Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 47 Completed

Xiu put down the tools in his hands and stopped the timer on the table, then raised his hand to the front, and turned to leave the examination room after getting the nod from the invigilator.

Behind him were the candidates who were still fighting.

When he went out, he was stopped by the staff and taken to the waiting hall.

At this time, not many people had completed the practical operation, only a few were sitting sparsely.

In order to prevent problems, they needed to wait until the remaining candidates completed the exam before releasing the results.

And Xiu finally had time to sort out the situation just now.

The five practical operations did not put much pressure on him. Although the number of games increased, the difficulty did not exceed his ability. Most of them could be completed within the limit of fifteen minutes. Some of them, such as simulated rescue and allocation of rations, could even be completed within ten minutes.

This is why he can sit here now.

But he still doesn't understand why the rules changed suddenly, and this happened to him, which is really incredible.

After confirming that there was no problem with his operation, Xiu didn't bother to care about those fancy things. Anyway, he had done what he should do, and the rest was not something he could change.

He took out a book...

As time went by, more and more candidates completed the practical operation and appeared in the hall.

Most people were able to complete the operation within the specified time. It seemed that the candidates who dared to take the exam were all talented and knowledgeable.

When it was almost three o'clock, the results were finally announced.

However, the results were not made public directly, but announced separately.

A staff member notified them here, and then the candidates went to another place.

"Candidate No. 312, please come over."

And now it was his turn.

Xiu responded, nodded to the staff, and then followed him into the inner space that he had not been to before.

At this time, many people came and went in the corridor, and the first batch of people had come out and were discussing what they had just seen and heard.

"I didn't expect to get the professors' comments and guidance this time!"

"Ah! Why don't I have the luck to get close to those big shots? I was just an ordinary invigilator, but I did get a lot of advice."

"It's worth it to get their guidance even if I don't pass the exam."

"This has never happened before. I don't know if it's because of this change?"


Xiu looked up and looked forward, looking at the two people coming towards him, frowning slightly, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to his expressionless look.

The man took Xiu to a room and stopped, smiling at him and said: "You are so lucky this time. It's a rare opportunity to catch up with the reform and have a senior qualified teacher to give you career advice."

Xiu knew that the other party was reminding him that the opportunity was rare and he should take it seriously.

"Thank you."

After thanking him, Xiu knocked on the door without hesitation, without any nervousness.

"Come in!"

The room was not big and seemed to be temporarily selected. Apart from those irrelevant things, the only thing that matched the theme of this time was the three people sitting at the desk.

When Xiu saw the person, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and his originally calm heart also began to stir.

Because the person sitting in front of him was an acquaintance.

It was the director Baoba.

"Sit down~" Baoba, who was sitting in the middle, seemed to not know Xiu and pointed to the chair in front.

Xiu didn't know what the director was like, so he could only sit down.

Baoba picked up a piece of paper from the table and glanced at it, then said: "Congratulations on passing the written test and practical operation, and your score reached the passing line, and you officially become a breeder."

As he said that, the assistant took out a small green book and put it in front of Xiu.

Xiu didn't react very excitedly to this, but just picked up the certificate silently.

"Then next, let's talk about some of the problems you encountered during this test..."

Less than five minutes later, Xiu appeared outside the door. When he walked outside, he also met the examinees walking inside, but he didn't have a companion to chat with, just walked silently.

That expressionless look was very much like a frustrated examinee, and frightened the man and made him nervous immediately.

When Xiu came out to the hall again, those people did not seem deserted because they had finished the exam and dispersed, but were very lively.

Those who had passed the exam were holding their certificates and boasting about their glorious deeds, and those who had not passed were a little depressed, but they gathered together to discuss the suggestions brought about by the rule changes, and they all said that they had gained a lot. Some even seemed very happy because they met their idols, and there was no negative emotion at all about failing the exam.

Only those who had not received the news were waiting in agony.

After Xiu listened to what those people said for a while, he left in boredom, took out the book just now and sat in a corner.

As time passed, those people soon got the results, and no matter how excited they were, it would be worn away by time, until finally, the whole hall became empty, with only staff walking from time to time.

"Why are you still here?"

A familiar voice approached with footsteps until it stopped in front of him.

Xiu, however, did not react much to this. He gently closed the book, looked up, and said, "Didn't the director ask me to wait for you here?"

When Baoba heard this, he neither denied nor admitted it, but just grinned.

"Do you have a place to live?"

"To be determined~" Xiu shook his head slowly.

"Then come with me. It's okay if we don't see each other for a few days. You've been admitted to the cultivation home..."

Baoba turned and walked towards the gate, saying something. Although he couldn't hear anything in his tone, Xiu could still feel a little teasing.

Xiu didn't say anything nonsense about this, packed up his things and followed him.

As soon as he went out to the gate, Xiu felt some strange eyes. Looking over there, he saw a woman looking at him and walking towards him.

For some reason, Xiu felt something was wrong, and slowly retreated behind Baoba, using him to block the sight of the newcomers.

However, his little action seemed to be noticed by Baoba, who turned around and smiled at Xiu: "What are you afraid of? That's Miss Joy."

Miss Joy stopped in front of Baoba, looked at Xiu and asked: "Professor, is this the child?"

Baoba did not answer directly, but pushed Xiu out, patted his head and said: "Why don't you say hello to Miss Joy?"

Xiu could only smile helplessly at this situation, and then said hello to Miss Joy.

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