Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 452 Breaking News

Something must have happened over there. If someone found Pippi, something big would happen, and he had to go take a look.

After seeing Xiu leaving, the mountain rat hiding in the grass stood up on the spot, looked in the direction in the distance, stopped for a moment and then followed him.

Xiu knew very well what must have happened ahead, and he urgently needed to know some information, but he did not go there blindly, and took a detour to a higher place.

Taking out the telescope, Xiu looked down from high to the distance.

There were no people, or elves, and there was only a trace of the collapse, and the area was a bit large.

I don't know why Xiu immediately remembered the huge hole he encountered when he saw this, but there were some differences here. From the outside, you could see winding grooves, which should have been formed after the passage collapsed.

Before he could take a closer look, Xiu noticed someone approaching there. There were three people in total. They were fully equipped and moved neatly. At a glance, he knew they were experienced trainers.

Xiu did not act rashly and was still observing their actions.

The three people came to the collapsed ground and kept circling that place, as if they were searching for something.

Xiu didn't know what they were going to do, he could only watch.

Suddenly Xiu felt a slight vibration, but this feeling became more and more exaggerated.

Even Xiu Yue discovered it from such a distance. Of course, the three people still at the scene knew about the situation, and each released their own elves.

Giant Claw Crab, Double Bomb Gas, Big Mouth Bat.

When the three of them released the elf, the elf that caused the earthquake also appeared, and in a very shocking way.

The earth was trembling, and the stones that had been shattered by the collapse were rolling all over the ground. They suddenly bulged up in the piles of rubble, and then exploded. The stones flew around at high speed.

The three elves also used their special powers to clear away the flying rubble.

The giant claw crab raised its claws in front of it like a shield. Those flying stones had no effect except making a little sound when they hit it last time.

The double-bomb gas spit out black sludge and knocked down the rocks. As for the big-mouthed bat, it flapped its wings to easily dodge the attacks.

When those people were dealing with the rubble, Xiu also saw what kind of elf it was. It was a large rock snake, and it was bigger than the one he had encountered before, and its body was darker.

Just when he thought those people wanted to hunt the big rock snake, the big rock snake didn't attack others. Instead, it turned its head to coil up the hole it had just made, and then looked at those people.

Only then did Xiu realize that this big rock snake had a trainer. The defensive posture just now said it all.

Two groups of trainers clashed?

Just when Xiu was confused, a man crawled out of the hole. When he saw the man's face clearly, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


But fortunately it was far away and no one was nearby, so his voice didn't cause trouble.

In fact, it is no wonder that the monastery was so shocked, because the trainer of the big rock snake was actually Xiaogang.

That's right, he still doesn't know what Xiaogang looks like. He has seen him for more than ten years and recognized him at a glance.

Thick eyebrows, squinted eyes, spiky head, brown hair, and bronze complexion. It can be said that there is no difference except that he is younger.

It's just that he looks a little embarrassed now, his body is dusty, sand and stones can leak out of his body when he walks, and his clothes are often damaged, his brows are furrowed, and he looks quite angry.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Xiaogang crawled out of the hole. If he hadn't released the big rock snake quickly, he would have buried himself alive just now.

But the people in front of them also seemed a little strange. When they saw Xiaogang coming out, instead of running away, they looked at each other and shouted "Come on!"

Even ordinary people knew that there was something wrong with surrounding them, let alone Xiaogang.

Xiaogang is not stupid either. The question he just asked was also to delay time. He took an elf ball in each hand and opened it. The two elf appeared in front of him.

They are Rumble Stone and One-Horned Rhinoceros.

The appearance of the two behemoths did not disrupt the actions of the three people. They directed the elves to attack separately.


"Poison gas!"

"water gun!"

The three of them had been planning for a long time, and the elf had already completed the accumulation of strength.

Suddenly there was a harsh sound, thick smoke, and a thick water gun attacked Xiaogang.

Ordinary trainers would definitely be frightened by such a large formation, but their opponent is the son of the gym leader in Nibi City, who is known as a man as powerful as a rock.

"Rumble Stone used [Sand Splash] to scatter the gas. The One-Horned Rhino rushed forward to avoid the [Water Gun], and then used [Rock Explosion] to attack the double-bomb gas and knock him down."

Xiaogang obviously wanted to give more instructions, but the opponent's attack was already coming. He could only jump on the big rock snake in a hurry, trying to get out of the opponent's attack range.

The rumble stone did not splash sand like the mountain rat did before, but curled up into a boulder, and the boulder quickly rolled up. The rumble stone had already turned its body and rolled towards the three of them.

There had been a collapse near here, and the soil was loose. The rumble stone moved the soil and sand along the edges of its body, raising large amounts of sand along the way.

Soon, Yangsha came into contact with the poisonous gas first, and dispersed it with almost no effort. The huge noise it made also counteracted the ultrasonic wave, reducing its lethality.

The people on the other side knew that the unicorn had difficulty moving and was afraid of water, so they aimed the water gun at it.

But the unicorn had already predicted that the water gun was coming for it. It had already started before Xiaogang opened his mouth, and when the water gun came, it had already staggered a body position.

As the unicorn ran, the whole area could feel weak vibrations and the sound of heavy stomping on the ground. As it moved forward, cone-shaped stone pillars quickly gathered around it, and soon a large area of ​​stone cones flew towards the double-bomb gas.

From this offensive, it can be seen that Xiaogang's taboo against the double-bomb gas is even greater than that of the giant crab, and whether it is the rumbling stone or the unicorn, the direction of advance is three people, which is really scary.

A large number of rock spikes shot towards the double-bullet gas. It was not overwhelming, but it also covered the double-bullet gas.

This command was very interesting. Xiaogang asked the unicorn to use the skill [Rock Blast], which has a large range and low damage, instead of a single-target high-damage skill.

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