Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 429 Science Museum

A restaurant near the Pokémon Center. The decoration of the facade is not very good, but you can tell from the people queuing that the food here should be good.

Xiu joined the queue and soon held two breads that looked like rocks in his hands. Each one was the size of a palm, and there was dust-like powder on the surface.

According to what Xiu heard from the boss, this thing is a local specialty of Nibi City, called rock buns.

Xiu tried it. The gray layer on the outside should be icing mixed with some material dyed, and it tasted sweet.

The bread tasted crispy on the outside, and the crust really broke like a rock when bitten, but the inside was fluffy, and it tasted okay to him.

Xiu finished his breakfast while heading towards the Science Museum.

The Science Museum is located in the northernmost part of Nibi City, which means that it almost spans the entire city from the Pokémon Center to the museum.

Xiu was not in a hurry. He walked slowly on the street, observing the people coming and going, and judging the situation in Nibi City...

The closer he got to Nibi City, with its majestic khaki rock mountain behind him, the smaller Xiu felt.

The thoughts spreading in my heart were vaguely suppressed a little, my brain was empty, and I could only see the endless rocky mountains.

The majesty of nature is really amazing~

And Nibi City, a city opened up by humans in the rocky mountains, also demonstrates the small but tenacious power of humans.

The Science Museum is at the northernmost end of the city, standing under the ten-thousand-foot rocky mountain.

The building is not high as a whole, with only two floors, but it occupies a large area, and there are no buildings around it. It stands alone here.

You need to buy a ticket to enter, 50 yuan per adult ticket, and half price for children (10 years old and under).

After buying the ticket and entering, Xiu found that there were not many people. There was only him on the first floor except for two cleaners who were cleaning.

But it was right to think about it. He came too early. The museum opened at 8:30, and it was only 8:40 now. The time was calculated by him just right.

But this environment is just right for him. The scene of queuing or crowding really scared him.

He walked around the first floor casually and looked at it through the glass display cases.

The first floor is filled with all kinds of strange stones, mainly crystals, fossils, amber, and different mineral raw stones, etc.

According to the introduction, most of them are mined locally, especially fossils, which are famous in Kanto and even the whole world.

"Wow! What kind of elf is this? It doesn't seem to be in the book."

A voice sounded beside Xiu, and he turned his head to look at the voice that he had some impression of.

He found that the person who spoke was the person he met in the elf center yesterday and accidentally stepped on.

Yesterday she wore a red long skirt and black round-toed leather shoes.

But today she changed into a set of casual clothes suitable for activities, but there were still traces of her previous steps on the shiny leather shoes.

She is now touring with her companions, and it seems that she has just come in.

Xiu said this because of their location and the sentence just now.

The most obvious thing in the whole venue is the two tall display cabinets, which contain two complete skeletons.

The person was obviously distracted by the two skeletons as soon as he entered the door.

There is no way, it is too obvious, and you will definitely see it as soon as you enter the door.

Xiu thought for a moment and walked towards them, explaining, "Those are the sickle helmet and the fossil pterosaur."

Xiu's sudden appearance surprised the two, and they could clearly feel a little strange when they looked at Xiu.

Xiu didn't mind and asked with a smile.

"Don't you remember me?"

The man's expression suddenly became curious, and he obviously remembered something. Instead, the girl looked at Xiu's face in a daze, with puzzlement in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Xiu took the initiative to explain, "I am the one who stepped on your foot in the hall before, don't you remember?"

Xiu's words also brought the girl back to her senses, but she showed doubts and did not eliminate them. Instead, she whispered to herself, "It's really the same person..."

Xiu straightened his body and nodded slightly to the girl, "I'm sorry for offending you before, I hope you don't mind."

"You are such a strange person~" The girl also sat down, "Why did you look like that before?"

Xiu could only smile awkwardly at her words and did not explain in depth.

It was not easy to communicate too much in the previous state, but now Xiu didn't care. Anyway, he had done what he needed to do and had time.

"This is my sister Mika." Yosuke introduced her and asked, "Do you know your name?"

"Just call me Xiu." Xiu rarely used his real name, because he felt that these two strange people were not simple, so it was better to use their real names.

"Xiu actually knows this?" Yosuke looked at him curiously, and Mika asked back very cooperatively, "How did you know?"

Xiu raised his hand and pointed to the sign next to the display case, and said with a smile, "Isn't it written on it?"

The two were speechless.

"I have walked here once and I am quite familiar with it. I apologize for my previous behavior. I will be your tour guide and take you around."

"Xiu, don't be so polite, it's just some small things." Yosuke waved his hand, showing that he didn't care much.

Xiu smiled and introduced some things in the museum, and took the two to walk in it.

It's true that the things here are quite complete, but to be honest, the collection of fine products is really not as good as Baoba, so Xiu just glanced at some of them.

But there are a lot of them here, all kinds of stones, some of which even aroused his desire to collect, but he couldn't smash the display cabinet and take the things away, which was more or less a pity.

It was really torture for Xiu to be able to look but not take.

Yosuke was a little interested in these fossils, but Mika had no feelings for these stones at all. If there were not a few very beautiful gem crystal ores, she might want to leave.

Yosuke listened to Xiu's explanation along the way. He sounded very knowledgeable about this place, so he asked curiously: "Does Xiu know the origin of the Science Museum?"

"I know a little about this." Xiu looked at the two of them, then smiled and said: "When Nibi City was first built, a large number of fossils were discovered, which caused a great sensation at the time. Many experts and scholars came from far away, and how to place these fossils and provide a research environment became a problem. At that time, Nibi City decided to build a museum in order to preserve and study these fossils. That's the origin of this place."

But before Xiu could say more, a researcher in a big white coat came over and said with a smile: "It's almost the same, but there is a little difference."

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