Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 450 Sandshrew

Within two seconds, the mound exploded with a "boom", and soil rose into the sky, along with a sphere.

"Grab it!" Xiu's face looked a little ugly. He didn't expect that the elf would dare to turn around and come back, just in time to hit Yan Shen's super power, and was hit by a shock wave from Casey.

Even if Xiu didn't tell Casey, he knew what he was going to do. His eyes that had been closed had already reopened following the explosion. He saw his right hand raised high, stretched out in that direction, and then clenched it.

Most people may not be able to see it, but Xiu can feel a powerful super power.

Sure enough, the things that had been blown up into the sky seemed to be held by a big hand and gathered in the same place. After a while, they formed a big ball of rock and soil.

"Be gentle, don't kill yourself." Xiu could hear the sound of the rock squeezing from such a distance. One can imagine how powerful it was. In my heart, I actually started to worry about that little elf.

Casey didn't make any extra moves, he just slowly retracted his raised hand, and the sphere floated this way as if it was being pulled by something.

It wasn't until the things came to Xiu that he said, "Separate the excess things."

I don’t know why, but it actually feels like opening a box.

As the superpowers converge, the earth and stones wrapped around it peel off little by little, slowly revealing the elf inside.

Xiu looked at the pangolin curled up in a ball and said with emotion: "I should have guessed it was you..."

This little guy is not big, rolled up almost like a basketball.

Fine lines are formed at the joints between the skin on the back, giving the entire backpack a brick pattern effect. The color from the forehead to the abdomen is light yellow. When it is rolled up, the tail is placed on the head, and the two small hands are pushed inside, and The two feet just blocked both sides, forming a protective state.

The eyes are closed and nothing can be seen, but the two small triangular ears look a bit cute when attached to them.

"Put it down." Xiu raised his hand and pressed it lightly, staring at the mountain rat.

Casey removed his superpower, and the pangolin that was floating in the air suddenly felt the pull of gravity again and fell to the ground.

But what's interesting is that it gave up its defensive posture as soon as it hit the ground, opened its eyes, grabbed the ground with both hands, and then raised it high. A large handful of soil turned into sand in its hands and splashed out, and then went to another place. Run in one direction.

Xiu, who was its target, didn't react at all, just looked at it, and the raised sand seemed to have hit a transparent wall not long after it left, and turned into fine sand and fell to the ground before it had time to take effect.

As for the running mountain rat, it also hit a transparent wall. When Xiu heard a "bang", it fell on its back to the ground.

If Xiu dares to let it out, he will naturally be prepared.

"Come here, tell me why you are following me?"

Xiuya had no idea of ​​revenge. He almost hit this little guy in the hand because of his lack of skills before. He had nothing to say. What he wanted now was to ask why it followed him.

But it was still lying on the ground pretending to be dead, without any reaction at all.

Xiu chuckled lightly and shouted to it: "Stop pretending, you can still go home if you tell me clearly. If you don't tell me, there will be no chance."

As soon as Xiu finished speaking, he suddenly turned over and stood up.

The hands and feet that were not exposed just now are also revealed. The hands have three small and pointed claws, and the feet have two toes.

It's just that the way it stands is hunched over, giving it a dull look, but its sapphire-like eyes are very unique.

This little guy didn't just stand stupidly after it stood up. Xiu Neng could see that its feet were exerting downward force. It should be trying to dig a hole to escape, but its idea was doomed to fail. There was also a solid force field underneath. .

"Casey~Ask it."

Xiu Neng felt that the other party was a little wary, so it would be better to arrange for Cathy to communicate.

"It said there was something about you that attracted it, and it just followed you to have a look."

When Casey's words came, Xiu was stunned again.

Is there something about me that attracts it?


Do I smell of its perfume? It's obviously the fault of its nose.

Xiu continued to ask: "Tell me what it is?"

"It doesn't know either."

Maybe he was frightened just now, and Xiu didn't show anything now, so the mountain rat simply sat on the ground, holding his little hands on his chest.

Seeing that it relaxed so quickly, Xiu couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You little thing is really relaxed, so you met me, otherwise you can still be so leisurely now?"

The pangolin didn't seem to understand Xiu's words at all. He sat there blankly, scratching his belly from time to time.

Seeing it cultivating like this, he didn't say anything. Instead, he began to examine the things on his body. He also wanted to know what attracted the pangolin rat.

Speaking of which, there are a lot of things to cultivate on the body, and it would take a long time to take them out one by one, so I simply approached the pangolin and said to it: "Tell me what attracts you?"

The pangolin who was sitting on the ground was a little scared when he saw Xiu coming over, but he quickly adapted to it, stood up and circled around Xiu, and even tried to climb up his right leg.

"Just tell me, I'll do it myself." Xiu hugged it away after seeing this, otherwise his pants would be gone. Speaking of which, its claws are really sharp.

"It says right pocket."

Xiu reached into his pocket, his face became a little strange, and then he took out the things.

It was the black meteorite. I was frightened by the little guy before and stuffed it into my pocket, and then it followed me all the way.

Isn't this really unfair...

"Isn't this just an ordinary stone? Why does it attract you?" Xiu handed the meteorite to the sandmouse.

He and Casey had tested this meteorite before, and there was no special reaction, even worse than the red one, but why did it attract it?

Xiu thought about it and took out the red meteorite and asked, "What about this one? Do you feel anything?"

The sandmouse ignored the red one, but reached out to pick up the black one from Xiu's hand, and then sniffed it.

"No~" Xiu picked up the red one with some regret, but he didn't expect the next scene.

The sandmouse actually started to chew on the black meteorite!

Xiu didn't expect this, and quickly asked Casey to take the meteorite from the sandmouse.

The powerful superpowers immediately froze the sandmouse, and the meteorite in its hand returned to Xiu.

Looking at the gap on it, he murmured, "This tooth is really sharp..."

Looking through the gap, the inside of the meteorite is made of the same material, there are no gemstones or anything like that, this is not a gambling stone.

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