with the passers-by around him.

He didn't know how Xiao Yuan would react after getting up, but it didn't matter. He knew he had to leave.

Whether it was for the growth of Casey and others, or to complete the plan set before.

This required him to leave the seemingly leisurely but actually dangerous place.

He had to ensure that his identity was relatively clean, otherwise it would be difficult to step into the real core of this world under the obstruction of those people.

This was the reality. He didn't want to be hostile to the alliance, he just wanted to survive in this world.

Before that, he had made sufficient preparations.

Xiu slowly raised his head and looked at a tall building in front of him. On a monument in front of the door was written "Elf Alliance Certification Center".

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