Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 496 Moonlight

When the wet towel was placed on the sandmouse, its body tensed up and became as motionless as a stone.


Xiu's words followed, and his hands did not stop, he was really helping the sandmouse wipe its body.

He also opened its arms from time to time and wiped the towel under its armpits, back, face, body, tail...

Xiu did not care about the sandmouse anymore, but focused on cleaning, as if he had forgotten his real intention.

It took half an hour to wipe the sandmouse completely.

The sandmouse has never taken a bath since it was born, and stays in the mud all day.

You can imagine how dirty it is.

Fortunately, it shed its skin today and replaced most of its skin, otherwise it would be more troublesome.

"Okay!" Xiu looked a little tired. Washing a small thing is more troublesome than washing a giant mantis.

But this is the first time, and it should get used to it later.

The sandmouse was very resistant at first, but later found that it seemed to be nothing, so it let Xiu fiddle with it.

After the shower, I felt very relaxed, as if I was alive again.

"Are you still not going out? Do you want to take a shower with me?" Xiu raised his hand and gently tapped its forehead.

The liberated sandshrew immediately stood up and was released by Casey.

Xiu looked at it running away, smiled and shook his head, and said to himself: "This little guy..."

Xiu stood in the bathroom, rubbing bubbles all over his body, while Casey was floating in the air, holding a towel behind him.

What's rare is that Casey didn't use telekinesis directly, but rubbed the bath manually.

"There are still many things recently, various problems with Jigglypuff and Sandshrew, and..."

Xiu said a lot of words, analyzing the current situation, and various problems to be faced, etc.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be talking to Casey, anyway, only he was heard talking.

Casey was concentrating on helping it rub its back, as if he didn't hear what Xiu said.

"Ah~" Xiu sighed and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened them and murmured, "Too much trouble."

After saying that, he turned on the shower, and the cold water immediately penetrated his distracting thoughts and dispelled his irritability.

After Xiu washed off the foam on his body, he pulled Casey over and helped it rub bubbles...

Outside, Xiu looked at the elves.

The giant claw mantis mobilized its own energy and was seeking that delicate balance.

Casey was holding the red meteorite and honing his superpowers to maintain his own state.

The sandshrew was curled up and stayed aside. Today's training exhausted it, and it was scared by Xiu and Casey. It can be said that it was physically and mentally exhausted.

"Hey! Where's Jigglypuff?" Xiu realized that Jigglypuff was not in the room.

Casey turned his head and looked behind him.

And Xiu, who received the instructions, also walked over there.


Every room has it, it's just a matter of size.

A very small space, surrounded by a circle of metal railings, and hanging on it were the clothes he had washed before.

Jilidan stood there, looking at the night sky.

"What's wrong?" Xiu walked up and asked softly.

Jilidan seemed to notice Xiu coming over after hearing the sound, looked back, and then raised his hand and pointed upwards.

Xiu looked in the direction it pointed, and saw the moon hanging in the night.

It was just that there was a gap compared to the full moon before, as if it was bitten by a greedy person.

"Watch the moon~" Xiu smiled and walked up, put his hands on the railing, and looked up.

After a while, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face, and for some reason even his eyes gradually became soft.

"I haven't been like this for a long time, the last time was still..."

Xiu stopped talking, and the expression on his face had long faded, and he returned to his normal appearance.

Jilidan watched from the side, his eyes full of confusion, and he was obviously a little puzzled by Xiu's performance just now.

"Right!" Xiu seemed to suddenly remember something, squatting in front of Jigglypuff, and asked excitedly: "Can you feel the energy transmitted by the moon?"

Xiu remembered that it could evolve largely because of the ceremony that night.

It accepted the gift of the moon, and it is impossible for it to be like this for no reason.

So Jigglypuff and the moon are originally connected?

It is inevitable that Xiu would think so, after all, the evolution conditions of the little lucky egg in his memory are the two elements of round stone and daytime.

And his little lucky egg evolved on the night of the full moon and the power of the moon.

Who would believe you if you said it has nothing to do with the moon?

Jigglepuff didn't know what Xiu said, but he understood what he meant.

So he closed his eyes and faced the moon.

Then a silver-white light appeared on it, faintly like moonlight.

And Jigglypuff was like the moon, holy and flawless.

Xiu looked at Jigglypuff, and the surprise on his face could not be eliminated for a long time.

It's not that he didn't know, but as mentioned before, he had been prepared for it, but there is a difference between guessing and actually seeing.

Not to mention the [Gravity] that gave him a big surprise before, and now it happened again.

The energy fluctuations used by Jigglypuff startled Casey, and when he floated out and saw the changes on him, he subconsciously looked at Xiu.

Xiu smiled and nodded, and whispered: "Good news~"

But he was right in front of Jigglypuff, and even if he whispered softly, Jigglypuff would stop the changes, and then open his eyes and look at him.

"How is it? What do you feel?" Xiu asked impatiently.

With the help of Casey's telepathy, Xiu finally didn't have to guess slowly, and soon got the relevant information from Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff is not easy to get tired under the moonlight, and the body's recovery ability is enhanced, and it is more energetic.

When actively absorbing moonlight, the previous state will be more obvious, and this state can be shared, but the effect is weaker.

You can also use the power of the moon to attack.

According to what Xiu is familiar with, it is to automatically get an increase when there is a moon at night, and the specific effect is to restore the overall enhancement.

The second is the active ability, absorbing moonlight, which can not only enhance itself, but also enhance teammates.

The last one is the attack ability.

Of course, the specifics still need to be tested and verified. Anyway, at present, Jigglypuff is soaring.

Now Xiu discovered that it was not Casey who was the most powerful in the team. It was it.

Casey is strong, and it is exaggerated, but compared with the sequelae and many restrictions, it is somewhat balanced.

But Jigglypuff has no negatives!

Given its high affinity with the moon, it should be able to learn [Cosmic Power] and [Moon Power] later.

Anyway, it has huge potential for development, and it is worth it to cultivate it like a pig, regardless of resources, to this extent.

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