Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 499 Healing Fluctuation

There are also some auxiliary means.

For example, digging holes.

It is not very accurate to summarize it with skills, anyway, just practice these parts.

"Your first task today is to regain the feeling of [rolling]."

Xiu does not think it is better to let the sandshrew exercise its claws first. This is more efficient in the afternoon or evening.

Because related exercises will definitely damage the claws, which will affect other training.

In the afternoon or evening, you can use the rest time at night to recuperate.

If the intensity is high, you may need to use the healing ability of the Jigglypuff to assist in training.

I don't know what the sandshrew is like. Will it be obedient?

Xiu looked at it, not knowing what he was thinking, his eyes were blank, and the sandshrew's scalp was numb.

It immediately rushed out, then jumped up, completed the "roll" action in the air, and then rolled out.

Xiu kept his eyes on it, and of course he knew its situation.

To be honest, this kind of rolling made him very dissatisfied, the efficiency was too low, and the speed was too slow.

You should know that after the sandshrew completes the mutation, its weight increases and it can no longer be as agile as before.

This means that it must change its way of moving.

After thinking it over again and again, Xiu chose to use rolling instead of crawling for it.

Once it rolls successfully, its weight will turn from a disadvantage to an advantage at this time.

But this requires a high level of terrain, and if there is no way to improve efficiency, it will become a wrong decision.

Xiu remembered the Foretos he encountered when he was in the research institute.

Its rolling left a deep impression on Xiu, and the reaction force generated by rolling continued to accelerate.

But it relies on electromagnetic force and has a buffer space, otherwise such a collision will make the opponent faint before it is hit.

Blindly learning this is definitely not okay, but let's learn from it and see if it is possible for the sandshrew to achieve it?

But the sandshrew has neither electromagnetic force nor buffer space, and its external shell is not as hard as the giant claw mantis.

Is it going to become clumsy...

Xiu looked at the sandshrew on the side and soon fell into deep thought.

Xiu recalled the Pokémons that he had seen rolling, besides Forritos, there was Rumblestone.

He had seen that kind of grand movement when he met Xiaogang.

But he used his hands, feet and terrain to create thrust, and Sandshrew did not have that special body structure, so it was difficult to imitate.


Xiu thought of another Pokémon, which, like Sandshrew, attacked by curling up and spinning at high speed.

But... how to spin at high speed?

Xiu had not studied how Dungaree turned, and he had never seen the real thing, but only learned about it from some materials.

Xiu planned to put it aside for the time being, and then go back to check it on the computer, or ask Professor Oak.

There was no way, his knowledge was short-sighted.

At this time, Xiu put aside the matter of Sandshrew and returned to Chanel.

"How is it?"

He had been away for about ten minutes, and in such a short time, Xiu did not have much hope.

But Chanel's subsequent performance directly stunned him.

It raised its hand and pointed, and a faint pink light condensed on its fingertips, and then it pressed its fingertips on the bushes beside it.

The leaves on it grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and new buds sprouted on the branches, and became even greener.

Damn! Take off!

Xiu was extremely happy, and his excitement was beyond words. He just smiled foolishly at the bushes.

Finally here, the team has finally taken shape.

"Come on! Give me a shot."

Xiu stretched out his right hand, then pulled up the sleeves of his clothes, revealing his arms full of scars.

These scars were of different lengths, some were new, and some had long been healed. Most of them were scratched by branches, or abrasions and crushes caused by rolling on the ground.

It was not serious, but it was terrible when accumulated, at least it looked like that.

In general, Xiu wore a coat, and the same was true in summer. In addition to convenience, he wanted to cover it up.

It was not that he was inferior or something, he was not so hypocritical, he was just afraid of exposing his information.

For example, if Xiu saw these marks on someone else, he could tell when the person was injured, what caused the wound, what action he took at the time, and where the wound might be.

Don't think he's talking nonsense, these can all be seen, but ordinary people certainly can't, at least they have to be professionally trained like him.

And if he blocks others, he can't see it, which seems to be looking for trouble, but it is these subtle details that kept him alive.

Jilidan looked at the scars on Xiu's hands, there were bruises caused by whipping, long purple marks, red spots pierced by thorns, or red scars caused by further pulling. The epidermis should have been scraped at the time, but now only the marks of scabs and falling off are left.

Jilidan reached out and gently placed his hand on Xiu's arm, then carefully touched the wounds. For some reason, he felt his hand shaking.

Suddenly, the scene flashed back, and he remembered that the new scars were caused by Xiu's search for himself.

First, he went off-road violently, and then he took it and Pibaobao to deal with the enemy. In order to protect them in the tumble, he had these large areas of scratches.

Most of the scratches have scabbed over, and they are dotted and look shocking.

Suddenly, Xiu felt a wet feeling on his hand, and he looked over and found that Jilidan was crying.

This made him a little confused. Why did he cry?

"What's the matter?" Xiu turned his hand, then grabbed Jilidan's hands and comforted him: "Don't cry~ If you are not sure, forget it, wait until you are familiar with it."

Xiu thought Jilidan was afraid that he would hurt him directly, just like last night, and he didn't think that Jilidan was like this because he saw the wound on his hand.

After all, Xiaofudan didn't care about this before, he just knew to play and eat stupidly. Even if you said anything to it, it would think you were looking for it to play, and it would not cry when it saw the wound.

And these injuries look exaggerated, but they are actually superficial injuries, and they may be completely healed in a day or two.

So he didn't really care.

Jigglypuff looked up at Xiu, his eyes moist, and it was hard to tell whether the expression on his face was guilt or worry.

"Okay~" Xiu smiled and touched Jigglypuff's bald head, comforting him: "I'm here~ Don't be afraid."

When it was still young, it often cried, sometimes because it was hungry, and sometimes because it couldn't find him.

Thanks to Landmine 168, Fat Ant, and Blue Collar? Xiaoxiaosheng for the reward...

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