Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 445 Moon Viewing Mountains

He groped his way forward, because there must be someone ahead, so Xiu did not dare to be careless, and soon he chose to find a camp.

He started the journey at noon and drove for more than an hour, and then walked for two or three hours on the mountain road. Although he did not enter the main vein, he was almost there, and now was a good time to rest.

The environment suddenly changed from the city to the wild, and he needed to adjust his state in a relatively safe environment.

Because he knew very well that once he entered the main vein, he would definitely not be able to rest for a day.

Xiu squatted down and looked at the traces on the ground. This was a camp he had just chosen, but it was obvious that someone had made the same choice not long ago.

Because it happened within one or two days, the traces were still fresh, and Xiu could judge some characteristics of that person based on some of the garbage left behind.

The footprints can tell the number of people and height and weight, and the garbage such as packaging bags left behind can tell the person's appetite and mobility, and even the person's personality can be judged from the way the packaging bags are opened.

This is why Xiu will definitely clean up the traces and take away the garbage after staying in a certain place. In addition to protecting the environment, it is also to protect himself.

After preliminary judgment, this is an adult male with a height of 178±3cm and a weight of about 70kg. He should not have set up a tent that night, but used a sleeping bag, which can be seen from the marks on the ground.

And he should not have much money, which can be seen from the garbage left behind. He eats very cheap convenience foods.

Based on this information, Xiu immediately ruled out the possibility of a hunter or a senior trainer. This person is likely to be a small-time trainer, who has certain knowledge of survival in the wild, but has not paid attention to many details.

He should just be attracted by the meteor shower and want to get rich overnight.

After the search, Xiu cleaned up his own traces and retreated from there. This place is no longer safe for him. It is still early now. There are many places to choose from. There is no need to stay here.

However, the appearance of this also means that there may be many small-time trainers coming up. These people are different from others. They are the most destructive to the environment and do things without regard for the consequences. In a way, they are even worse than hunters.

Every year, some people go missing in the wild. Although they are missing, everyone knows that the possibility of death is greater, but they just don’t want to say so.

Among these people, the trainers mentioned above accounted for the majority.

Xiu moved forward and chose a campsite until he came to a fallen tree.

Xiu went forward and took a look. There were traces of burning on it. This should be split by lightning, which directly split the tree into two halves. One half fell down and became a dead branch, while the other half was still full of vitality.

The fallen half leaned on the trunk, forming a triangular space.

This would be a good campsite as long as it was cleaned up a little, but unfortunately Xiu also found something strange. This place has long been occupied by Pokémon. If he doesn't want to cause more disputes, it's best to leave there as soon as possible.

Xiu could hear a warning sound coming from inside. It was an Arbok snake.

Xiu could only retreat slowly.

It was the owner here, and Xiu was just a guest. As long as the other party didn't take action first, Xiu was unwilling to disrupt their lives.

Because he didn't have an absolute need, his departure would not affect his subsequent survival, but the other party might not.

However, Xiu was not frustrated by this. Instead, his "heart" that had been silent for a few days began to beat again, and he himself began to slowly integrate into Yuejian Mountain.


“Come out!”

Xiu released all the elves in the elf balls and had breakfast with them.

After a night of rest, he has now adapted to the rhythm of the wild again, and it is time to go into the mountains.

After finishing breakfast, Xiu packed up his things and continued to move forward.

As he went deeper, the situation of Yuejian Mountain was really surprising. The traces of human beings did not decrease, but increased. Large and small pits were scattered all over the foot of the mountain, destroying the original land and leaving scars on Yuejian Mountain.

On the road that must be passed at the foot of the mountain, people can still be seen, but those people did not react when they saw Xiu, and they were all working hard to raise the shovel in their hands.

What are you looking for?

Although Xiu was very confused about their situation, he did not stay too long and left the weird place.

But at this time, he suddenly found a very interesting thing in the middle of the road.

Xiu looked around, then squatted down to pick it up, and it turned out to be a fossil.

A palm-sized fossil with a small piece of broken shell on it.

What is this? The treatment of the protagonist?

But before Xiu could be happy for too long, the three people who were digging rocks nearby actually gathered here. Xiu just glanced at them, didn't pay much attention, and didn't leave. He just stood there and looked at the fossil in his hand.

"Is it this thing?"

"Big brother, you're right, it was this kid who stole it."

"Yes! He stole it."

The three people surrounded Xiu and said something.

The situation here certainly attracted the attention of those nearby, but they just took a look and continued their work, as if this scene was normal.

When the so-called big brother came in front of Xiu, Xiu looked up.

One of them had a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks and triangular eyes, which was the little Lada spirit.

The other one had bulging eyes, wide lips and acne on his face, and looked like a toad.

That big brother looks like an alien evil god, just a mosaic.

Damn! They look so crooked, and each one is more outrageous than the other.

Xiu frowned slightly and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Did you steal our things?" Little Rada walked forward and said arrogantly.

"What did I steal from you?" Xiu said indifferently, but his attention was not on it at all, his eyes were looking around.

"The one in your hand!" Toad also came out, and the two surrounded Xiu on both sides.

"Then give it to you." Xiu threw the fossil casually without hesitation.

Little Rada hurriedly took the fossil. Xiu returned the things so quickly that he couldn't say the following harsh words. Fortunately, the big brother came out in time and said: "You stole our things, things are not so simple..."

"Are you sure?" Xiu interrupted him and looked at him casually.

As soon as the leader stopped talking, the momentum he had originally raised waned. He didn't know why he felt like running away, and his heart was beating violently.

"How dare you be so arrogant! Do you know who my eldest brother is? He is a famous trainer in Nibi City."

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