Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 504: Breakthrough under pressure

"Believe in him..."

The giant mantis retracted its claws and returned to its position to continue the training just now.

Jigglypuff glanced at the direction of the bathroom, then looked back at the giant mantis, and the uneasiness on his face gradually subsided.

But it did not go back to train like the giant mantis, nor did it continue to move forward. Instead, it closed its eyes and slowly opened its mouth.

At first, intermittent syllables came out of its mouth, so subtle that it could not be heard, but the sound gradually became louder and the rhythm became clearer.

For some reason, Jigglypuff's face also showed a gentle smile, and he was more and more immersed in it.


An inexplicable wave slowly spread with the rhythm of Jigglypuff's singing.

The giant mantis stopped again, and it was stunned in place. This rhythm...

Isn't this the little song that Xiu hummed when he coaxed Xiao Fudan?

For some reason, the giant mantis actually felt that the surroundings were very comfortable and relaxed.

It accidentally saw the sandshrew that had fallen to the ground and fell asleep, and remembered what Xiu had said before:

"Your physical defense is very good, but your mental resistance is not very good. It is difficult to resist hypnosis, confusion and other states."

This sentence is also one of the reasons why the giant mantis trained so hard, and it was necessary to hone its will.

It immediately became alert and began to actively resist the influence of this sound.

Mental toughness is also a very important factor.

If the will was stronger at that time, it would not have to watch Xiu and Casey suffer for itself...


The sound of metal friction.

The giant mantis raised its head suddenly, and its claws sank down and retracted to its waist. Its eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and a white luster instantly flowed through its body.

It is [Gathering Qi].

And this wave is continuous, and the giant mantis is constantly making a fuss of light, like a rolling wave.

In order to resist the influence of the Jigglypuff, the giant mantis unconsciously recalled the original scene, and a huge and nameless pain surged into his heart, which immediately dispelled the comfort and replaced it with grief and anger.

Jigglypuff's singing continued, and the influence it produced made the giant mantis only able to resist by constantly recalling.

The two completely different emotions born in it began to collide and intertwine.

The flashing light on the giant mantis became more frequent, and the white light produced became higher and higher. Some of them had already separated from its body, rising up in flames and covering its body.


The teeth-grinding metal squeezing sound came, and in addition to the flickering white light on the giant mantis, there was an additional layer of metallic luster, which slowly spread from the claws to the whole body.

The whole breath became abnormal.

The giant mantis actually realized the method of balancing the energy in the body from the interweaving of the two emotions, and finally broke through a long-standing goal at this moment.

At the same time, the two energies in the body were called upon to complete [metallization] while [gathering qi].

Compared to the commotion outside, the bathroom was much calmer.

Xiu stood naked under the shower, closed his eyes, raised his head, and let his whole face be impacted by the water.

He looked normal, but his body was strange.

His chest stopped rising and falling, and the whole person was like a wax figure, motionless, and even without breathing.

Casey on the side did not show any expression, just floating behind him with eyes closed, looking as if she didn't care about Xiu's situation at all.

When the singing came from outside, Casey slowly opened his eyes, glanced outside, looked at the sculpture-like Xiu, and quickly closed his eyes again.

There was a little trouble just now.

Maybe I was too proud.

Maybe I relaxed after completing some things.

Maybe I was too tired today.

Maybe it was the influence of the suitcase before.

I just communicated with Casey habitually, and suddenly the sequelae broke out.

Those suppressed emotions surged out from the depths of his heart without any signs, trying to occupy his rationality. The fluctuations caused by Xiu's resistance would naturally disturb the elves outside.

Xiu didn't think there was any problem with this sequelae.

Since he enjoyed the huge benefits brought by superpowers, he naturally had to bear the corresponding price.

He was able to get out of the bottom and complete the original accumulation largely thanks to Casey's ability.

If it weren't for it, he might still be picking up garbage in the park.

Moreover, this is not the first time he has encountered this situation, and he is fully capable of suppressing it again.

That is to adjust his breathing and hold his breath actively.

There is a great terror between life and death, and no emotion can compare to this. Only this can dispel the haze in his heart and let reason take over the mainstream again.

People can't suffocate themselves, no matter how strong your willpower is, so Xiu will hold his breath without scruples.

With his physique, three or two minutes is normal, but he didn't expect so many things to happen outside.

When the magical singing came.

Xiu didn't know why he would think of some of his previous experiences...

There is no extreme emotion, only a slightly dull daily life.

The first time I saw it.

The first time I held it.

The first time I fed it.

The first time I put it to sleep.

The feeling of flying into the sky.

Playing with them by the river.

Scenes flashed by like slides…

The originally strong and uncontrollable emotions slowly calmed down, and a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere enveloped him.

As if feeling the emotions transmitted by Jigglypuff, Xiu slowly lowered his head and opened his eyes.

In an instant! The suffocation that had been suppressed just now rushed to his brain, and Xiu couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The result was a series of coughs.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Water entered his nostrils.

When Casey saw Xiu wake up, his eyes became soft, and it was obvious that he also felt everyone's emotions.

"It's really deadly~" Xiu smiled bitterly and turned off the shower, and complained: "I didn't die from holding my breath, but it would be embarrassing if I choked on the water."

Xiu looked at Casey and smiled, "Let's go out."

Casey's mouth curled up slightly, but it disappeared in an instant.

Xiu pushed open the bathroom door and walked out, looking at the elf standing outside and said.

"I'm sorry to have worried you~"

Jilin stopped after hearing the cough.

Just now, it also felt the emotions that Xiu had fed back, and seemed a little happy.

And the giant claw mantis stood beside it, its tall body gave people a very safe feeling, especially its color scheme added a sense of mystery.

But now it actually seemed a little anxious, which rarely appeared in its expression.

"I have completed the balance of the two abilities."

"Okay! The results of the training are finally..."

Speaking of this, Xiu suddenly stopped, and his hand subconsciously touched his face.

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