Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 491 Genetic Skills

The sandshrew stretched out its arms and legs, and then rolled up according to Xiu's instructions. Surprisingly, there was no difficulty, and it rolled into a ball easily just like before.

After a careful inspection, Xiu found a very interesting phenomenon. The lines, that is, the gaps between the skin, became deeper.

In the past, it was just a very shallow line, and it was not even obvious when standing, but now it was different.

The rolled-up sandshrew exposed these gaps.

Xiu tried to put his fingernails in, and then poked it, and found that the strength was a little lower than the surrounding, and it was more tough than strong.

That is, the self-correction of the sandshrew. The metallization of the skin on the back will affect its ability to roll up, but this evolution can retain the hardness after the agglomeration, and can also take into account the ability to roll up.

This is amazing, but Xiu also saw its weaknesses.

What if the opponent finds and attacks these weak points?

"I think too much. How can there be a perfect situation?" Xiu suddenly realized that he was a little greedy.

But this problem still needs to be solved, otherwise it will be embarrassing if it really happens.

"Get up and walk a few steps." Xiu let go of the sandalow and stood up.

The sandalow also loosened its tail and stretched out, but compared with the almost instantaneous movements before, this time it was much slower.

But Xiu had expected this.

Similar things happened to the giant mantis before, and it was overcome through a lot of training.

The sandalow has not yet adapted to the changes in its body, and it only shows the outside, and no one knows what is going on inside the body.

The sandalow tried to walk on the ground, but it could only do it slowly. It felt like it was hanging a lot of things on its body and walking in the mud. Every step consumed several times more physical strength than before.

As the sandalow slowly moved, Xiu also found something very interesting. The skin on the sandalow seemed to be oxidized, and it gradually became less dazzling over time.

Although it was still the original silver, it was a little deeper.

After checking the sandalow to make sure there was no problem, Xiu arranged its task.

Specifically, it was required to adapt to the changes in its body within today, at least to be able to do ordinary movements without lag.

Slow, but not lag.

For this reason, Xiu specially called the giant claw mantis to come over and let it teach some skills at that time.

Both of them have steel-type changes, and with similar experiences, I think they have something in common.

"Okay, it's your turn next." Xiu looked at the Chansey egg, holding an old notebook in his hand.

He had already arranged some cultivation precautions and training plans for Chansey egg.

When it was still a little lucky egg, Xiu began to pay attention to and collect relevant information.

For this reason, he also looked for two god-level figures, Baoba and Professor Oak.

Yes, Professor Oak also raised Chansey egg, and his was a wild one. When he captured it, it was already an adult, and some of its abilities were already fixed.

Another point is that because the living environment in the wild is harsh, Professor Oak's Chansey egg has a very good combat ability.

According to him, that Chansey egg is not inferior to the average adult (three-stage evolution) Gosanjia, and its [Thunder Fist] is extremely brave.

Because Xiu mainly moves in the wild and some dangerous places, without a certain level of strength support, it is difficult for Jigglypuff to follow him, and it may become a weakness of their team.

Of course, this does not mean that healing ability is not important, but in outdoor activities, Xiu attaches more importance to combat ability than healing ability.

If he can, he would like to have all of them, but adults know that this is unrealistic.

It is initially determined to do the best to enhance its healing ability while giving priority to combat ability.

"Do you have any ability to use in your memory?"

The direction has been determined, but Xiu must first determine the basic ability of Jigglypuff before starting training.

Xiu has read a book, and the author has an interesting point of view, that is, the abilities of the elves will be inherited, and they will automatically awaken to a certain extent, and can be used initially, and then become proficient through training.

Xiu quite agrees with this point of view.

Because in his opinion, this is the leveling up and learning skills in the game.

However, Xiu put forward another point of view, that is, only some abilities will awaken with growth, and some can be mastered through learning.

That is, there are two situations in the game, skills that can be learned by leveling up and skills that require a learning machine to learn.

Now, what Xiu wanted was to show the skills that Jigglypuff had mastered as it grew, to see where it would lean.

Jigglypuff thought for a while after hearing what Xiu said. It had been with Xiu for so long, so of course it knew what he meant.

But the use of the abilities in its memory...

Xiu saw Jigglypuff fall into confusion, so he gave instructions softly.

"Close your eyes, relax your body, feel the changes in your body, and imagine that there is a stream of energy flowing in your body.

It will change with your thoughts, feel it and then master it.

Breathe~ Breathe~ Breathe~ Breathe..."

Xiu's words became softer and softer until they disappeared.

Jigglypuff closed his eyes, and then slowly followed the changes in Xiu's words, revealing an inexplicable aura from time to time.

Xiu was not speaking nonsense. He had felt the flow of energy in Casey and the giant claw mantis before he dared to explain this aspect.

Moreover, he only briefly introduced the introductory chapter of the story and stopped talking because he was not familiar with the energy changes in the body of the egg, and different energies would have different changes.

This cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

It can only be understood by the egg itself.

Xiu stood beside it, observing the changes of the egg, and then imagined in his mind some abilities it should master in the future.

Like [Healing Wave], it must be learned. If it did not inherit this ability from memory, Xiu could only find a way to find Joey in the Pokémon Center, or a Pokémon who knows this aspect.

This is a core skill, and it cannot be...

Suddenly, Xiu felt a little uneasy. This feeling separated him from his thoughts, and he looked up vigilantly.

But before he could react too much, a strong force suddenly came, almost instantly covering his whole body, pressing him to the ground rudely, as if a big stone was suddenly carried on his back.

Xiu, who was already alert, subconsciously tensed his muscles and used his strength to resist this force.

He could only feel the sudden increase in pressure on his heart and the slowing of blood flow, as if it was about to solidify.

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