Only then did Yosuke react. He knew that Xiu was reminding himself that with great power, he would also have to bear some other problems.

So do you have this ability?

Yosuke fell into thought.

The Tyrannosaurus has a very cruel personality. It will get excited and fly around at any time. It may get angry at the slightest dissatisfaction. It likes to unleash its powerful power to cause destruction. Ordinary people will definitely not let it obey its orders.

It's possible that you cultivated it for a while and then ran away as soon as it evolved.

Otherwise, why do other quasi-gods rarely appear on the market? Even if it has been internally digested, why are you still waiting?

Xiu could tell that Yosuke liked this egg very much, or there were few people present who didn't like it. Even Xiu was a little moved, but he had the advantage of knowing himself and knew that he didn't have the money to take a picture of this egg. He also had no absolute guarantee. Be sure to keep it.

How should I put it? Xiu and Dr. Ohki had a little chat about the topic of quasi-gods at that time. The tyrannosaurus is the least protected among the quasi-gods. The mini dragons are protected. The incident in the wilderness area shows this. question.

He also has a bad temper, but Bangila is also protected.

The reason is naturally that Tyrannosaurus has been responsible for the most injuries, and has even wiped out villages and towns several times in history.

The Tyrannosaurus is cruel, while Bangira is arrogant and quite warlike, but it will never attack a creature weaker than itself, and will only attack people at will when it is in a frantic state.

Also, their habitats and diets are different. Bandila stays in the mountains far away from the crowd and eats stones and minerals, while Tyrannosaurus is a carnivorous elf with no fixed abode and eats wherever it goes. There, towns were often plundered.

Sometimes the alliance even takes the initiative to expel the Tyrannosaurus that enters the area.

Simply put, the Tyrannosaurus is the least popular. If anyone buys this egg but fails to control it well, then wait for the Alliance to come find you.

The bidding below has begun, and the rising prices show extremely high value.

I'm afraid many of those bidding are well aware of the shortcomings of the Tyrannosaurus, but they can't give up its powerful power. They are all willing to bet that they are the lucky one who can subdue the Tyrannosaurus.

Gambling is something that every businessman must experience, and they are willing to take risks for profit.

In the end, the egg was auctioned for 212 million, and was auctioned off by someone... Xiu didn't even know who.

That person only spoke at a later stage when he had made hundreds of millions. After the photo was taken, he immediately entered the backstage without even looking back. Judging from the reaction on the scene, no one seemed to know him, and he didn't look like he was from Nibi City. At least he is not a famous person in Nibi City.

They talked for a while, and the auction ended the moment the Tyrannosaurus egg was sold. Now it was an auction between guests. If you have anything, put it on it.

When they leave the venue, they charge a certain percentage of fees if the transaction is successful, and get nothing if the transaction is unsuccessful.

Xiu also looked at it for a while, but it was hard to tell the quality of the items. Some were very good, and several items sold for more than a million dollars, but there were also many that no one wanted.

Xiu saw someone auctioning off a piece of jewelry that seemed to be somewhat famous. Many people were rushing to get it, and the price was finally over one million.

It made Xiu want to go up and play.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the courage. It's too risky to show his face, and there is nothing worth taking action on.

In fact, only one-third of the people who stayed at the venue were only one-third of the original number. Many people left after taking pictures of the Tyrannosaurus eggs, and most of the people who stayed were just watching the excitement and looking for bargains. There is nothing wrong with practicing this kind of practice.

Of course, this auction will not end like this. Many of those who left did not leave directly. There was a party outside that gathered quite a few wealthy people, and there were many small private trading venues.

In addition to rich people, there are also many trainers here.

For some people, the highlight is at the end.

But this has nothing to do with Xiu, they have no interest in those gatherings and the like.

The organizer was very considerate. There were no cars when we came in, but when we went out, there were tour buses sent to the gate.

Then it was time to go back to the Elf Center. While sitting in the car, Mei Xiang couldn't help but ask Xiu when he would explain the matter of Baby Goethe, but unfortunately Xiu didn't say anything and postponed it until he returned to the Elf Center.

Meixiang couldn't force him, so she could only fall into the torment of curiosity.

By the time they returned to the elf center, it was already midnight. Fortunately, the elf centers in these big cities were open 24 hours a day. All they had to do was report something to the front desk.

And what's interesting is that Xiu found that there were quite a lot of people there tonight, and a few of them came back at about the same time as them, probably coming back from the auction as well.

Everyone knew it, but they all went back to their homes as if they didn't know.

The three of them were walking in the corridor, and Mei Xiang said with some dissatisfaction: "You haven't told me yet!"

"Go back to your room first, it's not convenient here." Xiu suppressed the topic of Meixiang again.

When they arrived at the door of the room, as soon as Xiu opened the door, Meixiang squeezed in first, obviously caring about Xiu's explanation.

It was right to think about it, Xiu had been hanging on her for a long time, and he would do the same thing if it were him.

"Can we talk now?" Mei Xiang briefly glanced at the room as soon as she entered. It was almost the same as her own, as if she had just moved in. Everything was laid out as it was.

"Why are you in such a hurry~" Xiu then walked in, and said to Yosuke behind him: "Come in first."

Yosuke also took a quick look when he came in, and then said: "It's well organized, unlike my place which is all messy."

Xiu smiled slightly, then looked at Mika and said: "Okay, now I will tell you some precautions, and I will explain those things to you after you really capture Goethe Baby."

"Huh! Didn't I capture it?" Mika took out the Poké Ball and raised it.

Xiu didn't say anything, but looked at Yosuke on the side.

"Okay~ I'll explain." Yosuke walked forward helplessly, took out a Poké Ball, and said, "It's not that you can capture it by putting it in the Poké Ball. You must have enough communication with it and get its recognition to be considered captured."

Yosuke handed over the Poké Ball in his hand and said, "Use this new Poké Ball later, and don't use the old one."

Xiu noticed that there was also a mark on the Poké Ball. This kind of Poké Ball represents a certain family or force, just like Casey's Poké Ball in his hand. The mark on it represents Baobab.

This kind of Poké Ball cannot be customized if you want to. It can only be customized if certain conditions are met. In other words, the force behind Yosuke is likely to be no worse than Baobab.

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