Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 442 Countryside Story

"If you want to listen to urban legends, it's very simple. I'll bring you a few more on the spot." Xiu paused for a few seconds, as if trying to organize his words, and then said: "There is also a local legend, and that is Baby Goethe. The evolved Goethe Kid will use hypnosis to take away sleeping children on starlit nights, so if you have a chance to go there, you can hear the locals calling the Goethe Kid the Punishment Witch."

Xing Xiu then told a legend about Miss Goethe.

"It is said that Miss Goethe can see the life span of others. When bad people see it, their own death date will be predicted..."

Xiu was very excited about it, and Yosuke and Meixiang were equally excited to hear it. This mysterious story was indeed very attractive, but Xiu soon broke their illusions with his own hands.

"In fact, these can all be explained. The story of Goethe's child is just a random fabrication by some parents. It's the same as when you were disobedient when you were a child and your mother said, "If you cry again, a monster will take you away." It's just that the local The monster among men is only the Goethe child.

As for Miss Goethe being able to see lifespan, it is just a story passed down by them in the hope that bad guys will be punished. If you really want to know, you can wait until Baby Goethe evolves and ask if it has this ability. "

"Xiu actually knows so much. Are you from the Hezhong area?" Yosuke asked curiously.

"I'm from the Kanto area. As for why I know those stories, of course it's because of this." Xiu took out the illustrated book.

"What is this?" Yosuke and Meixiang looked at each other, obviously neither of them knew what this was.

"Picture book, this is a good thing." Xiu opened it, scanned it at Baby Goethe, and then clicked play.

An electronic sound appears to explain the basic situation of Baby Goethe.

Yosuke and Meixiang were very curious when they heard this. This thing is very magical~

"Come, let me teach you how to use it." Xiu called the two people to his side very generously, and then introduced them to the functions and usage of the illustrated book.

After hearing Xiu's introduction, Yosuke couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's amazing! Who did this?"

"This thing is not open yet. It is in the testing stage now. I only got this qualification through my friends." Although Xiu wanted to show off, he couldn't fully reveal this thing. At least Dr. Ohki couldn't be exposed before selling it. Come out, otherwise they will be very passive.

As for why he specifically took out the things to show to Yosuke and the others, it was because the class represented by Yosuke was the main audience of the illustrated book, and Xiu needed his publicity, at least before the illustrated book was open to ordinary people.

"Take it and play with it." Xiu generously handed over the illustrated book.

Yosuke was not polite, but as soon as he took it in his hand, Meixiang snatched it away.

"Show me first!"

Yosuke could only smile helplessly at this and let the illustrated book be taken away.

The illustrated book in Xiu's hand has the highest authority, and there are many things in it that cannot be shown to others.

But some functions can only be called up in his hands, so it doesn't matter.

Having learned the lessons from their previous lives, Xiu and Dr. Omu had to first eliminate some information that was obviously false at a glance. However, Xiu couldn't bear to part with those little stories, so he created another legend introduction to put those stories on it.

Several urban legends about Goethe's baby family are also on it, which he just talked about and Meixiang is reading now.

"I want one too. Does that friend of yours have any connections?" Yosuke saw Meixiang having so much fun, and then thinking about the functions Xiu had just described, he naturally wanted one too.

"Don't look at it now. Many of its functions are not perfect yet and are only in the testing phase. When I got this, I had to sign a contract with them. I don't think you can accept the above conditions."

It would be easy to ask Dr. Omu to get one, and he could even make one himself, but the prerequisite is that he has the materials, and many things were researched by Qian Yang and Dr. Omu and he didn’t have them at all, which is why he was confident It's the alliance's contribution, and it can't be copied within one or two years.

But that would be too easy. Xiu must keep Yosuke in mind and wait until the right time to give it to him. This way he not only gets the favor, but also gives him more time to publicize it.

"In this way, I will ask that friend to see when it will be completed. Then I will find a finished product for you. Then there will be no restrictions."

"Okay~" Yosuke also knew that he had no hope of getting this, after all, they had just met...

It didn't take long for the three of them to go back to their rooms.

"He's really awesome! He knows everything." Meixiang said while looking at Yosuke next to her.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Yosuke also noticed the look in his sister's eyes, but he didn't want to back down, "I know everything too."

"Tch~" Meixiang rolled her eyes, and then kicked Yosuke out of the room.

As for repairing...

He is now lying in the bathtub, holding Baby Goethe's Poké Ball in his hand, but it is no longer there.

"Hunter organization...fossils..." Xiu muttered to himself as he looked at the elf ball in his hand.


Early in the morning, Xiu was woken up by a fierce knock on the door before he woke up. He slept a little late last night, and there was nothing much to do today, so he originally wanted to stay in bed and sleep for a while, but now it seemed that he was sleeping. It doesn’t work.

"I'm here~" Xiu shouted weakly, then climbed up from the bed, but after just a few steps, he turned back, took the Poké Ball, and then walked out.

As soon as the door opened, it was Mika standing outside.


"Goth baby is awake!" Mika was a little excited while talking, and regardless of Xiu's reaction, she pulled him to her room.

"Hey! Wait a minute, my room is not closed yet."

Xiu was still pulled over by her, after all, resistance would cause problems.

The rooms are the same, nothing to see, the difference is that there is an extra Goth baby.

Looking at the alert Goth baby, Xiu didn't care much, and said casually: "Didn't I tell you last night to take good care of it and put it next to you to sleep, you didn't do what I said, right?"

"It slept next to me, but..." Mika fell silent as she spoke, and her face slowly turned red.

Xiu asked curiously when he saw her like this: "Just what? Did you kick it off the bed while you were sleeping?"

"No way!" Meixiang glanced at him, then stammered: "I'm used to hugging the pillow, maybe I accidentally strangled it."

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